Hobbit fanfiction hair cutting " "Th…orin please. I want to have a beard blanket when I go to sleep,' Bilbo said, pulling Thorin's beard up so that it covered his shoulder. " "So. In three cuts, his hair was the perfect length for a respectable Hobbit, even if it was uneven and slightly longer at the left side and very thick at the top where he didn't chop off his curls. Last time you cut your bonnie hair, your eyes were red with weeping and your very soul looked broken. He repositioned himself over Thorin's head, his little fingers wiggling excitedly. "Cut it!" Kili cried. After some tinkering, and with a helpful hand from Elros, Thranduil and Legolas were able to get the antlers out of their hair. And the light brought out the green flecks in her hazel eyes. She keeps the sudden knowing that she'll never be able to cut her hair short again. Bilbo rolled her eyes. Briffo claimed the seat next to his darker cousin, his blue eyes slow to finish scanning the other attendees. Before moving on to her long messy hair. All Dwarves are taught, among many things, the importance of hair and beard, what braids were used to indicate family and trade, wealth and status. I have told you about Erebor, have I not, young Kíli?" "Yes, Uncle Thorin," Kíli said, groaning. Bilbo cuts his hair. That was used as a punishment, and only for severe crimes at that. (she doesn't think about the bead braided in her hair. "I'm such a fool!" When it was closer to time for Gandalf to be showing up Bilbo washed up, made sure he was wearing the same outfit as last time, put his hair up in a lose braid having stopped cutting his hair when he woke up three months prior and went out to sit and smoke till Gandalf arrived. "If you do, you can have more cake," he added, needing to sweeten the deal. For once the Hobbit lady is glad of her blindness. It had been unheard of someone cutting their own beard off, until Thorin had done it, and even then he claimed to have a cause. "You must stay very still, my son. If Kili's hair were in a ponytail, he was hopeful that the patch might be hidden. " With a howl, the goblins nearest Thorin set upon him. Low, the Hobbit released the baby's head bawling. "You would not dare touch him," interrupted Kili as the anger got the better of him. I felt my hair get cut and I fell to the ground with my hair falling to the ground in front of me. He hasn't written me back yet. "We'll start with the girl by cutting her head off. It was worth the wait getting the antlers out of their hair. " "Thorin," Bilbo turned to face his husband. Of all those whose beards would never grow The hobbit's tone did not invite further questions when he answered with a clipped, "My grandfather. The only braid that could be done by anyone. " Thorin let out a They took small jewels from expensive stalls and disappeared without a trace. "If I did, I would find one. "Do you think we're halfway yet?" "Why? You eager to carry this?" "Maybe," Kili shrugged. The stories of old say the fortunes of the earth were meant to be shaken. Thorin managed to disentangle the worst of it, before silently beginning to even the brown mess out. " He cried "NO, YOU ARE A THIEF!" He bellowed, making the air around them still. 'I don't want you to ever cut it again. He scrambled to sit on Legolas' stomach, forcing the prince to lie on his back. . Fingers trembling from grief and exhaustion, he guided Bilbo's hands as the Halfling braided the bead into the underside of his hair, and held him close as he sobbed the oath to only cut his hair when mourning had finally ceased. o. It was the first time she had taken it out of a ponytail in weeks and she could feel how greasy her hair was. Tauriel knew all the stories. The rest of the group reached a companionable silence as they listened to the hobbit's conversation and noticed the daisy tucked behind her ear. He had tears in his eyes as the Dwarf pointed the sword at the Hobbit's throat. "No, I don't really want a wife," Thorin said. Does this make us friends?" Brunere eyed Risil as the Blacklock manned the scissors, wincing at how much fabric was being snipped away. For who she waited, even she did not know, for who could still remember where she In three cuts, his hair was the perfect length for a respectable Hobbit, even if it was uneven and slightly longer at the left side and very thick at the top where he didn't chop off his curls. 7. When her version of 'respectable May 11, 2012 · He looked harmless enough now, slumped on the cell's bench. No one is allowed to put braids in Bilbo's hair while he is asleep just to see what they will look like (KILI do not do it) 9. " Thorin gently stroked her hands over Bilbo's soft foot hair. Kili grabbed at his brother, bracing his fall and Thorin brought down Orcrist and turned to look back, eyes wide with concern. The sleigh bed was crafted of sturdy oak, as were the surrounding wardrobe and shelves. He tossed the knife toward another goblin. Jan 31, 2013 · "Aye lassie," added Bofur, "you should start braiding em through your hair. The moment my hair grows back you are taking these out. Fandom: The Hobbit. 8. Thorin nodded stiffly, his eyes not moving from the spot in the ground he'd been staring at for several minutes. Her hair cut short above her ears, shorter than his hair. R. " Jan 14, 2013 · "Kili that it's not my hair move your hand or ill cut it off. A place where only darkness could reach. It was time that she became a respectable hobbit once and for all and gave up her silly pining. A story about a sexy young Thorin told from 2nd POV. Jul 4, 2020 · "I need a haircut," Bilbo joked as he twirled his hair around his finger. The smell of cut wood was all around him, and he looked through the dark of the room, picking out the details of where he had been situated. Time sped up again, and everything was moving too fast. He hesitated before having a servant deliver a washbasin and carefully washed Bilbo's hair. Bilbo looked at the fruit of his labor happily. o An elfling with golden hair and bright blue eyes that shimmer with tears at the sight of the Elvenking. "Oh, you mustn't cut it" Fili continued. " "My grandsons know this," stated Lady Galadriel. While Ser Edmure had auburn hair and deep blue eyes, like most Tullys, and grew a fiery red beard. Note - Says Mark Twain, "An author should say what he is proposing to say, not merely come near it. Few are hauled up again. As soon as he saw him, he understood what it means to "maternal love". " Sealyn chuckled with hair pins sticking out from her mouth while Erelinde and Brunere laughed, though the later only ended up coughing again. He thought his uncle was 's whined sound of pain cutting short when his body struck against coins. Now, he watched as the Halfling brought out a pair of scissors and gazing intently into the smooth water of the pool they'd found, raised the twin blades to coppery For the third time that day, hair-cutting ensued. He admired it for a moment, the gold metal emphasized the gold tint of her hair while the onyx stone stood out dramatically against the light colored strands. In fact, Reese had been able easily see traces of Fili and Kili in her as well. "We saw your plight, Lil' Hobbit, and wanted to help. And so they were, and so they have been, and so they will be. ) (Never be a 'respectable' hobbit of the Shire again. "Cutting hair does not mean much for hobbits," Gandalf said, "but for elves and especially dwarves it is a very big concern. When he looked to Bilbo, it was with curiosity. (It was a craft, he would argue, a skill, a trade of his own) He lurked in the shadows, watching and waiting for that rich dwarf with the shiny hair beads to wander through. The newly blinded Hobbit tapped with her stick and clutched the arm of the Thief Child- son of the Lady Autumn. Bilbo went for his favourite punishment of lightly flicking Thorin's ear, before pressing a kiss there. She stared at him for a while… she wasn't quite the ordinary Hobbit. "Your braids… Your hair braids, I mean… they don't quite fit the other categories you've told me about. Bilbo hadn't been able to shave her excess foot hair in the last few months. "I am so sorry!" Harriet spouted, her hair suddenly seeming to gain height in her nervousness, twisting and floating like underwater. Granted, their beautiful, perfect golden hair needed to get all its rats out first, too, before returning to being beautiful and perfect again. She pulled a face in disgust as she dived under the water soaking her hair and then re-submerging and running her fingers through her hair, getting out all the tugs and tangles. "Fili!" "Thorin!" Bilbo's cry was cut off with a garbled grunt of Bilbo stood there on trembling knees as he looked up at Thorin. The dwarves get seriously overprotective and vow to avenge him. " Her hair had several awkward bumps and the hair clip was slightly askew, but to the thirteen year old boy it looked perfect. Rating: PG (K+) Genre: General, implied Romance. A tangle of granite-colored hair spread over his face. "Let me tie up your hair first," Fili whispered now, unwilling for Thorin to find them yet. "I will cut that hair clean off your head, dwarf!" He exclaimed. To have it actually happen at the hands of the king of one of the races he most treasured as a child was heartbreaking and mind shattering. The pies were cooling nicely and smelled even better than they looked. The only sound was of Bilbo's chocking sobs. "You betrayed me Hobbit. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Angst - Thorin - Words: 2,342 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 6 - Published: 5/12/2013 - id: 9288071 Ser Brynden was tall and lean, with a hoarse, smoky voice. The loose curls fell into her eyes and she shoved it impatiently behind her ear. "Please do not cut Fili's hair, Uncle," he begged as he wrapped his thin little arms around Thorin's leg. " Legolas pulled out his twin blades, pointing them at Thorin. Thorin takes responsibility for cutting it out, everyone is surprised how well Bilbo takes the “pain”. "Oh, just get this over with. Bilbo couldn't be referring to the Old Took, Dwalin had met him and the hobbit had changed more nappies for faunts than using garden implements, much less weapons. Jun 1, 2020 · Bilbo got briars stuck in his hair, the dwarves tried to get it out and can’t, Bilbo says oh well let’s cut it. "But I am a generous king," he declared. He said that it was in memory. Cutting one's hair was taboo in dwarven culture; the thought made his stomach twist in nausea. Pity gave too much space for him to think how damned he must be for loving his little brother more than he had a right to. Feb 4, 2025 · "Ten says she gets him in the shins," Nori responded back, eyes gleaming as he dogged out of the way of the fleeing wizard and straight into the arms of the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. "Why did you let him?" he asked. Thorin, I'm a part of your Company, and I'll do whatever I have to in order to prove that to you. Smile that he soon covered with his own lips, cradling her head in his palms as he did so, weaving his fingers into the soft mass of her hair. Thranduil has seen it "Oh, well it's not widely known that hobbit hair actually grows very fast. "What happened?" Dwalin bit out, the river chilling his waist while being at chest height for the hobbit. Only Bilbo saw the jagged orcish blade cutting through the chaos, aimed at Thorin's exposed back. " Wreathing broken bodies, blood and dirt caked into hair. Sometimes, we cut a lock of hair and give it to those we have feelings for. o. " Bofur smiled, his floppy hat sat snugly on top of his head. Cut them off!" His commander nods, starts shouting as well. IN LINE WITH RULE SIX no dwarf is EVER allowed to give an elf hair care advice. Kili's deep, chocolatey brown hair braided with Thorin's almost-black and grey-streaked hair. The feast tonight in honor of Lady Dis’ birthday was going to be spectacular. A flushed hobbit lass with curly hair the color of fire, freckles adorning flushed cheeks, and eyes so deep, he felt himself get lost in them. AN: Forever thanks to my darling Sasha who mentions these random things that inspire me to write when we have conversations about Sherlock. Shorter and thinner than Dodinas with an open and round face, Briffo had no beard, only sideburns, but his curly russet hair was cut equally short. She waited patiently under stone, living the days she had been condoned, hidden from the stars that searched for her above the earth. Before he can go, Thranduil clasps his fingers around his shoulder. " "I've heard," Thorin nodded. Your hair…it must be healed…or your mind will wither. " Cue brother's high five. "Different kinds of heartbreak, I Dwalin had noticed so many changes about Bilbo Baggins, including longer hair, ear piercings, the ability to hold a knife, and his people's blatant exile of him before the quest, but the scar across his chest was disturbing in the extreme. His senses as a man were lessened, though considerably stronger than those born of this age. "I didn't realize the value of being able to grow such wonderful hair on your feet. It’s a way of saying we wouldn’t mind being courted by them,” Bilba said, sheathing Sting at her side and continued walking. He cuts his hair. "To the sides!" Thranduil shouts, "form a waning moon. But even as your husband I cannot back down. Though Kili was still fuming, he could also sense his anxiety; it took two to cut a sibling`s hair. To cut one's hair was to denounce all these things, to be shamed. " Jan 4, 2013 · The hobbit smiled sadly at him, but tried to not look at him with pity and Fili was grateful for that. Elves like their hair so much that a threat to it is basically a threat to their life. There had been no recognizing him at first. Black hair, long and silky, pulled back into intricate braids. "No, Kili! Wait!" Panic set in, for he was unsure how to hide the damage done. Saradoc froze as it seemed the dragon had finished the job of murdering the hobbit by stepping on him. Fili, son of Fiach, heir to the throne of Durin was almost shaking as he walked over to the Hobbit who was placing something shiny and metallic (probably the razor) into his pack. He was slightly bigger than a baby Hobbit (which explains why Bilbo is exhausted after giving birth) with black hair deep strolling wildly on his little head. with hair spun from the smoothest gold. He knew what was coming—the long tale of Erebor's fall, long before he had been born. No, I cut my beard in remembrance of those we lost in the destruction of Erebor. It hurt a little, but Kili didn't stop. Her beard was well oiled and pulled into sleek braids with pretty beads clasping their ends. In three cuts, his hair was the perfect length for a respectable Hobbit, even if it was uneven and slightly longer at the left side and very thick at the top where he didn't chop off his curls. She croaks her reply. He was clean-shaven, and his face was craggy and windburnt, his features lined and once-auburn hair had long gone to grey, and he had bushy eyebrows and laughing eyes of deep blue. For their hair to be cut, unless it was to make you look less like an orc went at it with a pair of garden sheers, it was because the dwarf, or the one doing the cutting, was considering the dwarf to be disgraced and shamed. Bilbo got briars stuck in his hair, the dwarves tried to get it out and can’t, Bilbo says oh well let’s cut it. Perhaps the rockiness was natural for his kind. With his chubby little hands, he began to nimbly braid their hair together. Characters: Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield. I swing my legs and move as he swings the knife. The Hair Incident: Tauriel sat on a couch in her boyfriend's mother's home. She waited in the place time had forgotten. The baby was, for him, the most beautiful baby in the world. " "Give it here then, I'm freezing," Kili admitted. In her lap was an old photo album from Kili's childhood. The dwarrowdam before her was gorgeous. The longer Legolas went without attention to his hair, the worse it would become – and Thranduil didn't know how long Legolas had hidden this from him. "My hair? I shall certainly oblige-" "Now, now, my love," the Snow Queen whispers. 'That generally happens when you don't cut it,' Thorin teased. Oin took a sharp knife from his pack and began carefully cutting away the hair closest to the wounds. If he got himself into a little spot of trouble from his craft, then he would pluck one of He said distractedly, "You drive me to distraction, lass. And in elven culture, that is a very serious threat. "What is it you wish?" Killing Frost asks the old Hobbit kindly. "Is the body still warm?" Fili laughed and turned to his brother, "No, but it does block the wind quite nicely. Fili helped. "Have you seen my son?" "No, my Lord. Smaug took a running start as he broke through the front gate of Erebor to take flight into the star-filled night. "Cut what?" Bofur asked "You're not going to cut your hair are you, Bilbo?" Balin asked, his expression He was careful to try to preserve the hobbit's modesty, but he doubted that the fastidious hobbit would enjoy being covered in blood and bloody clothing. "Even the female nurses are cutting their hair short. "Hair will grow back. Cutting a dwarf's hair was not something done but in the most dire of circumstances. This time, you've cut it all rough and jagged and you're laying here injured, and you're laughing merrily. My long blonde hair was no longer long. " Dwalin's gaze narrowed. Once she was done writing, she would cut her hair back to a more sensible length. No one is allowed to braid FLOWERS into Bilbo's hair while he is asleep (KILI DO NOT DO THAT EITHER; BILBO IS COMING FOR REVENGE) 10. "Alright your 'heir (since we all know dwarves can't say HAIR correctly) is done~!" Fili handed Julchen a mirror. "I think not cutting the other side to match would have made things even worse," Legolas retorted, not caring what his father thought, let alone how walking out at that moment would be perceived by the Elven king. Thick locks of hair were pulled and cut and passed into the riotous crowd. Warnings: implied Slash (M/M) Disclaimer: I tried to send a threat through a thoroughly written letter to J. Kili nodded, brown hair blowing in his face as he looked at his brother miserably. Fewer still fight. "Guess we'll leave it for the defiler. To cut one's hair short is a sign of dishonor. His blocky form was covered in dark, heavy fabric studded with bits of shiny metal, like flecks of mica in stone. "Now I know," she said simply with a soft smile on her lips. "I'm actually very much frightened of this assignment. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Words: 2,301 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 27 - Published: 11/13/2017 - id: 12724670 The tired hobbit felt the sudden urge to cut his beard, and was just about ready to grab Sting and chop it all off when, as a small group, some of the dwarves started a small conversation. She smiled at the sight of him and his older brother Fili as children, right now the two of them were at Fili's house trying to paint a nursery because Fili and his wife Sigrid were expecting there first child. " The Great Goblin pulls out a knife as the dwarves start to yell. " She shrugged, doing her best not to wince. "Share the rest of his precious hair amongst yourselves. No one in known hobbit history had ever had their hair cut off and it was only used as a threat in the gravest of situations. " You would never cut low enough. Strapped spread-eagle to thick, wooden beams mounted six feet above ground, strips of bloody cloth hanging from his body, and a bruised, cut face covered with shoulder-length hairBilbo swallowed hard and moved forward to see if there was still breath left in the poor man. I'm not even just a burglar. From the colors and style of the clothing, Bilbo made a few quick deductions - namely, that it was a little boy, despite the length of the dark hair, and that it was not a Hobbit child at all. Her blue eyes were closer to Fili's shade than Thorin's, and Reese had noticed a definite similarity between Dis and Kili's full bottom lip. The resemblance between Dis and her brother was remarkable. ' 'Not ever?' 'No. Bilbo is seriously confused. There's only one person who gets to touch Thorin's hairand that's whoever you decide. I forgot my scissors so have been unable to cut it" Bilbo said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. His feet were tiny and oddly narrow, lacking any warm hair at all, and they were bloodied on the bottom - a rare sight to a Hobbit's eyes. Tolkien about giving me the rights to "The Hobbit". With a crack in the ice, a great deal of misfortune, and a touch of something remarkable, Emelia found herself on an unexpected adventure. " She threw her hair dramatically down on the rough wooden floor as she pointed fiercely at him with her sword. Especially as your But, he wasn't so jealous that he would wish his brother's beard to be cut. Not in a conventional sense, when she had traveled with her dwarrows and seen so much, when she had changed so much. " "Do you like flowers?" asked Ori. On his other side was Kili's brother, Fili. Dwarves lived in tunnels underground. "I was going to do it myself. Fíli, in all his wisdom, has completely ruined his hair; his beautiful, sacred hair. We do have one tradition with cutting hair, but it’s more for the girls. Chaos ensues. Bilbo misinterprets some court gossip. "I'm not just a hobbit. Kili watched in horror as Thorin walked down the hall to his bedroom and returned with one of his knives. Adorable, squishy, drabble. "Aye sorry wont happen again~!" "Kílí your hand is STILL-" "Alright we are done!" Fílí and Kílí looked back at their work. Even Thorin deigned to politely observe the slight difference in his burglar's appearance. Feb 20, 2013 · For a hobbit_kink prompt. "Never. Hair he would soon get to braid with his very own braids, telling everyone of his intent. It was straight and a dark brown that turned red in the light of the forge and flames.
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