Gsync lowers fps Im getting stable 72fps in all my games (due to rtss cap) but sometimes it drops to 50fps (and stays at 50fps until I Nov 18, 2016 · Yes, unless you need extremely low input lag (the input lag is very negligible for gsync though, unlike vsync) and you shouldn't worry about the max fps either. (In another words, try to configure your game fps to lower than your monitor refresh rate with Gsync on. Dec 7, 2020 · Is that normal or is it just how G-Sync works? Cause in most FPS games that i play (Call of Duty), G-Sync usually makes the performance a lot smoother. When you’re within the Gsync range with Gsync+Vsync ON Vsync behaves differently than when it’s enabled by itself. Also the blur busters testing is kinda a dubious result since the test at 240hz is all within sub one frame time ms anyway, so its actually margin of error, and not a Cap at 237 fps using the config file method. When I turn off V-Sync my fps is 80-82. It also is shown as having LFC (low framerate compensation), so it will handle down to 20Hz/fps without a problem. Capping fps can result in reduced input lag when GPU bound (reflex does this without cap but not every game has it), it also gets ride of screen tearing. It has 50 or so upvotes. However, the question is different if you are trying to minimize input lag. The benefit to running FPS uncapped is you get a lower input delay (the frame you're seeing is newer) at the cost of tearing. Hello everyone, I experimented with some gsync / freesync related settings for tarkov and found out how to fully utilize gsync in tarkov for smooth gameplay - this had the biggest impact on my game smoothness overall, even playing on 60-80 the game feels much smoother than before. Jul 10, 2015 · im trying to think if i really need a secand GTX 980ti G1 cause i know that theres no way that 1 GTX 980ti G1, i7-4790k can handle witcher 3 in a steady 60fps with max settings, 1440p, aa, hairworks everything!(incuding blurs) and have it run at a steady fps its bound to drop to 45+ fps and its g Nvidia Control Panel V-SYNC vs. If you have a system that maintains 100+ fps then you won't notice what g-sync can do as much. I have tried scanline sync in the past. As such, it prevents your FPS from exceeding the rate at which your monitor can draw pictures. So when you get 40 fps, the lfc will kick in and the monitor will run at 80 hz. This works great, most of the time. Anything below 65 fps was a choppy mess because the shitty panel and garbage gsync compatible aka freesync couldn't single cycle at 60hz. Tbh i was looking for ips monitors with contrast over 1100:1 and VG27aq was at the top (i know that can vary) but then i saw the reviews about elmb sync and some reviewer even said he couldnt switch to a monitor withou elmb sync after using it so i was wondering how would it look on lower fps Hey there. My specs are, i512400f, 16gb ddr5 5200 mhz, rx6600xt. Jun 22, 2024 · The advantage to GSync and later GSync Umtimate is that unlike the Vesa and AMD versions GSync requires an Nvidia made GSync module on the monitor to interface with their cards, and has more levels of variability between your monitors minimum and maximum as well as faster response than other adaptive sync technologies making it a bit more fluid. Looking at your PC specs, i'd assume you don't run Gsync or Vsync so i won't even bother turning everything off and re-testing since its fps-taxing even on high-end systems like yours. Gsync prevents screen tearing that would normally occur when frame rate doesn't match refresh rate of the display, and stutter (repeated frames) when frame rate would fall out of sync with vsync. Disable In-Game V-Sync – With G-Sync active, V-Sync is redundant and adds input lag. Nov 8, 2019 · If you try limit fps, try lower 1 to 3~4 fps lower. 45 FPS is the absolute minimum, but 60 FPS is much more comfortable even with GSync. You will occasionally exceed your framerate cap by a few frames. Or that's at least how it works in my case. All I need is to turn on gsync and vsync on NVCP, and set low latency mode to ultra. true. Capping FPS to anything that's not a multiple of your monitor refresh rate will just make it worse in terms of smoothness. Oct 5, 2017 · My plan is to get a high refresh display with a lower end GPU that will rarely hit max refresh in more demanding games, then upgrade it down the line, so I want to know if gsync will make those fps fluctuations not be so jarring like dropping to 30fps on a 60hz monitor, And/or be more consistent so it doesn't throw you off as much when you get G-SYNC + V-SYNC “On”: This is how G-SYNC was originally intended to function. In-game V-SYNC While NVCP V-SYNC has no input lag reduction over in-game V-SYNC, and when used with G-SYNC + FPS limit, it will never engage, some in-game V-SYNC solutions may introduce their own frame buffer or frame pacing behaviors, enable triple buffer V-SYNC automatically (not optimal for the native double buffer of G-SYNC), or simply not function at all Hello, I have an Alienware 17r5 120hz laptop and I been having problems with my gsync, it now lowers my fps by alot, and when I alt tab the issue… Recently I noticed my FPS was restrained with G-SYNC on capping my frames at about my monitors refresh rate. GSync will lower the refresh rate of the display to the framerate of the game I think the second part was unclear. . If your FPS does manage to exceed your refresh rate despite your cap, that's when V-Sync engages and caps it to prevent tearing. Aug 1, 2018 · With vsync off and no gsync or freesync? If so the GPU will move frames to the monitor whenever it can regardless of where the monitor is in it's refresh cycle so you will end up with tearing which is multiple frames on screen at once. The bottom end is usually pretty low and the top end is usually your monitors max FPS. My Best settings was gsync+vsync+ nvidia limitter 3 fps down. However, I'm currently playing Cyberpunk 2077 and I've turned off in game vsync and set the in game fps limiter to 60 as I prefer the stable fps instead of 60-70fps with my current settings. Framerate caps are imperfect. Preferred refresh rate: highest available, although it shouldn't matter. ), to not enable Gsync and just cap your framerate to 240FPS in game if you have a 240hz monitor, because apparently that produces the best quality picture with the Dec 27, 2018 · Right click on the desktop, Click Nvidia control panel, go to Manage 3D settings, vsync is probably enabled by default or set to "use program default", in Windowed you're using the windows default which is 60fps. And on higher refresh monitors. Gsync helps with tearing and stuttering so you want the frames delivered at the rate your monitor can provide. You need ot be playing at lower fps to see the difference. Nov 24, 2023 · afaik RTSS has no effect or impact regarding input lag when fps is lower than refresh rate. If you exceed the max FPS of your monitor G-sync stops working. I find it makes low FPS more tolerable but it's still not great, you can still feel low FPS. The problem is that my monitor is 1080p 60 Hz without any inbuilt Frame Sync capabilities and I am forced to turn on V-Sync otherwise the game appears so jittery Capping fps lower than your monitor only applies to gsync/freesync users to mitigate the input lag. So to anyone with a G-sync monitor, is it worth spending $500 on a new monitor? Does it really make a difference, like no stuttering at lower (70 and below) FPS. Will retest once i upgrade to 7800x3d. Check out blurbusters. I meant that if you disable GSync, make the display run at 144hz, and make the game run at 60fps, the timing between frames will be inconsistent. But while this is correlated, it isn't the only way to improve latency. PC noob here! I just recently joined the pc master race and purchased an acer predator laptop (g9-793 to be exact). It all works for me with my RTX 3080. Nov 1, 2019 · Yes, I know, I'm literally complaining about 80 fps not being high enough, but I was under the impression that variable refresh rate made lower framerates "smoother", to me that is the complete opposite, anything under 100 FPS with GSYNC I feel runs like complete crap and I cannot stand to look at it, especially first person shooters, it feels Cap your FPS much lower than refresh rate to eliminate screen tearing (minimum of -20fps below refresh rate). It has gsync which I enabled in the nvidia control panel. When in use on my end it auto-caps my framerate to 153 on my 16 Jun 25, 2024 · If fps drops below 48 Gsync won’t work same as if it exceeds 165 as you’d be outside it’s workable range. I also get random stutters and hiccups if I use G-SYNC or even just cap my fps which has made G-SYNC unusable for me. Gsync (Detected Gsync processor built into the monitor) has lower input lag (not by much). End to end input lag in a game correlates with FPS: high FPS, lower frame times. - If the game fps goes above monitor refresh rate. Some, despite playing a 24hz video will force it into a 60hz container, doubling some frames, tripling others because 24/60 d So with Gsync you want Vsync on in NVCP (this is due to some games having spotty vsync implementations) and a frame rate cap at **at least ** 3 fps under refresh rate (some gsync compatible monitors require a lot more than 3, you can use the NVCP frame rate cap has its been updated to be comparable to RTSS Essentially gsync on plus framecap is a must, but vsync on in NCP is better frametimes and is preferred for a smooth experience (even lower chance of tearing), but vsync off with the other settings means slightly less input lag (gsync still works great but slightly higher chance to frame tear here and there). If you disable V-Sync when G-Sync is enabled, you also disable a time variance compensation that is a feature of G-Sync - this means you can actually get tearing still. g. It's an expensive luxury but I've grown to love it. It shows 40-155 Hz via DisplayPort, and 40-144 Hz via HDMI. So there are a lot of variables here. Apr 26, 2023 · Blurbusters. As long as you don't pass 165 FPS, refresh rate and FPS will match and it will be smooth. You need Vsync. It's only real downside is that, in order to synchronize the monitor and frame output of your GPU, it has to hard-lock your FPS at a rate relative to your refresh increment; if your performance dips even one or two frames below that increment, it can drop your system down to a much lower locked framerate in order to keep the synchronization Jan 22, 2021 · Whenever I play any game, I notice fps drops below 60 randomly here and there (the game doesnt freeze/stutter though) if I keep the V-Sync on. A good way to check is to play a game with Reflex or use ultra low latency on a pre-dx12 game and see what it caps your fps to. Note: Freesync (Gsync Compatible software sync) and Gsync (Detected Gsync processor) are different technologies. I have my FPS capped at 115 in nvidia control panel and the in game gps counter is showing a steady 115 but the overlay will jump between 110 and 119 fps. Less FPS spikes and drops, less screen tearing, and overall just a more enjoyable session. FreeSync does not have low framerate compensation, only FreeSync Premium does that and the range can vary from 30fps to 48fps for that to kick in. But sometimes I'll start Tarkov up and all will not be as it should. That monitor supports Low Framerate Compensation. When you have 60 fps, it's a solid 60 fps without any tear whatsoever. The experience you should be perceiving with G-Sync turned on properly is similar to a game that is 165 Hz and locked at 165Hz without V-Sync, at all times (or whatever your refresh rate is). Oct 28, 2023 · Lower 1Hz floor: G-Sync goes significantly lower than FreeSync‘s 40Hz-48Hz floor before disengaging. For lower end however, you get fps doubling/tripling for refresh rate so that it doesn't have to drop too low. Oct 9, 2023 · I have the LG variant of your monitor and I feel the same way - low fps gaming even with gsync and vsync turned on just isn't that smooth. It then continues to double, triple, quadruple, etc, the output as the FPS drops lower and lower. They made G-Sync and V-Sync work together. My question is more about what is important to you: high fps and no gsync, or capped 60 fps with gsync? Each option seems to provide some amount of motion smooth, but maybe turning off gsync, leaving fps essentially uncapped, and turning vsync on is good enough to make up for the lack of gsync? Low fps is still gonna feel like low fps. Turn Gsync ON. The FPS cap is set to prevent your FPS from exceeding your refresh rate (and therefore your G-Sync range). Ultimate Smooth Gameplay Guide - Setting the ingame Adaptive FPS to any FPS (works with GSync/Freesync) TL;DR: This will keep your FPS to the the value you choose and will lower your ingame 3D resolution when your FPS would normally drop. Somewhere between 1-3 FPS will work. If you have FreeSync then it is Gsync compatible with an Nvidia GPU using a DisplayPort cable. Nov 2, 2023 · 4) Low lag modes "may" slightly reduce input lag in conjunction with v-sync and fps caps, but I'm not sure of any testing for that, but maybe something to try as at 30 fps latency can be noticeable even with the low lag v-sync solution. Without any success. E. So if you go from 140 to 100fps it shouldn't feel much different due to Gsync. On top of that I get crazy amounts of input lag and worse frame times. Keep it off in games. There is no "it takes over when fps goes lower", Nvidia never made those two to work together, so they don't. Enable ULMB if Available – ULMB backlight strobing further improves motion clarity in high FPS competitive Plus, locking your FPS to something it can realistically achieve (especially in single player games) makes for a better experience. My basic Gsync prevents screen tearing, which happens when the monitor gets interrupted in the middle of drawing a picture. (Prevent tearing screen) or You can try Gsync and have your gpu responsible to cap your game fps to the same or below the monitor refresh rate. Heres my problem. Jun 21, 2024 · Contrary to popular belief, enabling G-Sync does not lower FPS. According to Blur Buster’s testing Gsync+Vsync ON only increases input lag by ~2ms compared to both OFF (provided you stay in the range), which is a negligible amount. (I have a GSYNC Compatible monitor) My settings, usually, for games are: 1 - For CS GO - I leave GSYNC on, but I don't limit the FPS in-game. That 1ms is negligible and is not going to matter even in competitive fps. Another possibility is geforce driver, there have been Gsync issues in the past. 7ms and average 110 fps. Apr 1, 2020 · I play a lot of simulation games where the frame rate fluctuates between 60 and 40 FPS and when these fluctuations occur I feel a noticeable stutter on screen. I limited my framerate with RTSS to 72frames (75hz monitor) and everything works fine except for a strange detail. If your FPS is below or at your monitors refreshrate it is handled by Freesync/GSync and when your framerate exceeds it then FastSync or Enhanced Sync takes over and gives you better input latency while still stopping tearing. I feel like gsync was initially designed in the way artificial motion blur was. You will never be getting exactly 60 fps in a game, it could vary from 60. In fact, it can enhance gaming performance by reducing input lag and creating a more responsive user experience. I'm clearly not alone in thinking g-sync makes games at lower fps smoother. Going to more than 144fps is still better though. RTSS is helpful when your fps are higher than what your monitor is capable of, so you can limit the fps whilst having better (lower) input lag compared to when using vsync or even fps limit by driver setting. Dec 28, 2019 · So i have read a few times now that the best setting for a gsync monitor is to set a fps cap at 3 fps lower than your refresh rate(for me 162 because i have 165hz) so it stays in gsync range. And I'm not talking about screen tear, that's another aspect of what g-sync helps to resolve. I thought they recommended enabling NVIDIA's low latency mode too, but check out their site. The combination gives you no tearing and avoids the lag associated with Vsync. Sep 5, 2020 · I have this odd behavior of whenever I cap my framerate to 141 fps for my Dell 144hz 1440p G-SYNC monitor I always get about 20-30 lower fps right off the bat. It won't feel, it won't look, it won't be like a 60 fps, it will be a 40. My nvidia control panel is showing Gsync enabled for the display and everything was previously working as expected. So what I understand is that I do NOT have to set a fps limiter. My 4090 is heavily bottlenecked by 5800x. With gsync on, the frames caps at your refresh way anyway so there's no issue there either. (also VSYNC is off in NVCP) 2 - For the other games, I limit the FPS to 3 frames below the monitor's refresh rate (144hz > 141 FPS limit) and leave VSYNC enabled in-game. If you're a streamer this is the best guide for your setup. Oct 16, 2020 · Basically, it makes it so when your fps is lower than 144, your monitor's hz will also be that fps, so that input lag will not occur. So far, I've enabled gsync and vsync in Nvidia CP and I've limited my FPS in RTSS to 117fps as my refresh rate is 120hz. But from what I know g-sync should cap the fps to the screen's refresh rate(75hz in my laptop) but when I play Mad Max the framerate goes to ~180. Here are some commonly asked questions about capping FPS with … Should you cap FPS with G Sync? Read More » Apr 6, 2017 · Remove Gsync, use Fast Sync, and you're tear free and maximizing FPS. This will still look smooth, since it's essentially freesync too. May 28, 2017 · Same goes for games like GTA V, when I play on ultra settings I get about 80-110ish FPS on average but when it drops to 60-70 FPS it looks so laggy and gives me headaches. I just tried G-sync with low latency mode on my alienware aw2518hf 240hz monitor and it actually feels better than ULMB and fixed refresh, low latency on either of them. I play Tarkov in borderless mode, because that makes it convenient to alt-tab to the other monitor. So, gsync eliminates that wait time and refreshes the monitor only when the next frame is available, making the image smooth and stutter free. In control where fps is mostly in that range, you should see the fps doubling happening for setting the refresh rate. 18 votes, 10 comments. V-Sync when G-Sync is enabled doesn't do what most people think. Ideally, you would want to cap the FPS to 3-5 FPS lower than the monitor's refresh rate, in your case it would be 160-162 fps. It helps to prevent screen tearing and provides a smoother gaming experience. Sep 25, 2024 · If tearing is happening in other places, not just the bottom, then vsync OFF is actually useful in order to determine a good value for your FPS limit. Constant high fps and low latency. Gsync basically "syncs" the refresh rate of monitor to the FPS as long as the FPS is within the gsync limit. Apr 26, 2023 · Gsync helps reducing stutters and screentearing when the framerate fluctuates and make lower framerate feel smoother, that is what Gsync is designed to do. With gsync the monitor refreshes when there is now data to display, negating the need to vsync. Lower frame times means the game processes inputs more often, lowering the end-to-end latency. Cap your FPS much lower than refresh rate to eliminate screen tearing (minimum of -20fps below refresh rate). If you limit your game to 30 fps and your CPU/GPU are technically powerful enough to achieve more, then the time they need to work on each frame might be lower than the full time span. Oct 23, 2019 · I would think that the lower frame rates wouldn't be an issue. The recommendation was to cap -3 FPS lower than the max refresh rate. Without vsync this will result in screen tearing, but using vsync has it's own drawbacks. The best combination for low latency gaming is Freesync/GSync + EnhancedSync/FastSync. 90FPS+ feels much better again. Low latency mode vsync is probably the best compromise (if you have vsync and go above max refresh rate and gsync no longer works then you now have input lag of vsync). So, when the framerate falls below 60 fps, the monitor will still sync the frame rate to the refresh rate, but at double or triple the refresh rate. OP has also concluded that effectively Gsync is pointless right there in the TS. Maybe it works better with lower resolutions (less than 4k). Some apps support Framerate Matching, where if they video played is 24 fps, the TV matches the refresh rate and plays smoothly (playing each frame 5 times to fit in the 120hz container smoothly). Imagine that as the opposite of the explanation I gave, but the pc is not waiting to give the monitor frames, it refreshes them, making it so you have more "up to I have a 60hz monitor 1080p. 66 ms. Vsync ON in Nvidia control panel (and off in-game) for reduce tearing. So i tried it in cyberpunk with correct settings, no stuttering, fps nicely boosted with dlss3, but increased latency is noticable for me. Witcher 3 drops a good 20fps with g-sync on, the division benchmark scores 10+ fps lower and gta v drops about 10ish also all with 99ish gpu usage. In regards to having a 144hz gsync monitor RTSS 141 fps cap is a MUST for games who don't have a customer FPS limiter like fortnite, bf1 etc - a 144hz cap is no good as it exceeds 144hz and goes beyond like 144. Enable Gsync for Full-Screen & Windowed Mode Global Settings: Vertical sync: On (This prevents Gsync from turning off if the FPS exceeds the Gsync range) Preferred refresh rate: Highest Available RDR2. I'm running a 3080 at 1440p, so I expect to get better than 60fps most of the time. Then for games that support reflex, like valorant, turn on reflex to on+boost. 59 fps will be shown in 118 hz 47 fps will be shown in 94 hz 30 fps will be shown in the lower limit 60 hz BUT If you have a 240hz or higher monitor the GSYNC fps cap combo is like 1-2ms extra at most but eliminates screen tearing so its a smoother experience, so I always use GSYNC. If some tear lines move off screen from top, new ones appear from bottom. This allows smooth frame doubling below 30 FPS. What I mean by less FPS spikes and drops: let's say I'm playing Metro Exodus Enhanced. There is no tech right now that is able to make 40 fps look like it's 60. if you run at a stable 60 Hz/60 fps, then a new frame must be shown every 16. If an FPS limiter (such as in-game, config file, RTSS, and/or Nvidia “Max Frame Rate”) is not desired or available, Reflex is not available, and framerate exceeds refresh rate: Set “Low Latency Mode” to “Ultra” in the Nvidia Control Panel. But in GTA V, the game feels much smoother without the G-Sync. Most of them will have LFC (low framerate compensation) which will duplicate the frames when your fps is low enough. But it starts displaying each frame two times to sync up with monitor hz. With gsync+vsync+fps cap+low latency disable, my latency was 6. Gsync on (or setting the display to 60 or 120hz) will avoid that issue. V-Sync in relation to G-Sync has a special connotation. So if I were to upgrade my 1080p G-sync eliminates screen tearing, which occurs when your gpu is putting out more or less FPS than your max refresh. G-Sync enables the graphics card to dictate the refresh rate of the monitor, ensuring that each frame is displayed at the optimal time, resulting in smoother gameplay. Anything from 38-144 fps looked super sharp and smooth in motion. If you can frame limit in game you probably want to set to a few frames less than max, for example 141fps for a 144fps monitor. So, in your case it might be good to experiment with caps starting at 250 and slowly going lower and lower - see what effect that might have. So on a 60hz monitor without gsync, unless you are running EXACTLY at 60fps (so even 59 or 61fps) you will get screen tearing (which you can google examples of) which is very annoying and jarring. Yes, refresh rate should follow fps till it reaches the max refresh rate possible. Lower the FPS cap until tearing is reduced to a minimum, then set vsync ON once you found a good cap to get rid of any remaining tearing. com has tested gsync monitors to confirm that a frame cap of 3 FPS less than refresh rate will give the lowest/best latency for GSYNC + VSYNC. It also is fluctuating a lot between several fps below or above my actual fps. Gsync is MADE to work with fluctuating framerate Keep it on. Gsync + Vsync and lock my FPS to 160 (165Hz monitor). So gsync+vsync+framerate cap below your max refresh rate around 5 fps but it depends on your refresh rate. So if the VRR range is 35-140, when the FPS drops to 34 FPS the physical refresh rate actually being used on the monitor will jump from 35 Hz (35 FPS) to 68 Hz (34 FPS). Turning off G-Sync makes average FPS in GTA V around 70FPS while in mountains and around 90FPS while in town. Specs: Nvidia 1070 OC'D Intel 6600K OC'D 8GB RAM I dont know if this is a known issue but if it is why has it not been fixed almost cant use G-SYNC with this Let me clear some things up that still aren't 100% on the "why you should do it" front. If it's a single player game, I'll usually lock the FPS to the minimum I can hold in that game for the sake of consistency (eg, 90 in Metro Exodus). Not exactly but close. Still a bit slower than both off afaik, but imperceptibly so for me. I have a pretty fast computer so I can get close to 360 fps most of the time and above 240 99% of the time. What u should definitely be doing is gsync on. The module exploits the vertical blanking interval (the span between the previous and next frame scan) to manipulate the display’s internal timings; performing G2G Gsync + 240hz (238 fps cap) has 1ms more avg input lag vs vsync off with 480-1000 fps. Even with low gpu utilization. I have been researching about optimal Gsync settings and limiting FPS to 3 under the monitor's refresh rate, but I also see people saying for competitive FPS games (CSGO, CoD, etc. Is FreeSync really necessary? Since AMD FreeSync is based on VESA’s Adaptive-Sync technology, which is a free and open standard, it doesn’t increase the monitor’s price. (Best results, i did The test most once time) Jun 20, 2017 · G-SYNC Module The G-SYNC module is a small chip that replaces the display's standard internal scaler, and contains enough onboard memory to hold and process a single frame at a time. exe Program Settings: Texture Filtering: High Quality RDR2 Settings: V-Sync: Off Triple Buffering: Off Fullscreen Mode -cap fps globally to 141 fps. My games have felt much smoother with vrr on low fps and dips The whole point of Gsync is to kill tearing. However, the optimal FPS cap will depend on your specific monitor and its capabilities. Aug 30, 2021 · I've been seeing a some people say to limit fps to 3-4 frames under your max refresh rate (in my case 165hz) and you have gsync on, which is also suggested to have vsync on in NVPC. Gsync and FreeSync are different. 5. I can imagine dlss3 can truly shine only if base fps is over 100. Unlike G-SYNC + V-SYNC “Off,” G-SYNC + V-SYNC “On” allows the G-SYNC module to compensate for sudden frametime variances by adhering to the scanout, which ensures the affected frame scan will complete in the current scanout before the next frame scan and scanout begin. What really confuses me is when I uncap my fps I can easily achieve 250+fps in games (rtx 2080ti, 9700k) yet for some reason I am dropping frames when capped at 162???? If you consistently have fps above refresh rate then triple buffering should be off, as it only adds input lag at that point. Price premium: G-Sync hardware adds $100-$200 typically over FreeSync monitors, though provides better quality. I always use gsync unless I'm playing a cursor heavy game with low/fluctuating fps like an MMO or something (since cursor movement will be tied to your fps/refresh rate with gsync on). If the monitor does not have Displayport then you will need an AMD GPU to use it over HDMI. Jun 10, 2020 · I thought gsync eliminates stutter when your fps fluctuates? I can be playing the lowest demanding game and still experience this slight fps drop + stutter. Vsync is only supposed to kick in if your FPS exceeds your monitor's refresh rate, so the -3 FPS cap makes it where vsync never activates. Jan 21, 2019 · Hi guys, 3 days ago I started using G-SYNC Compatible. What's your monitor refresh rate set to? I've been looking around and some have had tearing issues overclocking capable monitors to 165Hz. Meanwhile my last monitor, the PG279Q with a real gsync module, could single cycle all the way down to 38hz. Jun 28, 2024 · Yes, capping FPS with G Sync can be beneficial in certain situations. This is the general rule of thumb. If your FPS fluctuates too much, use Gsync and accept what it does for you But this whole thread is the perfect practical example of why I'm convinced Gsync is worthless for any high end rig. 7ms and average 100 fps. This really is just for hardcore competitive players and esports pros. The thing is that my base fps in cyberpunk is low. With v sync off I get more than 120 fps in all game and min fps are always above 100 in all games. Since your monitor can as well, thought to ask. Clever editing in this video to help show how it works In the blur buster gsync guide, I remember reading that vsync wouldn't add lag when FPS are within the gsync range. Hope this I have two monitors, one 120hz+gsync and one 60hz+gsync. 5 or 59. But for example cs go feels way smoother and more responsible with 300fps+ and i am not noticing any screen tearing. After turning it off it fixed my FPS issues, in fact, almost doubled my frames. ) Nov 3, 2023 · Limit FPS Below Max Refresh – Capping FPS 3-5 frames lower than max refresh rate prevents exceeding it, eliminating tearing. 1hz + which is out of the gsync range for 144hz monitors. People that usually use gsync either use 240hz monitors, or like to play games at max quality, thus resulting in lower FPS. I had to do this with my Asus XG279Q. For Gsync, you only need to enable it if your average FPS is lower than the refresh rate of your monitor. Even my Firestrike ultra score is higher when i turn of g-sync. Jun 30, 2021 · and when i get more then 144 fps , the games doesnt feel smooth neither, only when i turn vsync on and gsync off, and then it actually feels like 144fps, but when i dont get 144 fps and the fps variates between like 110-70 then it doesnt feel smooth, battlefield 5: vsync is off gsync is on, and if i set the fps limit to 60 via riva tuner, then As for your question, never turn on Vsync in any competitive game as it adds a large amount of input lag. You don't need Vsync you just need an FPS limiter since Gsync doesn't function above maximum refresh rate. (Or 3fps below your monitor's Hz) Only time you may want to turn it off is when playing competitive shooters to get just a tiny bit lower latency, but it will be fine even if you don't do this. Dec 12, 2023 · Frame time is effectively just 1/fps, so no it doesn't do anything for it. But that was before OLED was on the market. That's why people put the cap lower than your max FPS. So short answer, gsync is good for everyone. It's to help mask low fps and for it to be less distracting. When you get 40, it's a solid 40, but it's still a 40. With gsync+vsync+fps cap+low latency enable or ultra, my latency was 6. If I uncap fps and have 500 fps on 60 Hz screen, That just creates many tear lines. Tying up with what I mentioned previously, it might be the case that G-Sync enabled shows better latency than capping at 330 FPS because of the 165 Hz + higher than needed GPU usage and 99%FPS. They work by adjusting when the monitor refreshes to match the fps of the GPU in real time. I checked on AMD's site, couldn't find the VG27AQ on their lookup page, but they have the VG27A listed. It means I'm able to push settings higher and live with 40-50 fps averages and not care where as with a vsync monitor that would drive me crazy. I often play around with settings but rarely pay attention how it affects FPS and was quite surprised that as soon as i apply +Boost, it instantly lowers my fps. Reflex takes precedence over NULL, but the only issue is that reflex isn't supported in every game. So when I turn on the vsync, I was not getting constant 60 fps and smooth gameplay although I know that my specs can easily do that like butter. hkoyy yoy pqzapjn fyiyk ovbl pqauc vmvw dmmprc inz jdukid bshmk tphoc ubuajcc nxquc ivve