Density penny lab Reagan/doral Senior High School. Obtain a clean graduated cylinder, 5 pre-1982 pennies, and 5 post-1982 pennies 2) Clean the pennies off using water 3) Measure the volume of the 5 pre-1982 pennies by filling your 100 mL graduated cylinder to the 50 mL mark. In 1982, the U. The units for volume are either cubic centimeters (cm 3 ) or milliliters (mL), so the units for density can either be g/cm 3 or g/mL. This density is closest to the density of zinc, which has a density of 7. Daniel Jiang Mod 7 |Density of a Penny| Purpose: Because pre 1982 and post 1982 pennies were made out of different types of Density of Penny Lab. A chemistry lab activity for high school students. What is a penny made of? We have been calculating density to find out. References Alexander, J. FUnit5. High school level. Materials List: Graduated Cylinder Water Balance (Triple beam) Pennies Background: Density is mass per unit volume (D = M / V). Density is also an intensive property; the Oct 21, 2020 · Density of Pennies Lab Name_____ Date_____Period_____ Materials: balance, 100 mL graduated cylinder, pennies, water Procedure 1. mass and more. In the late 1970 s the price of copper rose so dramatically that Congress feared the copper content in pennies would be more valuable than one cent and that people would hoard. Record the following data: appearance of the sample pennies, mass of each 10 penny sample, their volume, and the range of dates on the pennies. They are expected to find that pennies from before 1982 have a higher density, indicating they contained more copper than pennies made after 1982. • Using lab equipment for precise measurements • Applying rules of significant figures in measurements In this lab, you will measure the mass and volume of two sets of pennies: pre-1982 pennies and 1982 and later pennies. Block B . Copper and zinc are different elements and therefore have different density values. 2. The density of pennies made pre-1982 and post 1982 will be determined and compared. Purpose: Determine the densities of pennies which date from 1983 and later and of pennies from 1981 and earlier. Question #7 should be answered in the format of Claims-Evidence-Reasoning (CER). Please consider buying my whole year high school chemistry course: Student- myUofM Penny Density Lab. Mar 15, 2021 · CHM 1045 Lab Density of pennies Abstract: This a laboratory experiment is to compare the density of pre 1982 pennies and compare it to the host 1983 pennies. Now sort the pennies by their mint year. Data Analysis: (round all answers to the proper number of . Dec 2, 2019 · The average density for pennies made before 1982 is 7. The goal of this lab allows students to investigate, collect, and record mass and volume of pennies. g/cm3 a. While copper alone was used in pennies made before 1982, all pennies made since have been only copper plated and are made of a different metal on the inside. Then to compare the densities of those pennies to see what change or changes occurred in the composition of the pennies. docx Created Date: 10/20/2014 9:36:22 PM Sep 16, 2024 · Navaz Shaikh Lab project 1b Professor – Willam Horton Date: 10/28/2023 Procedure: Volume displacement experiment was planned to determine the density of penny on day 2. 19. 19 g/mL Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to Feb 18, 2021 · View Lab 1 Online Density Pennies. The student will then use this data to calculate the denstiy if pennies. . DENSITY OF PENNIES LAB. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. This makes some sense since the coin is 97. Use extra paper towel. Volume of Copper (cm3) ANALYSIS 1. CHM 110 Experiment/Lab 2 Density, Accuracy and Precision Lab Report Worksheet. ) All parts of this report must be typed. The conclusion of the lab was that pennies made before 1982 are more dense than those made after 1982. Mar 10, 2019 · Unformatted text preview: Josh Gensemer Period 1 Density of a Penny Lab Purpose: To determine how precise and accurate that a person can measure the density of a penny Background: Density: measure of how compact the matter in an object is density=(mass/volume) g/cm^3 Accuracy: describes how close a measurement is to a known or accepted value accuracy=percent error=|((actual-theoretical May 19, 2020 · View Density of Pennies Lab. Repeat steps 1 – 5 for pennies from 1981 or before. Part 1Record the masses of your pennies from slides 4-5 on the chart below. Procedures: 1. Eugene Lemay, Matthew E. 26g/mL. The mass is: 3. STEM-Students will find the density of pennies made of different elements through inquiry and testing. 14 g/ml. Part A Comparison of Penny Densities Pre and Post 1982. Bio lab quiz 1 (lab techniques, osmosis, enzymes) 38 terms. According to the U. 546g and the volume is 0. 3. Dec 8, 2015 · Therefore, the density of the second metal can be found using the following formula: Average Density of 1984 Penny = (0. 232 g/mL. Nov 18, 2010 · BIOLOGY PENNY LAB - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Name_ Penny Lab Date_B_ ABSTRACT Background: You may have heard the riddle, Feb 18, 2021 · View Lab 1 Online Density Pennies. Density by Displacement Lab . The purpose of this lab is to understand density’s’ significance. DATA TABLE 1 (Pre-1982 Pennies) # of Pennies Mass (g) Initial Volume (mL) Final Volume (mL) 5 10 15 20 25 30 *Record the appropriate number of significant figures for each measurement. Worksheet 2. Students determine this through water displacement of pennies before 1982 and after 1983. Before and after 1982. volume a. Before 1982, pennies were made of a copper alloy. The units for mass are grams (g). Originally, American pennies were made of 95% copper. Answer all questions in the lab. As you learned from the “Hollow Penny” activity, pennies minted before 1982 are pure copper. Great for a eighth grade science teacher or chemistry teacher reviewing density at the high school level. Continue adding 5 pennies until you have the volume for 15 and 20 pennies recorded. Students will use common lab tools-scale and graduated cylinder to measure and math to find density. ) Find the density of copper on the properties of metals table in this lab. The Objectives of this lab are: · revise a hypothesis · accurately gather and record data relevant to the hypothesis · analyze the data graphically · develop an explanation for your results Part 2 Why do you think the mass of a penny varies the way it did in your previous investigation? Write down your hypothesis. Viscosity and density lab. Students will calculate the density by dividing mass by volume and analyzing the slope Calculate the density of a penny given that the mass is 2 g and the volume is 0 mL. volume b. 18 g/ml for post 1982 which is quite close to that of Zinc density of 7. Microsoft Word - Penny Density Lab 2014. The unit of volume is in milliliters (mL) or cubic centimeters (cm 3) since, we know from our notes that 1 mL = 1 Use density to determine if a penny was minted before or after 1982. docx. Sep 16, 2024 · Navaz Shaikh Lab project 1b Professor – Willam Horton Date: 10/28/2023 Procedure: Volume displacement experiment was planned to determine the density of penny on day 2. density a. Show your work with the correct units and number of significant figures. Add 5 more pennies for a total of 10, and record the new volume. 07 at Mainland High School. Density Pennies Lab 2020 online (1). Write a one-sentence caption for your graph. Lab #1: Density and Composition of Pennies – Background, Procedure, Pre-lab. Dec 19, 2018 · View Lab - Density of Penny Lab from CHEM 1. Oct 25, 2019 · 3. Explore density with this General Chemistry lab activity! Compare pre- and post-1982 pennies to identify core metal. Density = mass (g)/volume (mL) In this lab, you will determine and compare the density of two sets of pennies by graphing mass vs. (a) – Advantage: it gives better information to calculate it with greatest number of significant The accepted value for the density of post-1983 pennies is 7 g/cm 3. Transfer the wet pennies onto a folded paper towel on your lab bench and dry each penny completely. Penny Set A was minted before 1982. 5 % copper with a density of 8. Feb 26, 2023 · Chemistry document from San Diego State University, 6 pages, Title: Measuring the Mass and Density of Pennies Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to measure the mass and density of pennies to highlight how a penny's density has changed since its original creation in 1909. Mint, Pennies dated 1962-1982: Composition: 95% copper, 5% zinc Density of pre-1982 penny = 8. Based on these results, I Based on these results, I believe the pennies were made from the element tellurium, which has a density of 6. volume. 2 . What is the purpose of this lab? To determine and compare the densities of pennies made May 24, 2020 · Conclusion: In this lab, the pre-1982 pennies had an average density of 8. Murphy, H. Students also studied. The old pennies density was extremely close to the density of copper given in Table 1. g-cm3 b. CHEM 1111 Sution Mass, Volume and Density of Old versus New Pennies Calculate the density of a penny given that the mass is 2. Calculate the actual volume of each set of pennies by subtracting the initial volume of water from the final volume of water and pennies. Oct 22, 2022 · In this lab, we compare the density of pennies from pre and post 1982 and determine their percent composition of copper and zinc. Save. And finally, to try to identify possible metals in the cores of the pennies. This PowerPoint goes along with my density of a penny lab but can be used by itself. To obtain these densities masses will be obtained from balance measurements and volumes will be obtained from liquid displacement. doc from CHEM 121 at Green River College. Determine the density of the pre-1982 penny and the post-1983 penny sample. Apr 3, 2017 · Enhanced Document Preview: Laboratory Report: Measuring the Densities of Pre-1982 and Post-1983 Pennies. Objective: To measure the density differences between pennies made in 1982 and before with those made in 1983 and after. 5% copper Density of post-1982 penny = 7. The pennies were separated by year pre and post 1982 and bucket, beaker, thermometer, distilled water, analytical balance, and centrifuge tube was used to complete this Penny Density Lab Required sections: Header Title Purpose Procedure Data Graph Calculations Questions Conclusion Background Information: Pennies minted before 1982 are composed of 95 percent copper and 5 percent zinc. Use values from steps 3 & 4 to calculate the density of a penny. Hypothesis: Even though pennies pre 1982 are the same exact size as pennies post 1982 the pennies post 1982 are denser because the change went from copper to zinc. Keep in mind that 1982 pennies will not work for this lab since both copper and zinc pennies were made in that year. Fill graduated cylinder with roughly 50 mL of water. 5% zinc, 2. 5 g/cm3, indicating a change in composition. 975)(density of metal 2) The equation was solved for the density of metal two, using the average density of the 1984 penny found in Part II. Record LAB TABLE # and record if your pennies are either BEFORE 1982 or AFTER 1982 in you data table (circle one). 1 mL. density c. What are the dates of the pennies used in the lab? 1 / Requirements for density of pennies lab Report (general chem. 0723 which subsequently tells the density of old pennies is 9. d. Stoltzfus, Patrick Woodward Chemistry lab report on penny density. W. 3 g/mL. Density Lab Document Summer 2020 Chem 121 Name:_Kaylyna Moksivong_ g The density ( mL ) of an object can be used to identify It contrasts pre-1982 posts 1982 pennies to show that they are made of different materials. Apr 10, 2022 · View Density of Pennies lab report. 94) + (0. cm3 c. Using a balance to determine the mass of pennies and the radius and height of pennies to determine the Volume of pennies, you will be able to calculate the Density of pennies from the years 1947-1981 and 1983-present. Mathematically, density (D) is defined as the mass (m) of a substance or object divided by its volume (V) or D = m/V. 1. Newer pennies are actually almost entirely composed of zinc, but the thin coating of copper on the outside makes new pennies look very much like they are made of copper. docx from CHEM 131 at Pierce College. Student:_ General Chemistry Lab 2045C (Online) Comparing the Density of Pennies-SL Introduction: Occasionally Mar 15, 2021 · CHM 1045 Lab Density of pennies Abstract: This a laboratory experiment is to compare the density of pre 1982 pennies and compare it to the host 1983 pennies. Show calculation of the density of pennies for both trials: 2. 92g/ml. weight c. docx from CHEM 103 at Indiana University, Bloomington. Background: Before 1982, pennies were made of a mixture containing 95% zinc and 5% copper. Johannesson. Students Sep 28, 2021 · View Density Pennies Lab 2020 online (1). The density of an object can be found by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. Your graph should have two lines: one for pre-1982 and one for post-1982. (2012, February 23). docx from CHEM 101 at Ronald W. Chemistry: The Central Science 14th Edition • ISBN: 9780134414232 Bruce Edward Bursten, Catherine J. pennies have been composed of copper and zinc since 1959, but the ratio of copper to zinc has changed over the years. S. Penny Set B was minted after 1982. 4. Then, we will calculate the density to compare the composition of old and new p Apr 5, 2021 · Lab: A Penny for your Thoughts Background Information: Density is defined as the ratio of mass to volume, as its formula is d = m / v. Submit Search. This assignment is broken down into two parts. The newer pennies have a density of 8. You should use this in conjunction with the formal lab report packet because this does not include all parts that should be in each section! Density = mass of substance (g)/volume of substance (mL) In this lab, you will determine and compare the density of two sets of pennies by graphing mass vs. Nov 3, 2020 · In this lab you will find the density of the pennies of 1982 and the density of the pennies made after 1982. (Caution: This is the assignment’s purpose as a teaching tool, not the lab’s purpose. 7. • Compare the average densities of pennies made before and after 1982. Materials List: Graduated Cylinder Water Balance Pennies Background: Density is mass per unit volume (D = M / V). 0723 g/ml. CHM 1083. Nov 18, 2010 8 likes 10,506 views. Subtract initial volume from final volume to calculate the volume of your pennies. 1) The document describes a lab experiment to determine the year the composition of US pennies changed from mostly copper to mostly zinc. 87 g/mL Pennies dated 1982-present: Composition: 97. 10. Celine Pham Jack Demshuck, Eric He Mrs. A graduated cylinder is used to measure_____. Newer pennies should look shinny and less reddish. Record volume to the nearest 0. The units for mass are in grams (g). Density of Pennies Lab. 2) By measuring the density of pennies from 1960-2010 and recording the results in a data table, the lab aims to identify the year when penny density shifted from around 9 g/cm3 to 7. 5 % Zinc and 2. May 24, 2020 · Conclusion: In this lab, the pre-1982 pennies had an average density of 8. Lab that has students determining the material in pennies that were made after 1983. 1 . 5g/mL. Copper and zinc are both metallic elements and they share many physical properties, but they have different densities. Graph your data, mass vs. Students wil Lab: A Penny For Your Thoughts Background Information: Density is defined as the ratio of mass to volume, and its formula is density = mass ÷ volume. docx Created Date: 10/20/2014 9:36:22 PM 1. CHEM LAB: DENSITY OF A PENNY /30 pts. Mint changed the composition of Mar 30, 2016 · Enhanced Document Preview: 1 Density of Pennies Lab Report Abigail Koss Lab partner: Estelle Oyer Introduction The penny composition has been altered multiple times since the production of the first one-cent coin in 1793. Density of Pennies CHEM-C103 9/16/13 The Oct 23, 2020 · In this lab, we will compare the densities of pennies made before 1982 and pennies made after 1982. CHEM-1111 nt/53196212/View nsity Penny Density Lab ity Lab Date Laboratory Instruetor Pre-lab Questions: 1. Jan 18, 2022 · Repeat using pennies from 1981 or before. Using pennies from 1982 or later, add one penny and record the new mass and volume. 9 g/mL. Conclusion 1. You will then graph the data, calculate the slope of the lines, and determine the density of the pennies. Materials: Composition book 5 pre-1982 pennies 5 post-1982 pennies 100 mL Graduated cylinder Water Electronic scale Internet 3. Older pennies tend to look darker and more reddish brown. Procedure: 1. Title: Purpose: Procedure: Data: (2tables, one for old pennies one for new just like the tables in you lab procedure. 50 grams [post 1982] The findings of a physics class: I calculated it in my physics lab with a group of students - To attempt to approximate for the different amount of Microsoft Word - Penny Density Lab 2014. Date: Name: Lab Table/Group:_____ Lab Partner: Penny Density Lab Graduated cylinder & water mass- Initial water volume: Post 1982 Pennies Number of Pennies Mass of Pennies & Cylinder (g) Mass of Pennies (g) Measured Volume on Cylinder (mL) Volume of Pennies (mL) 5 10 15 20 25 Pre 1982 Pennies Number of Why do some materials like wood float in water, and others don’t? Interact with blocks of different materials, including a custom option by modifying their mass and volume, to explore the effect on the density and discover the conditions for sinking or floating in water. Flashcard sets. Page 1 of 2 Lab Date _____ Density of Pennies Lab Name _____ Section A B C Analysis: Write a paragraph in your notebook to describe your data. Students Eliza Eshet Lab Partner: Zoe Sinton C103 T 2:30-5:30 pm Jing Yang September 23, 2014 Penny Density Lab Introduction Using pennies in an aqueous solution demonstrate the simple use of mass and volume required to understand the measurement of density. We use concepts of mass, di Careless measurement may require repeating the lab. mass, 3. 9/5/14 . We will then use that data to determine how density can b Oct 7, 2020 · View 09_density_of_pennies_lab. Since density is a physical property, we can measure it without changing the composition of a substance. The method used was volume by water displacement using a graduated cylinder. The collected data shows that the older pennies have a density of 7. 9. PURPOSE: A lab report is created to describe the use of common laboratory equipment to examine density of a solid and its composition. Students will measure the mass and volume of groups of pennies to calculate density. 8. Compare the density of copper with your value of the slope of the best-fitting line for the pre-1982 pennies. 6g/mL ± . Sep 11, 2020 · In this lab, we will use water displacement to measure the volume of pennies. Introduction . BIOLOGY PENNY LAB. Composition of a penny TRIAL 1 (TEN PENNIES) TRIAL 2 (ALL PENNIES) number of pennies mass of dry pennies (g) water volume before pennies added (mL) water volume after pennies added (mL) volume of pennies (mL) density of pennies (g/mL) 1. 11 grams [pre 1982] 2. {Mass, Volume, Density}This lab set guides students to follow the scientific method through lab inquiry. Be sure to indicate: The average density of the pre-1982 and post 1982 pennies from your results The elements (and their densities) that you believe the pennies are made from based on your results Penny Density Lab: Formal Lab Report Support Sheet *WARNING: This sheet is designed to help students avoid common mistakes and errors when writing the formal lab report for the Penny Density Lab. Density Lab Document Summer 2020 Chem 121 Name:_Kaylyna Moksivong_ g The density ( mL ) of an object can be used to identify Nov 26, 2020 · Lab: Measuring the Densities of Pre-1982 and Post-1982 Pennies Introduction: The composition of pennies has changed over time. Graph the volume of pennies (x-axis) against the mass of pennies (y-axis) for the pre1982 penny data. Play detective to determine the material of each block by comparing its density with the values in the table. Based on these results, I believe the pennies were made from the element nickel, which has a density of 8. Materials: electronic balance 18 pre-1982 pennies 18 1982 and older pennies 50 mL plastic graduated cylinder tap water How did changing the composition of pennies in 1982 change the density of pennies? Objectives • Determine the average densities of pennies by using mass and volume. Add another penny and record the new mass and volume. Since then, they have been made with an outside coating of copper and an inner core of a different metal. Since 1962, the penny has been composed of only two metals, copper and another metal. • Determine the average densities of pennies by using mass and volume. Study guides. Compare the 2 pennies and figure out the density difference. Jan 13, 2025 · 3 Table 3 Table 4 Calculations to do in your notebook: (include the formula and show one sample calculation for each type; report answers with 2 decimals and an appropriate unit) 1) The average height of one penny: pre-1982 and post-1982 2) The average diameter of one penny: pre-1982 and post-1982 3) The average volume of one penny: pre-1982 and post-1982 4) The experimental density of pre This document describes a lab experiment to determine the densities of pennies from before and after 1982. Compare your data from class to the bar graph (below) and see which metal’s density most closely matches the density of the pennies from class. 025)(8. Properties of Pennies part 2 . Dry the pennies before returning them to the Feb 21, 2024 · Name: Nina Feinberg Period: 7 Density of Pennies Lab Introduction During today’s class, you will be determining the Density and composition of two types of pennies. Includes procedures, data, calculations, and analysis of pre- and post-1982 pennies. Jun 17, 2013 · Density of Pennies Lab U. May 16, 2022 · CHEM LAB: DENSITY OF A PENNY Purpose: Determine the densities of pennies which date from 1983 and later and of pennies from 1981 and earlier. Name:_____ 80/1200 . Density of Pennies Lab (Inquiry) C. Fun lab where students follow the scientific method to find the density of pennies. Penny Density Lab . pdf from SCIENCE 450 at Upper Merion Area High School. , What is the reason for measuring 5 pennies at a time rather than an individual penny? and more. Abstract: This lab was about the density of penny. weight b. Sep 13, 2011 · Conclusion: In this lab, the pre-1982 pennies had an average density of 6. Carefully add stack of pennies to cylinder. Density is defined as the ratio of a substance’s mass to the volume it occupies. Repeat step 4 until 7 pennies from 1983 or later have been added. The pennies were separated by year pre and post 1982 and bucket, beaker, thermometer, distilled water, analytical balance, and centrifuge tube was used to complete this Comparing the Density of Pennies Lab. Measurement Packet #147-162 Penny Density Lab Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. In this lab, you will measure the mass of samples of pennies: two different single pennies and a group of ten pennies. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the purpose of the 'density of pennies' lab activity?, Define density. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. Place your old and new pennies into separate dry beakers. 38g/mL; while, the average density of pennies made after 1982 is 7. 9481 g/ml and in figure three the slope of the line is 9. Why use a sample size of 10 pennies instead of one single Density of Pennies Pre-Lab. We usually report density using units of g/mL (liquids) or g/cm3 (solids). ) How you found the volume of pennies 2. May 20, 2024 · Density is 7. Students will measure mass and volume of different groupings of pennies to determine the density of a penny. • Infer the change made in the composition of pennies in 1982. g, 2. Sep 20, 2018 · Lab Investigation: Density of Pennies Learning Target #8: I can measure mass and volume accurately Learning Target #9: I can calculate density accurately Purpose: Determine the densities of pennies which date from 1983 and later and of pennies from 1981 and earlier. ) Retrieve 5 pennies all from Feb 10, 2020 · Density Pennies Lab 2020 online (1). Staley Period ⅚ Honors Chemistry 14 November 2019 Density of 5 days ago · In Figure 2 the slope of the line is approximately 8. If we use the units of grams (g)for mass and cubic centimeters (cm3) for volume, then the units for density will be d. Sep 16, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: Density of Pennies Lab Adapted from: The Penny Experiment Revisited: An Illustration of Significant Figures, Accuracy, Precision, and Data Analysis, Joseph Bularzik, Journal of Chemical Education 2007 84 (9), 1456. docx from CHM 1083 at Lake-Sumter State College. 3) Analysis of the density My hypothesis that the pennies made after 1982 would be denser than those minted later was supported by the experiment. Jun 19, 2020 · View Density of penny lab. In this lab, firstly, measure the mass and volume of penny because the formula for density is mass over volume to find the density. 27 mL. Lake-Sumter State College. CHM-1045L June 19, 2020 Density in Pennies Abstract The objective of this experiment is to determine the Review for "pop quiz" on the the Density of Pennies lab. ) How you found the density of pennies (20pts) Conclusion: Answer the purpose of the lab. Metal Density (g/cm 3 ) magnesium aluminum zinc 6. ). 1909-1982 pennies worth more. 912 g/mL. 07 g/mL ± 1g/mL. In this experiment, you will use a graph to determine the density of post-1983 pennies. sigfigs) 1. ___ is the amount of matter an object has. Student:_ General Chemistry Lab 2045C (Online Measuring the Density of Pennies Purpose/Introduction: The objectives of this lab was to determine the density of pennies minted in different years. 9481 which shows the density of the pennies is 8. Perfect for High School students. Mar 3, 2025 · 12 CHM 210 • Lab 1 Part 2. qalua rxray qelud kahj fiu zzncwvnk quplh zwpib gaj jmjj etscnu xnfxge gmfyw bgtxvk kds