Gps tracker sms commands The Major SMS command list for setting is the same as for setting the GT06N GPS Tracker. Ltd. Commands can be upper or lower case, but passwords are case sensitive. 3 Track by time interval via GPRS Send SMS “TIMER,666666,,time(second)#” to device. (it can standby 12 days) Command: STANDBY0000 Reply: SET OK! Aug 6, 2022 · While making these calls, the unit may SMS back with its GPS location, ignore these. Each command is listed with its name, format and any notes. 2 Platform Query Connect your tracker to the tracking platform then check the real-time position online. 1 Send SMS command “fix030s005n +password” to the tracker device, it SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo; If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: getinfo; GPRS commands require Codec 12 protocol. (it can standby 12 days) Command: STANDBY0000 Reply: SET OK! J16 Simcom A7670SA LTE 4G GPS Tracker SMS commands list. 1 Locate current position by GPRS/SMS 3. Command format: 669password. Send the command RESET to the tracker. pdf. En este video aprenderemos dos puntos importantes respecto al dispositivo en cuestion. 136. 07/ Trouble Shooting. ) 3. com "Download GPS TRACKER USER MANUAL details for GPT12 Small GPS Tracker and Command List made by Shenzhen EElink Communication Technology Co. Commands can be sent via the same network connection used to upload data from the device to the server or via SMS. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo In order to quickly execute the SMS/GPRS command and receive a response, the user should send the message immediately after receiving a tracking record. Commands are a way to Set/Get parameters on/from a device or get information or status of the device. vehicle tracker command listVERSION:V1. 4. There are 3 main paths to send commands to and receive a response from the device. 1 First, please check the three LED working state. STANDBY-SMS or Call to tracker, it will work 5 minutes. Long press the button of the GPS tracker for ten seconds, the indicator light goes out and the device shuts down. If FMB641 is in GPS Sleep or Online Deep Sleep mode, sent SMS/GPRS message will arrive to the device. gptrack. Collaborate outside of code Code Search. (s:second, m:minute, h:hour). 1 SMS Commands Instruction 1)Center Number Text command Parameter Sample CENTER Add 710#number# 711#number# 710#008613500135000# 711#008613800138000# CENTER Del D01# D02# D01# D02# Command Description 1)Center numbers can control the oil and power and resume factory setting 2) Center numbers can receive the call and text of Alarms from tracker Plan and track work Code Review. After the 10th call, the GPS unit should SMS back something other than its GPS location. 8 Check parameter settings Send a SMS command to the device to check the device’s setting. 3. com/index. I registered the ID into WINNES GPS app but its telling me "not enabled ". 1 Track with limited times upon time interval: Send SMS command “fix030s005n +password” to the tracker device, it will report the latitude & longitude at intervals of 30 seconds for 5 times. GT06 is widely used for fleet management and vehicle location live monitoring. CJ720 GPS Relay SMS commands list What Commands I Used To Make The CJ720 To Work With 1nce. 123,7788 is TCP IP and Port Q: domain name and port A: CMNET is APN N: 13288888888 is Device ID printed on the device. net - to set the APN • G123456# - just to check if I get a response with Google coordinates and it worked. TK905 / TK915 Anleitung - SMS Befehle, kostenlose Ortung Dein Warenkorb If the device is in GPS Sleep or Online Deep Sleep mode, sent SMS/GPRS message will arrive to the device. Command Feedback Successful Setting:Admin1: Admin2: 3)Authorized Number Set Text command Parameter Sample Authorized Add 101# number # 102# number # 103# number # 1:101#13800138000# 2:102#12345678912# 3:103#12345678912# The G1C Mini is equipped with 3 directional accelerometers to go online with no time-limit and offer GPRS and SMS commands control by time interval and change course-based upload modes. ) All commands must be prefaced by the correct password, or they will be ignored without reply. G19S gps pdf manual download. The location information will be sent back through SMS (the tracker SIM card must support receiving and sending SMS first). Installation Precautions. 205. Some of the key functions that can be controlled include: setting the admin number, passwords, sleep modes, SOS numbers, APN settings, upload frequency, language, time zone, tracker/monitor modes, alarms, geo-fencing, and checking parameters. Send SMS command “check+password” to the tracker in the vehicle, It will reply SMS includes power, battery, GPS signal,ACC, GSM signal, GPRS state,APN, UP, IP, PORTandsoon. One command per message. The commands allow users to check statuses, set parameters, and control device functions like APN settings, geo-fencing, SOS contacts, and heartbeat monitoring. (Make sure the device has power, if not,please connect the charger to power it) 2. It includes commands to set the admin number, restart the device, change the password, set the sleep mode, configure the APN settings, set the domain, select GPRS or tracking mode, set the upload frequency, check parameters and device status, arm and disarm the device, and set alarms for vibrations, sensitivity when multi tracking and single tracking. Application allows to control GPS tracking devices over SMS commands. Command is executed successfully, but the (Factory setting is “MOVE” mode) (Tracker only works when it is moving, when it is stopped, it will sleep, GPS shut off, GSM works in low consumption mode. The commands allow configuring settings like APN and server settings, data upload intervals, time zones, languages, geo-fences, alarms, and upgrading firmware. Send sms command “Obdii+password+space+2” to gps device, OBD data will only be sent when single tracking. This document contains: 1. 4 SMS Command. 9. 7 Trouble Shooting. For example, when sending SMS command "GPSON,5#", the device will update the location every 30 seconds for 5 minutes. Most of the commands can be unavailable due to blocking at the firmware level of the device - this is normal. Most functions are This tracker have two work mode which is SMS and GPRS Mode. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo Diese Anleitung führt dich schrittweise durch die wichtigsten SMS-Befehle zu diesem GPS-Tracker. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo Jul 19, 2018 · All GT06N SMS Commands (GT06N Command List) No. J16 can be controlled and programmed with below SMS commands so as to realize the desired features, including over speed alarm, power tamper alarm, acc on/off alarm, shock alarm, battery low alarm, etc. +91 745 3030 222 info@gpsfortrack. Skip to content Sales & Customer Service - +44 (0)1246 588800 | FREE Next Day Delivery on all UK Orders 8. Function: Command: Reply: QUERY CLASS: 1: SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo; If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: getinfo; GPRS commands require Codec 12 protocol. g. Note: Only the SOS number can be used to delete center number successfully. You can ask your GSM operator for APN. , system will be armed /disarmed Mobile #2: it is used to call the tracker No. Copy path. (Additional tracking service charge may happen. 9 Auto track continuously 6. Most of GPS devices support commands. SMS (Needs password) GPRS (Server protocol) Bluetooth/Serial with configuration App; All commands are case sensitive. (Default password: 123456) SMS Command List. Page 24 10. Dabei verschwinden die Tracker-Typen, deren Kommandos inkompatibel sind. This document contains a list of SMS commands for setting parameters of a Setracker GPS tracker locally, including: 1. (through sending SMS). com SIM Card: • APN123456:iot. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo Dec 24, 2023 · ST-901 GPS Tracker 1 Tracking news 2 Vehicle eligibility in receipt does not apply 1 Issuing a special transportation operating card 3 SMS commands 8 Technical equipment for transport buses 1 Activate GPS tracking device 11 Activate the audio recording device 1 GT06N device 3 TGA Approved Motorcycle/Bike Tracking Device 2 GPS vehicle tracking FMB641 will receive the SMS/GPRS message when it exits Deep Sleep mode. Make sure the device's SIM card has enough credit so that the SMS command we send can be replied by the GPS device and we can find out the commands we send via SMS are correct or are active in GPS. 1 SMS Commands instruction 1)Center Number Text command Parameter Sample CENTER Add 710#number# 711#number# 710#13500135000# 711#13800138000# CENTER Del D01# D02# D01# D02# Command Description 1)Center number can control the oil and power and resume factory settings 2) Center number can receive the call and text of (Tracker only works when it is moving, when it is stopped, it will sleep, GPS shut off, GSM works in low consumption mode. 3 Wiring connections Red - (+)12V -24V Black – ground (-) Yellow – SOS button (-)Connect other side of switch to ground (-) Cantrack GF-10 GPS Tracker Commands & Settings Finger GPS Mini Cantrack GPS Tracker GF-10 | GF-09 | GF-07 Commands & Settings. From each successfully sent command, the device will reply "Configure OK". 1 SMS TRACKING Note: The yellow space is a blank in SMS command. “set ip address and port ok” will be returned by SMS. 99V, NORMAL; - 3. Depending on the manufacturer of the unit, it should SMS "add master OK", although, some units will just sent a blank message instead. Our online GPS Fleet management system supports wide variety of traditional GPS trackers, providing you with the possibility to track your mobile assets, vehicles or workers in real-time. (Tracker only works when it is moving, when it is stopped, it will sleep, GPS shut off, GSM works in low consumption mode. g, Send SMS command “#IP# password #116. 2 Track Cell Phones and Traditional GPS trackers Sometimes better to choose a traditional GPS tracker instead of EverTrack GPS tracker app. After 5 minutes, the device will return to the default working mode. 14. " and longitude is the position that the tracker received GPS signals at last. 2. Manage code changes Discussions. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo May 25, 2022 · GT06 (TK100) GPS Tracker is a GPS GSM GPRS SMS combined location tracking device. E. S102 gps pdf manual download. 10s in minimum while 18000s(5 Jan 31, 2019 · See how iTrack GPS trackers can be used in SMS mode allowing the user to call the tracker and instantly receive a location report via text message. the location will be sent within few seconds to your cellphone. Retrieved from "https://wiki. This user manual includes quick start instructions, SMS commands, and troubleshooting tips. Also for: St-901l 4g. o2. Key commands include VERSION, PARAM, GPRSSET, STATUS, WHERE, and FENCE to check device statuses, SERVER, GMT, and EURL to set server parameters, time zones, and URLs Nov 14, 2024 · For minor issues, restarting the tracker may help. gookey. SMS). GT02 gps pdf manual download. They can be used for device configuration, changing state or requesting information. php?title=FTC305_SMS/GPRS_Commands&oldid=102428" Jul 31, 2015 · The Concox Wetrack2 GPS tracker is similar to GT06N. Vibration, SMS command, calling tracker can wake up the tracker to work 5 minutes. 8 GEO set geo fence Out geofence alarm setting ok! GEO,123456,5000 GEO,123456,0 delete geo fence 13 Param check parameter of device SN/IP/APN/SOS Number/Time zone ID:860016020051152 Commands are sent to the tracker as SMS messages (not EMS/MMS/picture messaging. 10. Semua Perintah SMS GT06N (GT06N Command List) No. Find more, search less S20-SMS-COMMANDS. adoc. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo; If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: getinfo; GPRS commands require Codec 12 protocol. Setting the password, SOS numbers, monitor number, upload time interval, IP address, language, timezone, and other parameters. 9. 076. g: 5. Selectable timeframe between 1-100 (in seconds). If the user wants to buy an internet package GSM/GPRS/GPS TRACKER. 166 21053 SMS Command. On other trackers it works only if connected with Bluetooth OBD dongle. (120days per 10000mAh) Command: STANDBY0000 Reply: SET OK! GPS Vehicle Tracker (GPS+GSM+GPRS). If FMC650 is in GPS Sleep or Online Deep Sleep mode, sent SMS/GPRS message will arrive to the device. The first SMS Command: APN,666666,APN name# For example, if your GSM provider’s name is ORANGE and its APN as below: APN: ORANGE User: WAP Pass: WAP You should send SMS command: APN,666666,ORANGE,WAP,WAP# The 2nd SMS Command: SERVER,666666,1,www. Klicke auf die Kommandos, die auf deinen Tracker zutreffen. Just bought a gps tracker TK915 but I can't set it up. ST-901L gps pdf manual download. 3 Blind area alarm This feature is deactivated by default, tracker will send SMS notification “No gps The primary method involves using the internet to transmit commands from the server to the GPS tracker. com 7700 - to set a tracking server. As per my knowledge whoever has purchased this device is not been able to use it because there is a lack of customer support or no proper instruction like how to use it. Send a location inquiry SMS command (google,0000#) to the tracker. 1nce. Command Feedback Successful Setting: Google link with GPS data or LBS data. 1. SMS mode is for off l ine tracking by Mobile phone. The difference is the smaller physical form and the absence of voice monitoring features. Sign In Upload. I send sms command (Sleep123456 shock) thru the mytkstar platform. This document lists all SMS commands, that can be sent to the tracking devices, with applicable answers, that are sent back by the tracking device. 0Vehicle Tracker Command List-1- vehicle tracker command listContents D SMS Gateway SMS Gateway converts Android device to SMS sending station. 2 Track with unlimited times upon time interval: GPS Tracker Command List 短 信 指 (commmand) 令 回复(reply) 指令释义 explanation admin123456 136******** admin ok Set car boss phone number , Set at 831 104 342KB Read more Page 7 GPS Vehicle Tracker User Manual he/she needs send the following SMS to program the system firstly: 111111*10 Mobile #1*20 Mobile #2* Other functions: Mobile #1: it is used to call the tracker No. 6. This command set must be in 3 digits and the maximum value is 255. Command works on OBD trackers with data reading capabilities (FMX00Y). teltonika-gps. 11)SMS Command Password SMS Command Parameter Sample Change SMS Command Password password123456 888888 password123456 888888 Command Description Nov 16, 2024 · GPSforTrack Standard GPS Real-Time Tracking Device for commercial vehicles is a unique security equipment with voice- integration. There, 0000 is the GPS tracker factory default password. And choose server as 18GPS In production, IP, port have been written in, normally the tracker will be auto online, if the tracker offline, Please set APN by SMS command. 5 Precautions. 99 V battery voltage, normal functioning GPRS: Link Up; - GPRS is well connected and can send location data to the server The document provides command formats and examples for controlling various functions of a GPS tracking device via SMS commands. How can I retrieve the tracker settings? Send the SMS command RCONF to the tracker. It will respond with: SET OK! I forgot the ID/password for my tracker. If the tracker is disconnected from the server at the time a command is issued, the command is queued in the command This document provides 23 commands for setting up and controlling a GPS tracker device. Autowacht C-GT GPS-Tracker Anleitung - GPS-Gerät per SMS einrichten (auch Concox / Jimilab GV20) Der Autowacht C-GT GPS-Tracker wird in Deutschland unter der Bezeichnung C-GT von der Firma Autowacht importiert und 2)SMS command: smslink123456, tracker return Google link message; 3)Tracker GPS unfixed, return LBS data. The first SMS Command: APN,666666 Page 13 SMS Command Parameter Sample Inflection angle123456 angle123456 20 Points Supplementary 1)Default: 22degrees; 2) Scope:18~28 degrees; 3)20 mean: when >20 degrees, the Command tracker auto add points GPS data Description to upload; 4)SMS command: noangle123456 to cancel inflection points supplementary upload. Its package comes with SOS for emergency alarm, MIC for re FMC650 will receive the SMS/GPRS message when it exits Deep Sleep mode. Device online operation Regarding the SMS-commands, you should check with seller or manufacturer. Page 1 GPS Tracker Instruction EV02 Please view this manual carefully to make sure Nov 29, 2019 · With the SMS / text message commands from this manual you can connect your Reachfar GPS tracker to a GPS tracking server. It will reply with details including ID, password, operating mode, IP and port settings, APN, and Sep 27, 2020 · # Commands. Commands begin with specific keywords followed by parameters Send a SMS command to the device to delete the center number. Page 22 SMS command to deactivate: extpower +password+space+off Tracker response: extpower off ok Example: expower123456 off SMS command to activate: extpower +password+space+on Tracker response: extpower on ok Example: expower123456 on 6. In order to quickly execute the SMS/GPRS command and receive a response, the user should send the message immediately after receiving a tracking record. All commands are case insensitive and can be sent via SMS or GPRS with parameters separated by commas. [VERSION]GT06B_10_8 Long press the button of the GPS tracker for three seconds, the indicator light is on, and the device is working normally. FMC640 will receive the SMS/GPRS message when it exits Deep Sleep mode. Jul 20, 2018 · Jogjatracker : Jual GPS Tracker Jogja dan tutorial cara penggunaannya. Enhance GPS communication with our comprehensive guide to SMS GPRS commands, ensuring efficient and reliable tracking. SMS commands. Command Successful Setting Page 1 GPS Tracker Model: R11 User Manual; Page 2 Statement Thank you very much for using the R11 vehicle terminal (mobile user terminal) product. STANDBY-SMS or Call to the tracker, it will work 5 minutes. C: Report After the OBD G500 installation is complete, send an SMS command to the SIM card tracker number installed on the GPS. 2 GPS tracking platform: 3. TK100 gps pdf manual download. It is all you need to deliver various important notifications about events, like: sos, zone in/out, route in/out, over-speeding, engine status and more… to other mobile devices via SMS messages. TKSTAR tracker TK905. TKSTAR-TK915 SMS Commands. The SMS commands are used for: • To get specific information from the tracking device you can always use the standard command to get the google map link location by calling the gps sim card phone number and hang up after two or three rings. +91 745 3030 222; SIM Card InstallationInsert the SIM card or internet card that is already active and has credit and/or internet package before turning on the GPS power. Working Description. Notes provide additional explanation for some commands. 42 SMS commands that can be used to control an EV02 device including checking status, version, parameters, location, server settings, rebooting the device, configuring SOS numbers, heartbeat settings, sensor controls, alarms and APN settings. Sep 7, 2020 · This document provides a list of commands and functions for a GPS tracker device. Admin number setting (After admin number setting, all SMS. Just let us know - is everything working fine? You can use the setup instructions from this manual for nearly all GPS-trackers from Reachfar family, just have a look at the examples: This feature is used to activate the GPS within a certain period of time. Nota <space> means space character 5. BUT i found the sms commands allready: Check123456 Begin123456 Apn123456 “apn. 000 - Track on Demand SMS Command W*****,000 Description To get the current location of the tracker, send this command as an SMS or make a telephone Sep 14, 2014 · Check Status: STATUS# Reply: Battery: 3. If possible. 068. Commands. Note: the interval must not less than 20s. There… Send SMS command "balance+password+space+carrier’s phone number+space+code" to tracker, it will forward the code to carrier’s phone number and return the balance message received from carrier’sphonenumber Commands for managing a tk-start tk915 GPS tracker - tkstar-tk915. Your device can already track the location, and the device will only display the last location of your vehicle when your vehicle is stopped/parked. I put a sim card inside from 3 network, I have orange and blue lights flashing, I send sms to tracker sim number but I didn't get any message back, I tried to call the number-still nothing. 5. net,8821,0# Commands for managing a tk-start tk915 GPS tracker - tkstar-tk915. 9-36V DC wide working voltage makes it possible for the installation o cars, motorbikes, and trucks. Such situations often happen with different models of the tracker. 81. 123,7788*A:CMNET*N:13288888888*C:30> SPGS: is Header P: Password (default password is: GSGPS) T: 120. Please get APN from sim card inserted mobile operator. GPRS Mode is for on line tracking by computer and mobi le phone . The command is: CENTER,D# For example: CENTER,D# If set successfully, there is an “OK” reply SMS. ofsimprovider” Adminip123456 193. 165. net,8821,0# ”to the device. Function Command Reply QUERY CLASS 1 Check firmware version VERSION# e. The tracker will only accept commands from a user with the correct password. This document lists commands for a GPS tracker shown in Voltlog #272. If it is different with its exact current location, pay attention to check the time included in the SMS you got. SMS Command for Online Tracking Setup Exactly format Yes . . 6 Working Decription. On the check command Wired GPS Tracker. The SMS commands are an easy way to quickly interact with the tracking device. • SZCS,123456,DOMAIN=d. Mini size 79(L)*30(W)*13(H)mm Configure GPS Tracker (via SMS commands) Before you can use your iTrack GPS tracker on iTrack Live you will need to configure the device by sending the following SMS commands: begin123456 adminip123456 213. You can call the device’s number to check. , system will send back location SMS to the mobile #2 Example View and Download Sinotrack ST-901L user manual online. Como activar el GPS Tracker por sms Como se programa un GPS Tracker This document lists SMS commands and explanations for an OB22 device. gpscj. Commands with wrong password will be ignored. After 2 rings, tracker will reject call, and after a while caller gets SMS SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo; If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: getinfo; GPRS commands require Codec 12 protocol. command Parameter Sample View 901# 901# Command Description This directive is used to view Device Manager number. (Default mode) 6. 3 Cancellation: Send SMS “nofix+password” to the tracker device. Please read this manual carefully before use. The GPS tracker is available in two versions: ST-901W 3G and ST-901W 4G. 4 The SinoTrack ST-901 GPS Tracker User Manual provides comprehensive instructions on how to operate the device. Quick Operation Instructions Change APN parameter by sending SMS “APN,666666,APN name#” and “SERVER,666666,1,www. SMS response every number can call tracker and get SMS with location. co. It includes commands to set admin numbers, reset settings, set passwords, control sleep modes, set SOS numbers, configure APN settings, set tracking and upload frequencies, control relay and alarm settings, read status information, and enable different modes. Feb 24, 2024 · ST-901 GPS Tracker 1 Tracking news 2 Vehicle eligibility in receipt does not apply 1 Issuing a special transportation operating card 3 SMS commands 8 Technical equipment for transport buses 1 Activate GPS tracking device 11 Activate the audio recording device 1 GT06N device 3 TGA Approved Motorcycle/Bike Tracking Device 2 GPS vehicle tracking Deutsche SMS Anleitung für deinen TK905 und TK915 GPS Tracker - jetzt erfolgreich per SMS einstellen und kostenlos live orten. 2. Request for OBD data by SMS Send sms command “Obdmsg+password” to gps device, below information will be returned: 863070010034246 15 digital IMEI No. Send “begin+password” in SMS to the unit, it will reply “begin ok” and initialize all the settings. 10 Location based service (LBS) When the tracker device doesn’t received valid GPS signals, tracker will positioning by GSM based station, the messages includes the GPS coordinates of the last position in SMS mode, but 6. Application can be used […] Step 2: Use your personal phone number (also it’s your SOS1 number) to send APN SMS commands to electronic tracking device SIM card number: apn,apndata,user,username,pd,password,network code# Please consult your device SIM card operator for correct APN parameters. The format for View and Download WhatsGPS S102 user manual online. Call the SIM card phone number in tracker, you will receive a Google Maps link of position,or sending message “6690000” to SIM card phone number in tracker . 111 10200 apn123456 payandgo. In cases where the tracker cannot establish an internet connection with the server, SMS serves as an alternative solution. Command clears all vehicle stored fault codes. Battery Use Safety. 2G Vehicle GPS Tracker. Can someone help me please Page 9 SMS Command for Online Tracking Setup Command format is: Set IP online:<SPGS*P:GSGPS*T: 120. Zur Skotech 300F Anleitung. SMS command structure: <SMS login><space><SMS password><space><command><space><value> SMS command getinfo example: If you have set SMS login and password: login pass getinfo May 9, 2024 · Configure Sino GPS Tracker (model: ST-903, ST-904, ST-905, ST-915 and ST-925) To get the current location of the tracker send this SMS command to the tracker number: 6690000. If FMC640 is in GPS Sleep or Online Deep Sleep mode, sent SMS/GPRS message will arrive to the device. Deleting SOS numbers, querying parameter information, software version, location address, MCC/MNC, and activating GPS location. uk (see table below for correct APN code) gprs123456 (this turns on GPRS mode) Note: ***** is user [s password and the default password is 000000. To check the present configuration of your GPS tracker, send this SMS: RCONF Mar 6, 2024 · The article provides an in-depth guide on how to set up the Coban tracking device using specific SMS commands for integration with the GPS-Trace platform, ensuring compatibility with the Ruhavik and Forguard apps for effective vehicle tracking and monitoring.
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