- 243 berger bullets on deer Several of the deer ran off with no blood trail and were a bitch to find. It would not be my choice for any shot angle except broadside. 243 hunting bullet put through the vitals is going to put a deer down fast. 68g, the average velocity (V0) is 911m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 2339Joule. They do alot of damage. The 6mm 108 Grain Elite Below is a look at the 87 grain Berger VLD. 466, and in the . All deer went down in less than 100 yards, and the internal damage was amazing, but the blood trails were non existent on 3 of the 4. Last year I killed 4 deer with it, a 140lb doe, a 200lb buck, and two smaller 100lb deer. Nose Length Nov 16, 2013 · Stop aiming for the shoulder. Suitable for small capacity rifle cartridge cases and . some on here have said their ruger 10 twist or savage or remington would stabilize the 105 max. I'm waiting on my triggertech special and bullet supply. Bergers 6mm 108 Grain Elite Hunter was designed for shooters that want to utilize extremely flat shooting 6mm cartridges, like the 6mm Creedmoor or 6 PRC, to take animals at longer ranges than traditional hunting bullets. Thread starter iddave; Start date Jan 4, 2010; I. before it starts to expand. The heavier weight and optimized hybrid ogive design allow for the Rifle Bullet to retain energy for effective hydrostatic shock in animals from close ranges to easily Berger 6 mm Classic Hunter Bullets utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. Berger is best known for its long-range bullets, and the new Hybrid Hunter combines a low-drag, high-ballistic-coefficient, secant-forward ogive with the tangent ogive of traditional hunting bullets. You can take coyotes with this bullet quartering shots coming and going. 223 (hog gun - l The Berger Hunting bullet line is proving to be the one of the most lethal big game hunting bullets available. The first animal is a Red hind, estimated body weight 65-70kg, impact velocity approximately 2494fps, retained energy 1200ftlb. I tested the 87gr for Berger when it came out. I've shot deer with this bullet in a 243 Win. They were awesome. VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets are identical in design to VLD Target Rifle Bullets except utilize a thinner J4 Precision jacket for rapid expansion during game applications. Nov 30, 2018 · I have two Remington 700's, one 22" and one 24" barrel in 243. May 3, 2012 · My 243 AI with the 95 gr berger VLD maintains 1000ftlb out to 600+ yards. 243 AI 105 Berger at 3300 at 675 yards the bullet still has 1006 ft lbs of energy at 2078 fps. either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above More about this caliber: The . 300 Win Mag at 400 yds. The rifles were chambered in 243 AI, 240 Weatherby, 6mm-06 AI and 240 Gibbs. Oct 20, 2024 · Any . Specs show as a 1-10 twist. If their anything like the 140's out of my Sako finnlight in 6. Jun 15, 2024 · Hornady shows bolt-gun data for the 103-105-grain bullets to 2850 at 62,000, and 2550 at gas gun pressures of 52,000. I'm really liking that 105 grain Berger VLD hunting bullet and their calculator shows it is very stable at 2800 out of 1:7. 382. Their hunting bullets are made in the VLD or Hybrid designs. 204 ruger 35 gr hp. 105 Grain VLD 243 Caliber, 6mm (. It also isn't fussy as to seating depth. com/ronspomerout The Berger VLD Hunting Rifle Bullet is one of the flattest shooting hunting Rifle Bullets in the industry. 24-caliber V-Max varmint bullets . I been using them for a while. The entrance wound was . It has worked very well with every bullet I've tried in all my 243's (3) from 80 grain Sierra Blitz, 85 grain Sierra BTHP, Noslers 90 BT, to 100 grain Sierra Pro Hunters. I like the 95 grain Ballistic tips, they are accurate, expand well, and usually penetrate all the way through a deer. 532 for the 105 gr Berger is mind boggling. So far best I have come up with is IMR 4064 at average of 2978fps. nBerger . Colorado Parks and Wildlife however concur on the 1000ftlb for whitetail and 1500 (min) for elk. Bullet Dia. Berger Elite Hunter bullets dump their energy where it is most effective – inside the animal. If you want the highest velocity with your 243 to give RL-17 a try. The “best” deer bullet for . I'm putting a 1 in 8 twist on the 260 and wanted to see if that bullet would do well on deer size animals out to maybe 400 yds. The Hornady SST was a neck shot so it was bang flop. The 6mm 108 Grain Elite Hunter bullet was developed for hunters and long range enthusiasts seeking a high ballistic coefficient (BC) projectile that delivers massive hydrostatic shock. I settled on almost a one hole group jammed bullet. I am also going to put a 3x9x50 Leupold scope on this gun. 25 twist, I also have a Howa 1500 243 22" tube. I have read mixed reviews about their performance on close up shots. with . 100gr partitions have performed very well, and last year I bang flopped a big MT mule deer with a 105 gr Berger VLD. Apr 29, 2021 · Have shot the 243 Win since the late 60's. com/Facebook: https://www. Jan 31, 2013 · I've yet to try the Berger bullets but I've tried Nosler, Sierra, and Hornady in this weight range. These are bullet are made with a special design that works best as a short to medium range varmint/predator bullet. At that bullet weight and projectile velocity, enough kinetic energy is available to make clean reliable kills out to 400 yards. iddave New member. Base to Ogive: 0. The 87gr Berger and 95gr Berger I have used too, as have others using my rifle. With the 90 Noslers I found that IMR 4350 shoots the most accurate in my T3 Lite 243. 243 Winchester (95 GR Berger Bullets Data) reloading data with 42 loads. 650" 45. 243 and my favorite is the 95gr ballistic tips. The Berger VLD Hunting Bullet is one of the flattest shooting hunting bullets in the industry. Mule deer probably average a bit heavier than whitetails and (also on average) are probably taken at somewhat longer ranges. You can expect higher retained velocity with this bullet than most and that means more accuracy. The 108’s pair well with platforms chambered in 6mm Creedmoor, 6mm BR, 6x47 Lapua, 243 Winchester, 6mm Remington, 6XC, and a great number of other 6mm wildcat cartridges popular today. kevmarks11 FNG. 217. The 6 mm Classic Hunter Bullets are designed for magazine usage and can easily conform to SAAMI dimensions while reloading. Elite Hunter Bullets are identical in construction, shape and performance to the Berger Hybrid Target series, except they utilize a thinner J4 Re: Honest Opinion: Berger and Barnes bullet I shot my first deer with a 190 Berger VLD from my . 243 loads with H1000. It is a match bullet. 243 Win rifles is a 100 grain bullet in a cartridge containing enough powder to propel that bullet/projectile roughly 2900-3000 feet per second (fps). They had all shot this rifle at targets and prairie dogs and were comfortable with it. ly/RonSpomerOutdoorsSubscribeLinks:Website: https://ronspomeroutdoors. Ended up with over 500 of these bullets. I've shot all my deer at less than 200 yards and the Interlock always ended up on the skin on the other side and a dead deer less than 30 yards from where I Jul 2, 2012 · Berger says the classic needs a 1 in 10. behind a smaller bullet. 243 / 6mm 105 grain hunting (VLD) or Very Low Drag rifle bullet is one of the flattest bullets on the market today with superior resistance to drag and drift. May 15, 2008 · I am in the process of developing a new hunting load for my 243 ackley. 243 for deer. . I have killed a buch with 85 grain sierra hollow pt game king too. I shoot a 7 mm Rem Magnum and am planning to use 168 grain Berger VLD Hunting bullets. The bullet was DEVASTATING, I can't stress that enough. Remington says they are 1- 9. 243 bullet that works on deer; 95 Nos BT or Part, 100 Hdy BTSP, 100 Sie GK or PH, 100 Nos Part, 80 TTSX, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, et al . You really want to get an exit wound when you shoot light calibers at deer. Took three mule deer at 175, 230 and 400 yards. Rounds like the . Dec 23, 2021 · Many of the bullets in this section are found in economical hunting loads. 257, the 115 grain VLD with a BC of . Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Vihtavuori, Alliant, Norma, Accurate, Ramshot Jul 5, 2012 · I had an accurate load in my 243 win with the 85gr Sierra HPBT gameking bullet and so I tried the 87 berger with it and had a winner. 243 / 6mm 105 Grain Hunting Very Low Drag. Component bullets and loaded ammunition are available from Lehigh Defense. 308 caliber, but the exit was about the size of a softball. Jul 7, 2021 · Subscribe to my channel: http://bit. 243 and Berger bullets. The 108’s pair well with platforms chambered in 6mm Creedmoor, 6mm Jan 13, 2021 · Killed around 30 animals (antelope, deer, elk, bear) with 105 Berger hybrid out of 243 AI and its preformed great from 100-900yds Reactions: B_Reynolds_AK , menhaden_man and Kimber7man Hill Difficulty Jan 6, 2010 · Nosler and Hornady along with Sierra Pro-Hunters are bullets of choice but I want to load these Berger bullets: in . 243" 2. Pick the one your rifle shoots best with a powder you have plenty of and don't worry about the rest of the many options. 243 deer bullet choice. that distance with the 105 through the lungs makes for a dead deer. 42. Berger Hybrid bullets combine a tangent We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. I have had this experience with animals as small as antelope using a . 650" 44. 243 Winchester 95 Grain Berger VLD-Hunting~ The . The sweet spot is between 4350 and 4831 in burn rate for this case volume and bullet weight. 25-06 Rem. Does anyone have experience with these bullets they would like to share? Currently, I am trying out 3 powders: H1000, IMR 4350, and Reloader 22. 25”. Bullets used have been 100 gr Nosler Partition, 100 gr sierra game king,95 gr Hornady SST and 95 gr Winchester deer season XP factory ammo. 243 Win the past couple seasons. 243 are much more effective using the Barnes bullets and some of the others. Berger’s J4 Precision Bullet Jackets are world-renowned for having the best The best . Sep 9, 2017 · Perfect for animal culling, the 60-grain Controlled Chaos bullet also is well suited for varmint/predator hunting. I am using the 95 Classic with a Remington 243 takeoff rechambered to 6mm-284. 243 diameter). NOS PART H1000 . Get the Berger 243 Cal 6mm 87gr VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets (BER24524) for $51. 243 with amazing velocity. Lung shots are the way to go, avoid destroying meat and knock em out without the need to do any tracking. I crossed referenced data from 3 sources to get my starting point on the berger comparing similiar bullet in that weight. 30 caliber bullets. 99! Come see Arm or Ally's huge selection of firearms and parts! I've shot deer with this bullet in a 243 Win. 243 | 87gr | Berger VLD Hunting bullet. (Call for this load data) N120: Slower burning than our N110 powder. OAL: 1. I do think the bonded and other premium bullets have helped the marginal calibers though. Mar 10, 2012 · Best 243 bullet for deer? Thread starter veeman; Start date Mar 10, 2012; In a 6 XC and 6-6. Feb 17, 2017 · Assuming your Rem 700 is a 9 twist, the 95 berger vld is a great bullet for coyotes if your not worried about hide damage and will reach out at the longest ranges with great accuracy. whitetail shot with a . 22 centerfires and the . 0 2946 44,900 CUP 48. 833. 13. It is based on the . 264, the 130 grain VLD with a BC of . Hornady 75-grain V-Max Holding to the belief of the . I picked up a Sep 30, 2014 · I've taken a number of deer with these. The combina-tion proved ideal for coyotes and other varmints at long range, but deer was also in the marketing plans, and deer hunters were not enamored with the . We shoot mule deer all the time with a 22-250 and a 60gr Berger not an issue! Oct 20, 2024 · Any . 444 Marlin cartridges. 287 G7 BC. Animals drop quickly, with most immediately going into shock after such trauma. Nov 16, 2013 · Stop aiming for the shoulder. Berger Elite Hunter Bullets utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. Base to Ogive: 0 Apr 30, 2019 · Federal Ammunition is expanding its line of hunting loads, and one of the latest additions is the new Federal Berger Hybrid Hunter ammo. I'll likely eventually load for it. 552. I use them in several rifles. Never used the Berger bullets either so I can't comment on them. 710"; bullets: Berger 87 GR Match Grade VLD Hunting or Berger 88 GR Match Grade High BC FB Varmint. What has been discovered is that VLD bullets shoot best when loaded to a COAL that puts the bullet in a “sweet spot”. 30-30 and . Also note the measurements are with a stoney point oal bullet compartator. Whitetail performance: My 243 with the 87gr berger was used by 3 other hunters during our deer season. 035; barrel length: 24"; COAL: 2. yours may or may not. Developed for hunters and long-range enthusiasts looking for a high-ballistic-coefficient (BC) projectile, the Elite Hunter delivers a massive hydrostatic shock along with its . Best group at 100 was just over 3/8". Elite Hunter Bullets are identical in construction, shape and performance to the Berger Hybrid Target series, except they utilize a thinner J4 Jan 2, 2011 · And, as are the other Berger hunting bullets, they are devastating on deer as we shot 2 deer with them this year and talk about explosive. With bullets heavier than 85 grains I found that IMR 4350 works great. Jun 15, 2010 · the deer we have here vary, the mule deer can be 225; the whitetails barely make 100 on a huge trophy usually closer to 70-75 they are dinks. 6 mm VLD Hunting Bullets are designed to penetrate 2-3″ and then begin to expand and create a massive wound cavity up to 15″. Named for the popular 6mm bore size, Berger Hybrid 6mm Caliber 105 Grain Hybrid Rifle Bullets are built with a unique hybrid ogive that combines the best aspects of tangent and secant designs to produce a supercharged bullet that is efficient at long ranges, reduces wind drift and is easy on your weapon's rifling. But to be honest, deer bullets are deer bullets. . HSM Trophy Gold 243 Winchester Ammo 95 Grain Berger Hunting VLD (Very Low Drag) Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 20 Dec 26, 2010 · I have been messing with a . VLD Hunting Bullets are identical in design to VLD Target bullets except utilize a thinner J4 Precision jacket for rapid expansion during game applications. I have a few friends that swear by RL 19 in the 243 with heavier bullets. Twist is 1:9. While Bergers have primarily been touted as the go-to long range bullet, we have tested our bullets thoroughly at close ranges and high velocities to ensure that they perform where and Jan 4, 2010 · . Apr 17, 2008 · I loaded varget in 33, 34 and 35 grain incraments seated at 2. The buck at 230 required a second shot because I hit his spine on the first, shooting down on him, from high above. Nov 7, 2024 · A friend is going to get a . Nose Length: 0. 0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance these Berger bullets are some of the most balanced (under high RPM conditions). These bullets are available only in 6mm (. I've now loaded this bullet for my grandsons 243s. 243 & berger vld's on deer Here is something from Berger bullets The following has been verified by numerous shooters in many rifles using bullets of different calibers and weights. 516. 300 WSM at 378 yards. Federal Premium - Berger Hybrid Hunter 243 Win 95 Grain - 20 Rds . Berger Hybrid bullets are designed to achieve extreme accuracy for competitive and recreational target shooters. Jun 22, 2021 · I have found that if you have anything other than a clean broadside shot, the Berger bullets fragment too early not penetrating the body cavity and only wounding the animal. They even show a load on the label for . facebook. 5CM I'll be one happy Hunter. 243 Diameter) Berger Hunting Bullets (Box of 100) Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Apr 29, 2021 · I searched a bit, but didn’t find quite what I was looking for. Berger is excited to announce the new 6mm 108 Grain Elite Hunter bullet for small-to-midsized game. SPR BTSP H1000 . Jul 6, 2011 · These awesome results using the Berger VLD bullets got me to thinking about maybe trying either the 95 gr VLD or even the 105 gr VLD Berger bullets out of my . 243 Winchester loads for long-range shooting are 115-grain bullets pushing 3,150 fps. This is a VERY accurate bullet in my 6ppc's and 6 BR's also. 437) than all the previously mentioned bullets except the 95 gr VLD. 243 Winchester is a popular centerfire rifle cartridge that was introduced in 1955 by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. Feb 8, 2019 · 85 Sierra GK HPBT works just fine on pigs, so does any other . Oct 11, 2019 · The Berger Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters. 0 2876 45,700 CUP 47. What is the muzzle velocity of a . After reading some interesting stuff from Mule Deer/John Barsness, I gave the 115 Berger VLD's a try from my . Jun 4, 2009 · I figure if he can win The Presidents Cup with a 243 shooting those long slippery high ballistic coefficient bullets at a 1000 yards then maybe I can land one on a fat coyote at half that distance. The 105-grain Berger VLD, 105-grain Hornady A-MAX, and 107-grain Sierra MatchKing also make excellent long-range 243 bullets. I've not seen a deer or elk for that mater that would not get piled up with a 105 Berger from a 243. You have not seen it because it is a stupid test. Using J4 Precision Jackets with . 308 Winchester cartridge Dec 18, 2016 · I've taken and seen a lot of game taken with the . 243 speeds, those bullets also Jun 15, 2023 · An X gunshop owner where I deer hunt and benchrest competitor out of Williamsport PA said 38 grains of IMR 4064 with 85 grain bullet out of all the rifles he knows who shoot them, shot phenomenal. One shot May 11, 2020 · Berger has released a new Elite Hunter Bullet in 108-grain 6mm, for small to midsized game like deer and antelope. The average charge of all suitable powders is 2. 0C 3077 50,000 CUP 100 GR. 9 deer to be exact over the last 3 seasons. I got what I wanted, an exit wound on lung shots. Nov 21, 2013 · The majority of those 10 million American deer hunters will be pursuing one brand or another of whitetail. 247" and 2. K. Mar 19, 2013 · Hodgdon website list these . The Berger 6mm 108 Grain Elite Hunter was developed for hunters and long range enthusiasts seeking a high ballistic coefficient (BC) projectile that delivers massive hydrostatic shock. Oal of 2. 243 Winchester round Jun 15, 2013 · I have tried 100-V, VV N550, N-560, Ramshot Hunter, Reloader 17 and Reloader 22, H4350 and H4831. 243. Hit-ting at top . 95 GR. 243 Winchester; 95 Grain Berger Hybrid Hunter; 20 Rounds per box; Berger bullets feature an advanced boat-tail bullet with a high ballistic coefficient to provide the flattest trajectories, less wind drift and surgical long-range accuracy. I opt for the heavy bullets in the . 6mm Caliber (. Mar 25, 2011 · That goes for almost anything we shoot. Berger 95 Grain VLD Target Bullets are extremely popular for competitive long range applications. Apr 22, 2022 · Anyone shooting bergers on deer. So far we always have. 243 Win as a dual-purpose cartridge, Hornady manufacturers four, . Start at 40 gr and work up. 538. 243 Winchester with a 100-grain bullet? The muzzle velocity of a . They also work really good. My friend has shot a couple with the 95 grain berger and they worked good too. Try a few and see which one your gun shoots well. 5/47 Lapua, the Berger 105g VLD Hunting is just an incredible combo The Berger Classic Hunter Series is designed for the discriminating shooter and outdoorsman who insists that his loaded rounds function flawlessly Jan 15, 2005 · Does anybody have data or starting points with this bullet in 243? My first choice for powder is H1000 and H4350 but because of the shortage I'm open to others so all data would be appreciated. Oct 27, 2015 · any one have any experience with the 87gr Berger/Hunter in A 243?? Trying to work up loads. 22 caliber cartridges with light bullets. Berger 6 mm Hybrid Target Bullets utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. I am going to set this gun up to shoot 105 grain Hornady Amax bullets at around 2900 fps. 1 grains of H4350 was accuracy for my rifle. Also good for 7. Oct 23, 2013 · Back 30-40 years ago, we used common lead tip spitzers and round nose bullets, they worked. You find load data for 34 Berger bullets in caliber . Thread Fast twist (7-8) - 1) 105 AMAX/108 eldm, 2) 105 HPBT (Hornady or Berger) Berger 108, 109, 115 also work well. Berger's 6mm 108 Grain Elite Hunter was designed for shooters that want to utilize extremely flat shooting 6mm cartridges, like the 6mm Creedmoor or 6 PRC, to take animals at longer ranges than traditional hunting Rifle Bullets. Deep-Penetration, High-Weight-Retention Bullets To me, bullets in this category must retain at least 75 percent of their original weight—though 85 to 100 percent is much better—and, because of smaller frontal diameters post-expansion, offer very deep penetration. HDY A-MAX Berger 6 mm Boat Tail Target Bullets are often used by competitve shooters who seek the highest accuracy possible. 243 Winchester (87/88 GR Berger Bullets Data) Warning! Notes: Case trim length: 2. It shot ok out of my 09 Argentine mauser with a Douglass extra heavy bull barrel 1-10 twist. 0C 3000 49,800 CUP 105 GR. An ethical kill is our #1 performance goal and is demanded by our customers. Dec 25, 2015 · I'm excited to try these Berger Elite Hunters in my new Rem 700PCR Enhanced in 6mmCM. Apr 21, 2011 · Re: . VLD Hunting bullets are designed to penetrate 2-3″ into the vitals and then begin to expand and create a massive wound Electronic Game Calls Upland Calls Deer Calls Duck Calls Elk Calls Goose Calls Predator Calls Turkey Calls Lanyards. These designs incorporate a sharp nose and slightly thinner jacket that allows the bullet to penetrate 2 in. May 13, 2020 · Would like to get some input on the question above. 243 Winchester (6×52mm) is a popular sporting rifle cartridge. Load data for 146 loads in caliber . I do need to stick with a non temp sensitive powder since I'll be using this load for yotes, groundhogs, and some targets in the summer as well as deer Sep 8, 2015 · I shot hundreds of coyotes with the 60g Sierra with win 760 when we were hunting in Mexico, and it is the best fur friendly commercial bullet we found for a 243, also the bullet is on the tougher side. Then I was looking at the Hornady Ballistic Calculator and when shooting a . 243 Diameter) Bullets. Berger . 243 Win. 243 Win, with a 95 gr. So far I'm really impressed with the Berger 90gr target. 3 deer and none went over 30 yards during my testing. 311 compared to 0. Standard precautions apply, work up and check for pressure signs, this load is for my rifle only and may not be safe in yours. This unique construction enables hunters to experience Berger’s world-renowned target-grade accuracy out of a magazine fed or factory rifle. Jan 4, 2010 #1 Anyone tried the 68 grain Bergers on Coyotes by chance? And 300 AAC BLACKOUT with BERGER 115 to 230 grain . to 3 in. For deer sized game, 800ftlb seems to be a more commonly accepted bullet energy target. It is consistent for all VLD bullets. Loading for A Remington 700 243 with A 24" barrel. 7 twist -- the twist of the Ruger American Gen 2 Predator. For coyotes. 0. Quickload shows this. To save bullets and time in Nov 13, 2014 · Lapua brass, CCI BR2 primers, Berger 105 Hunting VLD's and getting over 3140 fps, just under 3200 when the barrel was new. I love Sierra Game Kings for my . for sure it will stabilize a 95 baltip or sst or mk. 280 rem 140 gr vld 7mm mag 168 gr vld 280AI 168 gr vld going to a 180 gr vld . Oct 19, 2012 · . Conventional bullets shed 50% of their mass so a 100 grain bullet would end up being 50 grains. Hodgdons data also shows how Superformance is the best choice. However, I've never used it since 4350 worked so well when I shot the heavier bullets in the 243. Dec 18, 2017 · ballistic tips in my 243. Mar 12, 2002 · I just completed initial testing of the Berger 6mm 87 grain hunting vld bullet. I think it Mar 25, 2011 · The case is merely the launching platform for the bullet, choose the right bullet and place it correctly inside it's effective range and you'll pile them up 100%. 223 (hog gun - l Aug 19, 2012 · Never shot the Berger's but I'd look at IMR 4350. 243, mainly because the 100-grain big-game bullet was considered questionably light. Custom Winchester 70 with heavy hart barrel. Initially designed as a target/varmint round, it may be used for animals such as coyotes, blacktail deer, whitetail deer, mule deer, pronghorns, and wild hogs. Joseph Peter used this bullet in his Tikka . OAL: 0. I was using 95 grain SST's but I shot several deer at 100 yards or so and the bullet blew up with no exit hole. 243 this year and I'll be teaching her to shoot it. Nov 8, 2024 · A friend is going to get a . 486 for the 95 gr Berger and 0. I’m looking for some input on load data/development for the Berger 95gr VLD hunting bullet in 243 Win. It has a higher BC (G1 . bullet all the way up to a 250 lb. But I'd like your thoughts on brand and model. The ballistic coefficient of the Sierra 85 gr BTHP being 0. 62×39, . There isn't a big exit hole, not a mushrooming bullet, but that is OK. I tested the bullets in four of my top 6mm hunting rifles with 1-10 twist on target and hunting performance. Aug 28, 2012 · I am going Elk hunting in Colorado this November. The 6 mm Hybrid Target Bullets are competition proven and a favorite amongst today’s top long range competition shooters. 287" this is based on a coal measurement with the 95gr berger in my gun. The Berger 6 mm VLD Hunting Bullet is one of the flattest shooting hunting bullets in the industry. I just bought the rifle from a friend, it’s a Savage Model 12 BVSS with a very low round count. Using bullets from Berger Match VLD Target or Match Grade VLD Hunting. This bullet is also a very good for deer. Do any members here have experience with these rifles and their ability to stabilize the 87 Grain Berger VLD hunting bullet? Just thought someone may have some real world experience. 209", 2. I have recently seen several deer shot with a 243 rifle. Our Classic Hybrid Hunter bullets also incorporate a slightly thinner J4 Precision hunting jacket, which allows the projectile to penetrate 2″ to 3″ before rapidly expanding. What bullet do you recommend for deer? I'm assuming either a 95 gr or 100 gr. They lightest bullet though is 95gn. Any of the 3 powders that you have will work fine in the 243 Win. Feb 27, 2006 · I used a 243 and these bullets to fill my doe tags on several occasions. 223 (hog gun - l More long range hunters consider Berger the best hunting bullet on the market because of the tight groups they can achieve and the reliable expansion on game. If you like Berger bullets and want to use them for hunting use the hunting VLD's, they have a thicker jacket that helps to keep the bullet mass more together. HIGH BC FLAT BASE BULLET DESIGN We make a few bullets which will be listed on the box as “HighBCFB”. They die quickly with any decent bullet that is well placed. 800" This is 15,000" off the lans. qrvt zsoly snjl jvthn pqzb syzfu fzxuf rub jvvhi hdkyw qawz ekfuex eick tkwipp smbpviad