- Diep spike build It upgrades from the Triple Shot at Level 45. The Diepio Triple Twin Guide. io 사상 최악의 상성관계에 해당한다. com. I'd even rate them above Trapper line at supporting role as you're essentially a moving fortress that your teammates can use as cover to hide in very easily. 0/3/2/5/7 This article is about builds in Arras. You can also use 5/7/7/0/0/0/7/7 if you want to ram tanks but Annihilator is a better rammer, although the Booster is faster in a race the Annihilator can ambush tanks with its sudden recoil. io People that know how this game works understand that removing a skill check in an encounter will result in people that use this class as a crutch and the defender no matter how skilled would be unable to defend because developer took away the skill need. Octo plays some DIEP. May cause stat requirements to be higher or lower when compared to hybrid builds. The Mega Smasher looked very similar to the normal Smasher but had a much larger outer hull, which was about 1. FFA High. The build is for the Brawler, Spike, and uses the Life Plant gadget, Curveball star power, Sticky Spikes gear, and Shield gear. I call this build "The Booster Booty Hunter" because it is capable of no-selling a ram Booster's back guns. The upgrade replaces the hexagonal base with 12 spikes surrounding the tank and increases its base Body Damage by 8 HP per hit. Use 5/7/7/0/0/0/7/7 for Booster. Spike has 6 Super Rare Gears and one Mythic Gear. It upgrades from the Tank at level 30 and upgrades to the Landmine, Auto Smasher, Spike, and formerly Mega Smasher at level 45. For the Gadget, Life Plant is used 63% of the time making it slightly better than Popping Pincushion. -Spike: An counter of Battleship, especially when they use a good build (such as 3/10/10/10 build). io. Recovery is important as it reduces the risk you'll be caught out in the open with low health. IO!☻CLIQUE AQUI para se inscrever: http://bit. Balanced: The build goes as 2/4/4/2/7/7/7/0. This tier list was made from the members of Diep Colony, a competitive Diep. Now it's pretty much a Booster with side cannons minus the two back barrels; side cannons are much less useful than before. It features a circular body surrounded by twelve black spikes which turn very quickly and are unique to the class. Before the nerf of side cannons Fighter was probably on par with Penta Shot in terms of overall viability and usefulness. Upon upgrading: It replaces the Bullets with Traps. Make the Drones go around the Factory Drones’ bullets and focus on the Factory itself, damaging it until it dies or gets too close. Anyone touching the Stalker, which is invisible, will die due to the Body Damage. It upgrades from the Smasher at level 45. Best Spike Build Diep. You don't Nov 28, 2021 · Four tanks that smash just into bullets. these are the most players think Overlord, booster, fighter, annihilator - a-s assassin type tank-c-d trapper type -c-f Overtrapper, Auto smasher - f Dec 8, 2019 · My first spike 1m in Diep. Now the tank's goodness in gamemodes. I enjoyed playing this turnaround with a bunch of 31 votes, 41 comments. THE DIEPIO HUNTER GUIDE. So at least some points into health and body damage, usually ending up with a build vaguely similar to overlord's build except with some sacrifices made to give it a little more reload so it can safely escape overlord claws. It is the second fastest tank in the game, (the first being a Level 8 Tank Start from 0/0/0/0/7/7/7/0 This gives you 12 points to distribute in any way that you like. r/MechanicalKeyboards Tiers are separate Tank Classes, organized with the characteristics of their weapon(s). 34m with spike with a fast ratio!enjoy. My personal build is going 0/1/0/7/7/6/6/6 1 on max hp to resist sniper bullets that you don't expect 6 on Damage and penetration is because you almost never encounter a situation where the base damsge of the hybrid won't one-shot a tank or badly damage it (Notorious case with Factories and focused bullet spammers) Here are some builds I use 0/3/3/6/6/6/3/6 - Hybrid - This is my main build now - best 570k 1/2/2/7/7/5/2/7 - Hybrid - A little more movement speed and bullet speed but less reload and health - best 641k (but I used it with annihilator that time :P) In this video, I'll be showcasing the best builds for every level 45 tank in *Diep. Members Online What are good builds for factory (as I don't use factory), Annihilator (I want to try new builds), and Pentashot (for farming runs). This build supports the damage of a sniper, the health of a rammer, and the speed of a Fighter all in one. The Penta Shot has five cannons instead of the Triple Shot's 3 that all fire simultaneously. THE DIEPIO AUTO SMASHER GUIDE THE DIEPIO AUTO TRAPPER GUIDE THE DIEPIO BASIC TANK GUIDE. The build is:7/7/7/0/6/6/0/0. The Diepio Landmine Guide. Spike build still remains the same, though. io! If you enjoyed, like and subscribe!If you're wondering why the score/time is so poor, it's because I was afk for 50 minutes and This build is incredibly fun, and you can get leaderboards within 5 minutes and 30+ kills. This is good also for bullet spammer tanks like Octo Tank, Spread Shot, and Penta The Spike is the third upgrade available from the Smasher, as of September 30th, 2016. io Best build for landmine/spike . io! YouTube Best Spike Build Diep. It is a type of tank which can be upgraded from Flank Guard at level 30. 43%. IO to show you how to get the SPIKES upgrade and even scores a new personal record of ~45k points. THE DIEPIO GUNNER TRAPPER GUIDE. Oct 3, 2016 · Today I found the new Spike class! The Spike is a new tank added in Diep. First, you have to tap spike as auto smasher. It boasts significant I think booster ram is A because booster ram can win a spike easily And annihilator, it can ram but it also has an OP weapon, it’s the best tank to sneak kill players. Due to the Spike's enormous heath and body damage, it can reach the Battleship's body without having many problems, due to Battleship's low DPS, especially when they come frome above/below (you don't have much time to react). As you know, the Developer is always adding new classes like the spike. Although you need to be in close range to kill tanks you are faster so use that to your advantage. When playing the Spike, note that even with maxed out movement speed the Spike still lacks speed compared to other rammers. Spike is going to be shoved around by Overlord. com/BadKarma764Music pr 02307777 would probably be the most effective build. My build is 3/10/10/10, but if you want regen, I would go with 6/8/9/10 or 6/7/10/10 특히 하이브리드는 만렙 기준 Diep. Diep. thanks to Nyrox, Endless, Glitcher, Merhamet edin for helping on the run!Build: Use this mini-guide to decide how you should build an annihilator. They're about as fast as a booster ram. Best landmine build is classic smasher build: 3/10/10/10 Related Diep. The shape of the Spike changes from a hexagon to a 12-pointed star. Since there aren't a lot skilled Apr 14, 2023 · (SpikeのBody Damage0と他機体のBody Damage2が同能力で、Body Damage8でSmasher、Auto SmasherのBody Damage10と同能力。 Smasher 族の伝統、ただでさえ10までポイントが振れるため体当たりでは間違いなく最強といえる。 Nov 18, 2024 · Spike’s optimal build consists of the Curveball Star Power paired with the Life Plant Gadget. Second, don't get close to tanks, your bullet wall works better at a distance. Like the Auto Trapper and the Auto Gunner, this Auto Turret cannot be (SpikeのBody Damage0と他機体のBody Damage2が同能力で、Body Damage8でSmasher、Auto SmasherのBody Damage10と同能力。 Smasher 族の伝統、ただでさえ10までポイントが振れるため体当たりでは間違いなく最強といえる。 The Smasher is a Tier 3 tank in Diep. Survive and shoot at others while trying to keep your own tank alive! Recently, i started playing diep. io classes - the spike. The Auto Smasher features a circular body placed in a black hexagon with a single Auto Turret mounted on the top of the tank's body. io Build series where I will show you the best builds of the tanks. For the Arras. Auto 5 is a Tier 4 tank in Diep. The Smasher features a circular body placed on a black hexagon, like a Dominator except with no Barrels or Launchers, and much smaller. (If you don't know the build, here it is, 02307777) First of all, C+E is your friend. Builds can be found in each tank's wiki page. The Diepio Skimmer Guide. com/GeoffMillerRealhttps://instagram. ioFollow mehttps://facebook. Try maximum movement speed so like a build with 0/2/3/0/7/7/7/7 instead. Aug 5, 2021 · subscribe-----Timestamps-----01:16 Annihilator01:53 Auto 502:03 Auto Gunner02:17 Auto Smasher02:29 Auto Trapper02:42 Battleship02:56 Booster03:23 Factory Diep. io Spike Tank Update!! Branches off the Smasher at level 45 and stronger smasher. Most people like taking reload instead of taking penetration. If the spike is smart and it runs away keep chasing it but be aware of their turning back. io Spike. As it turns out, it is not possible to outram a super ram tank using 4 engine acceleration, thanks to the buff to shield capacity. r/motogp. Just avoid all conflict and farm your way to the I also like hybrid , my favorite build is 2/1/0/7/6/6/3/7. This is because I think having slightly more regen can benefit you in ffa, due to the fact that you will lack the protection of a base and you are constantly exposed to enemy bullets. Build: 4/9/10/1 hey everyone,Today i show how i got 1. Beware of long shots, however as your bullets move quite slowly. This tank lengthens the center cannon and adds two in-between the center cannon and the side-most cannons. From the August 7th Update, the Landmine has another hexagon shell overlapped by the first one that spins half as fast. What is the best build for a factory diep? As the Battleship, a glass build is best for fighting a Factory. I used to do the 3/10/10/10 build but I found health regen to be way to slow. The Spike is one of the three Upgrade choices from the Smasher, and can be selected at Level 45. However, the Spike is strong against other melee tanks such as Booster It's possible and I did it before to kill spike with auto smasher even if both have the same build. It utilizes just enough party members to stand on the five pressure plates in room 6 (Aspect of Pain), which is necessary in order to warp the party past the gate to room 7 (Aspect of Depletion). The best way to level up is to destroy other tanks, It's fun to troll people in the Soft counters are tanks that definitely beat you in 1v1, but you can get away from them pretty easy, which make them more of an obstacle than a threat. a rammer drives into another tank or "rams" to kill them A rammer build consists of: 7 health regen 7 Max health 7 body damage 7 movement speed 5 of any other upgrades The most common rammers are (in alphabetical order): Annihilator Booster Destroyer Landmine Smasher Spike Tri-Angle The Smasher This article is for the original Diep. But I have been absoluting killing using a support build of 10/6/7/10. ===🛒 GET MERCH NOW! Visit the DGtv Et Sep 1, 2023 · The most INFORMATIVE diep. No, movement speed is extremely important especially for tank with no recoil like octo or triple twin and without speed you literally a turtle and can't chase or outrun enemies unless you play trapper, just because you play penta shot or auto 5 as "defensive classes" doesn't mean you're invincible to enemies and I don't care if you still using that turtle build but A Rammer is a tank/player with a Rammer build (Max Body Damage, Max Health, Max Regen, etc. Its Auto Turrets are evenly placed around its body at 72-degree intervals. Knocking into others, gunning others down). Defensive penta is quite straightforward. i am not an expert in it but i hope i did good. Early Levels In the early levels, you generally want to max out bullet speed, damage, and penetration. com Use 3/10/10/10 Most common Spike Build and a good Spike build. To see more, you can go here to view the best Spike build and others. It upgrades from the Sniper at level 30 and upgrades to the Tri-Trapper, Mega Trapper, Overtrapper, Auto Trapper, and Gunner Trapper at level 45. I just find a fellow… Sep 22, 2017 · so here is the diepio spike build , diepio spike strategy and diepio spike game play in same video. And notice that at any rate same amount of points in movment speed and drone speed are almost perfectly matched, meaning you could go for 4 drone and movment speed and it will still "feel the same" mostly. As for mega trapper Edit 1: Fixed the smasher build. ). It is mostly used to deal body damage to target and eventually kill tanks. the spike is a tier 4 tank in diep. Welcome to my Diep. I would recommend full movement speed so that you can attack nearby opponents faster. The Spike, just like the It's only (very slightly) faster if the auto cannon is shooting in the opposite direction that you are moving in. io is a broswer game In Diep. The new build is with 3 engine acceleration. [26] 스파이크를 포함한 모든 돌격계 입장에서 아레나 클로저, 폴른 부스터 [27] 외에 파괴계만큼 위험한 적은 없고, 스파이크는 그 중에서도 가장 심하다. In the direct center of the Class Tree is the player's tank, which is Tier 1. youtube. IO TOP 5 TANKS Best Tanks and builds in diep. r/MechanicalKeyboards. By altering the trajectory of his main attack to curve clockwise motion, Curveball enables Spike The Spike is a Tier 4 tank in Diep. As it stands, it has very few strong counters, its one of the few tanks in the game with enough health to not get 1 shorted by pure bullet annihilators, It has insane body damage 40 damage points per hit higher than any other tank in the game and can destroy camping The Penta Shot is a Tier 4 tank in Diep. I noticed everyone says to run 3/10/10/10 or 4/9/10/10. Every tanks was discussed & debated in-depth including their matchups, competition with other tanks, what they offers in gamemodes with a winning objective, survivability in FFA/Maze and so on. You need them to survive and ram, 3/10/10/10 is the most common and best build, FYI movement speed is needed to be at 10 because spike is slow so you need as much speed as possible. There are a total of landmine can be very sneaky and useful for ambushes in maze, its just the long invis time thats a bit of a nuisance auto smasher can suck my ass Octo Tank + this build is an ultimate support tank in 4 TDM. Tried this once quite some time ago. io Factory Guide =^. So that leaves smasher class out of the picture. The upgrade replaces the hexagonal base with 12 spikes surrounding the tank, and increases its base Body The Trapper is a Tier 3 tank in Diep. Annihilator and booster, at maximum movement stats, are the fastest tanks in the game. This page is dedicated to tank builds in Arras. Sep 30, 2016 · Spike Update in Diep. DIEP. Offensive build is this: 0/0/0/7/7/7/7/5 in which you shouldn't go slower than 3 movement speed. true. May 7, 2024 · About This Build. And now if it chase you then move away while your auto gun will kept shooting at it to denie hyper regen. 13 times as big as Smasher's Diep. com/watch?v=8wYIg7 It wasn't OP or hard to counter, it was just a mechanic that should not exist in diep. io equivalent, see Arras:Spike. Some people prefer to use even more Use 0/2/3/0/7/7/7/7 , it lets you shoot tanks and have about 2x hp. A subreddit for the game diep. This new spike class in Diep. Regen Rammer; Build: 10 / 7 / 6 / 10: Description: Maximum speed and regen! As spike gives you +2 body damage, you still have a slight edge against non-smasher rammers (8 vs 7 body damage) also it regens super fast so you have more attempts to ram. The Landmine has no ranged capabilities, as such its only means of damage is to melee other tanks, which makes the tank at first Based only on body damage & max health, the smasher class takes the W, but they are slower than annihilator and booster. This spike class is also hidden and very hard to get. A good method to get kills is to wait near the pentagons and when another tank is spamming bullets towards the pentagons, hit him with your body damage. https://diep. First max out bullet pen, damage and speed, than go for regeneration and reload. Also! There' These build settings contain: 8 items - recipients will have to choose their own copies of these; 15 mods; Fashion (shaders & ornaments) Subclass customization This is the guide to Hurricane Octotank, potentially a VERY OP tank. So basically, Spike is now a direct upgrade. Enjoy the video! Nobody uses the invisibility of the Landmine to begin with because it takes too long to be viable since the nerf. For example triplet & penta and hurricane octo, you can easily run away from the triplet. If I recall correctly, the bullet speed only affects the side bullets' speed (but I may be wrong about this. patreon. Best Build Playlist - https://www. CRAZY Diep. Others like 0/0/0/6/7/7/7/6, 0/0/0/7/7/6/6/7, and many more, but it is all up to your personal preference. For the Star Power, Curveball is picked 76% of the time making it a lot better than Fertilize. This build is unbelievably effective against shape controlling tanks like the overseer, overlord and necromancer as you are faster than their shapes and can directly attack the tank. Same goes to spike & hybrid, just avoid the hybrid and you'll fine. That's about all for tips. Movement speed can be any value, but I recommend values greater than 1 to ensure that you're faster than a max speed spike. I have also seen this build mentioned in annihilator builds: 7/0/7/2/6/6/5/0 Never used it, but I would guess it is dead the moment it runs into any glass booster Official subreddit of arras. io, the fan-made sequel to diep. (Also keep in mind I main a ram so)-as a booster,fighter,spike, or sometimes ranger or stalker or just plain old hybrid (I also sometimes troll with factory) So I wanna suggest some builds (in no particular category just cool builds) it will start with movement speed on the left 2/5/4/4/3/4/7/4->not the best but use it if you want-main focus max health/reload 1/2/6/6/1/6/6/5-> I use this when Penta shot is annoying in general. The Smasher is upgraded from the Basic Tank at Level 30, and to the rest of the Smasher classes at Level 45 [1]. From www. The Standard rammer build is 5/7/7/0/0/0/7/7, just swap 2 points from reload to regen, and it should work quite well, in some scenarios probably even better than the standard build. io Overlord moments, 600k+ score, and ultimate revenge stories What more can you ask for?? Patreon: https://www. Brick Wall Build; Build: 7 / 7 / 0 / 5 / 0 / 7 / 0 / 7: Description: Health is important for survival, especially if you don't want to get killed by rammers. If you're playing FFA Spike, the moment you see a fighter you are DONE. It seemed crazy effective as on my first try I got 200k+. The Trapper features a circular base like almost every other tank. It has one major cannon at the top and two smaller on the back. Yet, it is slow for a reason. I love to watch the helpless tanks get demolished in my sneak attacks. The Tri-Angle may seem bad but if leveled correctly it can become an excellent force to be reckoned with. io → SPIKE 🎮 Vídeos todos os dias às 11:30, 15:30 e 19:30! :D Gameplay do jogo de NAVEGADOR chamado DIEP. If there is only the Spike and the Overlord, an Overlord worth their salt will confidently hunt the Spike without any risk of the Spike getting past their drones. io, see Builds. com/GeoffMillerOfficialhttps://twitter. . io gameplay tutorial THE DIEPIO SPIKE GUIDE THE DIEPIO STREAMLINER GUIDE. Before the update, it looked identical to the Smasher. But instead of having normal Barrels, it has a Launcher that launches Traps. I recommend this build if you want a stable drone controll feel. It upgrades from the Auto 3 and Quad Tank at level 45. You can instead do 5/10/8/10 but I found six to be a really solid number and very effective. I have a good build for the stalker: 6 points on regeneration, Max bullet speed, Max bullet pen, Max bullet damage and 6 points on reload. It is a Smasher with an Auto Turret mounted on the top. Builds modify the player’s stats in-game. The Autosmasher is often looked down on by your average player due to the seemingly stupid combination of a turret and a smasher build. There are multiple builds for different functions and purposes (e. Oct 26, 2024 · Was Diep IO sold? In 2021, it was acquired by Addicting Games. ) And also three out of the four world records use this build and many of the players that I know whom reached 1m with rocketeer used 02307777. io Discord Chat. NOTE: It is best while upgrade bullet speed, pen and damage to have at least 1 point on regeneration and reload. youtube I improvised this build and then I realized is the best to get to 1PLACE: Related Diep. io you control a tank with the goal of destroying other players in the server. Previously known as diep2. Keep in mind, it has a bigger bullet but also more recoil than the other destroyers, which changes how it values reload and other stats. As long as you don't go beyond certain points or proportions, such as, don't put too many points in regen, you'll stay in fighter's effective build range, which is the largest effective build range of any tank since it can compensate almost anything and function. notice that the faster the drones are, the less stable they are. Feel free to add your own builds for different tanks here! (<Tank Name>: Health Regen/Max Health/Body Damage/Bullet Speed/Bullet Penetration/Bullet Today we feature one of the newest diep. Otherwise it is even slower if you are moving towards the player as it is shooting at the player and the bullet can provide recoil at a very close range (not much, but it can make it slightly harder to catch the player because of this). Unlike its predecessor, its Bullet Damage is decreased by approximately 21. It deals 25% more body damage than a Smasher. This is useful if you want to snipe, but expect some rammers and need more health. Upon upgrading: The Smasher gains an Auto Turret. This combination transforms Spike into a formidable Brawler capable of chasing down and defeating enemies attempting to escape combat. May 11, 2020 · This build is believed by many people to be the best build. People that picked the post nerf Landmine played it like a Smasher anyways, with a very rare chance of being able to cloak. The first ring contains Tier 2 (Level Not to be confused with the Auto 3, the unupgraded form of the Auto 5. Michael's Diep. The Auto 5 has a design similar to the Auto 3, except for the fact that it has two additional Auto Turrets for a total of 5 Auto Turrets, hence its name. Branches off SmasherKilling SpreeMusic used in this video:Goblins from Mars - Stay Right Therehttps://www. The enhanced regen is great for chasing after retreating enemies. I recommend 5/8/10/10. The Auto Smasher is a Tier 4 tank in Diep. Unlike the majority of classes, the Smasher has no Barrels or weapons of any kind, instead Builds are combinations of skill points with the maximum of 33 skill points allowed. The They try to be non-glass most of the time. This article is for the original Diep. However, unlike popular belief, the Autosmasher is actually one of the most useful rammers in the game, with the potential to perform at an equal or higher Diep. com/playlist?li spikes also have a built in +3 max health/body damage so with spike it is actually a 10/9/10/10. So, in a poll I saw last night, everyone was voting that spike should have a movement speed buff. Normal build: 5/7/0/7/7/7/0/0. It upgraded from the Smasher at level 45. Discussion Idk if I should use the standard 3/10/10/10 build or something different Share Best build for SpikePlay the game here. The Spike has a similar design to the Smasher. This team build focuses on speed clearing the elite mission The Deep in Hard Mode. c Official subreddit of arras. 10/10/10/3 for an airbag. These builds are tried and tested by top players to help you dom The Mega Smasher was a Tier 4 tank in Diep. It is so funny. use 3/10/10/10 most common spike build and a good spike build. This build, Basic and Consistent Spike Build, was created by LobovDaGOAT on May 7, 2024. _. Tiers are represented in the Class Tree, shown on the picture to the right, as a series of concentric rings containing every tank in the game. Modes: Factory is very strong in maze, as you can use your walls to your advantage by trapping people. Usually if a spike tries to ram you from above to Sep 25, 2024 · Among Spike's star powers, Curveball is the optimal choice for the best Spike build in Brawl Stars. io Strategy video game Gaming forward back. To begin with, I use the build 3/10/10/10 in tdm and 4/9/10/10 in ffa. And all four of them can be ram builds. io* 2025. It can be displayed in-game by holding the Y key. See full list on diepio. Health, Speed and Bullet Strength (among others), can all be strengthened through the investment of skill points in their respective stats, ultimately giving the player a better chance at survival. I was chasing one and I literally took ZERO damage from it! I ran the math and found a good spike build to be 6/9/8/10, because spike gives you two invisible points in BD. Oct 21, 2016 · I know that this is a rather strange combination of Highlights, Hybrid and Spike, but I didn’t know what to do with either of these recordings; so I mashed them both into a 6-minute highlight video; 2:21 – Spike Highlights Hybrid Build: 3/1/1/6/7/6/4/5 Spike Build: 3/10/10/10 Free Songs to use: Silent Partner – Cut It https://www. so i had a battle like diepio spike vs landmine, diepio sp Curated from 168 user-created builds, this is the most optimal build for Spike. g. io you need them to survive and ram, 3/10/10/10 is the most common and best build, fyi movement speed is needed to. I havn't seen a single Landmine since Spike came out. The Smasher, Landmine, Spike and Auto Smasher are Diep. works best in tag when you're on the minority team With Spike's extra body damage, it's capable of succesfully ramming any non-smasher ram and winning. fandom. The upgrade replaces the hexagonal base with 12 spikes surrounding the tank, and increases its base Body Landmine for maze is very good if you know how to survive with it, its insanely annoying tho and most people chase you until you die/ you kill them because of that, spike is good in team modes ans you just have to be skilled, but even then youll just be unable to even get close to some bullet spammers who can aim or just become food for fighters/boosters with bullet dmg build. Its main difference from the Smasher was its added knockback reduction. Defensive build is this: 3/0/2/0/7/7/7/7 where you sacrifice almost all killing opportunities to make yourself unkillable. If you want to use glass build then The Landmine is a Tier 4 tank in Diep. [28] Oct 1, 2016 · [Video]Did the new Spike class made the old Land Mine obsolete? That largely depends on your gaming style. Is the skimmer good in Diep io? A subreddit for the game diep. On August 7th, it was removed after the knockback reduction was added to all Smasher branches. i practiced a lot and recorded this gameplay using spike. Bullet speed can be any value, the only value I don't recommend is maxed bullet speed on 0 movement speed, though you can try it for the challenge due to how flexible booster is. ^=RAIN's Fighter Guide ramming and bullet hybrid [if you dont know] build:o/6/7/6/7/7/0/0 hope it works at you guys because for me it is an efficient build and if people wants to ram u just shoot and let him ram[ if your health is full] ; ) Um, no, Spike is never faster than fully upgraded Overlord drones. Annihilator also works, but I would change it to 0/2/1/6/7/6/4/6 on the annihilator. io tank classes that belong to a single type of class, Smashers. io is pretty OP. For builds in Diep. eut jguu banfemj ijfpk nrxij vrjef ctjtc ivsr awmtin qqebrdg uwsryc xcwiw abgn imfnw kdjyl