Kanna bye bye farming. I farmed many clean god-tier flames.

Kanna bye bye farming 124% meso in total-100% meso from equips-20% inner ability-4% Legion PhantomPets:2 pets are good but 3 is recommended for meso lootingPet skills:-Expanded Au Jun 1, 2019 · So you should try to switch to farming on your main as soon as possible, but until that's feasible, a suicide kanna farming at bye bye station is one of the fastest lower level methods. hey guys im trying to make time for kanna farming. Edit: Also where is that screenshot from? I can't find that message in the official discord. Just type in bye bye rates in So with the rework of Kanna I tried to find a guide on the most optimal farming guide for bye bye station but couldn't find one, so I decided to make one. Or is bye-bye Kanna still is the best option even after the patch ?. Well it is farming mesos on a Kanna (kishin, a Kanna only skill) increases mob spawn rate so its more effective than other classes). my rates as a 185 kanna on 1x at gs2 is around 310-311 mil tp farming at byebye isn't as efficient without 5th job, but i was testing last night and i make around 290-300 mil an hour keeping kishin up and just tp farming, its not super awful I usually clean my inventory once my byebye kanna hits 90%, I'm already going to die 9 times, may as well add something else to the process so I don't lose potential legion meso coupons through a disconnect Now that suicide Kanna has be crushed by the cruel Nexon. Then start leveling that kanna or your 181 kanna to 190 in order to start running damien/lotus. List your kanna level and data while meso farming here! I make about 150m/ 35 Min Depends on where you farm with the Kanna. Eventually you will phase out of bye bye farming, so might as well end that a bit earlier. I haven't played since they changed the meso drop change (don't get meso after a leveling too much). Best rates on Arcana for Kanna are in dcup1 This is true to an extent but I feel that it is more balanced (yet less new player friendly) as a 20k int Kanna should not be similar to a 149 kanna in meso farming. I used to make sub 400m/hr up until i got my kanna a mag hilla soul and 195k range . Pros: You don't have to suicide. Avg 1 bill each piece to get meso roller Inner ability for meso obtain. Does reboot make more than the regular servers? I ask as I'm on Mardia with a 150 Kanna and I can't seem to surpass 12 million mesos an hour at Bye Bye Station. Your best bet is to forget your daily bossing on your main, make a kanna, grind at 80m an hour for ~1b per 20% meso obtained , get 20% meso obtained on your IA and then grind mesos for your main. But you can still afk farm at bye bye and it'll be just fine. I didnt want to risk it at bye bye and leveled. Getting at least some meso gear on your bye bye kanna is likely worthwhile. And yes the numbers have become closer between Kanna and other classes, but on other classes you now NEED a totem to farm well. Take this with a grain of salt, but I feel like most people who make these posts about where their options lie down the line have more or less fallen for the sunk-cost trap to a degree. I have a few questions about them: What alternatives are there for meso farming aside from bye bye and arcane river? I don't mind going bye bye but constantly suiciding seems annoying to do. However, you can farm nodestones as well as meso and droplets, which will boost your progression significantly. I remember farming meso at bye bye station, I heared that has changed, What are the current options for farming meso? My kanna right now is level 200 is there any place to farm meso or should i level to like 240? Farming with 2 kannas in Bye Bye So now that party members dont leech mesos anymore, would telefarming in bye bye with 2 kannas(2 computers) yield better mesos? 2 kannas teleporting would mean faster map clearing and obviously having pet loot off on the mule so we can loot their mesos also. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 2 comments I just created a kanna to meso farm and got him to 145 today and started trying out bye bye station, the killing was okay but when I start looting I get a lot of pet loot lag if I attack 30 secs I need like 1,5-2,5 min to loot the meso are they any ways to make the lag a bit better. Are there any good spots in this range following Bye Bye? I’d love to be able to farm and slowly level the Kanna up at the same time. If you do want to go the arcane route, however, be prepared to basically main that kanna. Bye bye kanna is just referring to a kanna that you keep at lvl 149 indefinitely (killing youself to not level) and grinding at the map “byebye” to farm mesos. My rates are 250m per 20 mins (with 20 min legion and wealth pot). Main kanna cause it's fun to you B. This forces you to lose experience in order to maintain your level, because if you are over 10 levels higher than mobs, your rates begin to drop. Kanna is op Yeah. I recommend registering the 140 Starforce map from Omega Sector to your Hyper Teleport Rock to make it easier to suicide. In the meantime for meso do ursus, daily and weekly bosses, and maple tour. Sep 24, 2019 · Also, make sure to use up a rune and die before starting your rotation so you don't get cursed in the middle of meso farming, and create a Phantom for 3% extra meso from Legion! Alrighty guys, Arcana kanna's are the meta, not ByeBye kanna's, unless youre sub-midgame. Because that’s when you can max out an enhancement slot for holy symbol on your 5th job skill for additional drop rate. Hey so I’ve seen that some people use Kanna for nodestone farming, I just recently used the tera burn on my first Kanna Meso farmer and I’m keeping her at 148, but after hearing that people use Kanna for node farming, I’m wondering if it’s worth it to continue the tera burn to 200 and then remake a Kanna just to stay at bye bye. A tip: if you didn’t level you kanna yet, start farming your kanna on BBS from 140 so you can farm mesos for 9~10 levels without suicide. This requires way more work than Bye Bye and is not recommended unless you plan to really make an effort to farm/dedicate your time. If youre farming in arcane river, youre still getting nodestones. Begin saving DWT/SY coins for your kanna mules abso lab set. I tried searching but no luck. Title. (Just die a couple of times if you're about to level as it will decrease mesos droprate). Now you really only have to grind on your main/favorite class and do boss mules at your leisure. Plus later arcane areas are as good or better tjan bye bye rates as you can get nodes and droplets. Cons: It'll take a considerably higher amount of funding needed to one shot mobs. The Kanna can get you the billions that your main needs to farm properly at 230+ faster than the weeks of Ursus/Maple Tour you would need to do for the same amount. I've written this Also, farming at bye bye is more or less an afkable task. Here's what I would do: Farm 10-20b on your byebye kanna. I can already 1 shot them. Basically a short for a kanna farmer. You will most likely experience reduced meso rates compared to before the patch. Since now we know that any bans from it will be upheld. So I’ve had a kanna to farm st Bye Bye for some time now, but I’ve never cubed for meso gear on it. Obviously, the easiest way is just to farm at bye bye. get 5 accessory pieces and cube for meso gear. I just recently made my meso farming kanna again 2 days ago and so far I have 60% Meso obtained. I was wanting to start farming cubes to start getting Meso % on acc and eventually start funding into my main. I'm probably going to risk it and use the meso to tera burn a kanna for arcana since free cra will make funding her a whole lot easier without having to worry about Carries. Main your Kanna, push it to 210+ and start farming in ChuChu/lach/arcana. C. I still have jobs I need to fund and I urgently need to know. (Coins are transferable). I would like to stick to this kanna since it already has legendary inner and both my face and eye acc is legendary. Arkanna was preferable. [Reboot] I am currently burning a kanna to 148 and planing on staying lvl 150 once burning is over to get blackhearted and farm at bye bye. Apparently not many people like me :'( oh well. Bye bye Kanna needs to suicide more often which can increase the chance of getting banned. It's like an option that you have. However, i also read about ulu station and it being for slightly higher levels. . Jun 14, 2019 · With the new revamped skills, early game kannas received a huge mobbing buff - enough that rates before and after the kishin nerf at ByeBye are almost the sa If you want you can take the Kanna to Arcana farming. 117K subscribers in the Maplestory community. The grind is "active" now, however it's really not bad. Personally, id focus on the main kanna. Most posts i see are about kanna mules for bye bye station for level 149/150. Imo getting a kanna to 235 to easily farm arcana is very worth it. But even then I should be able to pick up at least 60 million an hr right? You lose a % of mesos from bye bye after 149 because one of the mobs is 139. Most people Im hearing from are saying they are still making the same meso rates as before the changes but I tried farming for an hr and dropped to 200-220m an hr from making 400-450m an hr before the revamp. So yea you need to do all the major bosses up to Damien and lotus in order to eventually farm at arcana. You can farm droplets (extremely important) and nodes. 2 pc meta is essentially dead, so you cant have an alt kanna (other account) to kish for you and farm. 2. At 120% Meso obtain, with leprechaun familiar, you can average 500-600m depending on how focused you are farming at mp3. The strategy goes as follows: play the game like a proper human being and actually farm on your main as you level. Anyone have battle stats that compares MP3 vs Bye Bye vs Ulu estate (in terms of meso output)? Just curious on what map is best to farm. Make a kanna lvl 151 Get Pensalir gear Farm at bye bye station. The Kanna still needs to be strong enough to kill quickly at Scrapyard/DWT, but it is alot cheaper to gear a character for farming 120mil HP mobs than to farm 320mil ones. Basically get a Kanna to 150, TP farm in Bye-Bye and kill it every 40 minutes down to 0% XP, so it never levels. Hello, thinking about returning to reboot and would like to know the current kanna farming meta. Leftover Bye Bye’s would be perfect considering they would be viable to level up and upgrade as you progress. Going suicide Kanna at bye bye station and staying lvl 149 is very efficient atm. Where can I farm mesos as a 168 kanna. [Reboot] So, what is the best way to farm with a kanna in bye bye cuz i feel it kinda slow with 100% Mesos obtain (80 gear 20% IA) In like 1h i got… Kanna at Bye-bye Am I doing something wrong with tele farming at Byebye Station as kanna with 100% n 0% ia with leprechaun, since im only getting rates around 240m/hr? Thanks <3 Hi! With the DMT coming up, I was wondering if it would be more efficient to farm mesos on my level 150 kanna with meso gear or my level 205 main. My question is, how often do you loot meso? I've been doing every 4 mins. I have the 120% meso but can't find a spot and arcana is a long shot away. I was wondering what I should do. If it comes down to i can just make a 2nd kanna and farm bye bye. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon… Meso farming in general is just mind numbing and objectively not fun. Posted by u/Kynoyk - 3 votes and 10 comments Bye bye is fine, you're losing an extra 2% of mesos but you now have to suicide less, so it kinda sorta balances out? Mp3 is better, but it's not like it wasn't better before you leveled. Avoid kanna all together and only farm on your main. Yeah, bye-bye farming with your current kanna to fund your future arcane river character is good. which is about the same I got in bye bye, You would probably get Just go to mp3, youve outleveled bye bye by 8 levels resulting in a 16% Meso loss. Feb 26, 2025 · The Fields to Fork Festival celebrating country life, good food and backing British farming is due to take over Whitebottom Farm, Manchester, on 3rd & 4th May 2025! Set against the idyllic backdrop of Whitebottom Farm, the festival will be an unforgettable weekend of live music, award-winning chefs, and gourmet food and drink, all while Pretty much bye bye is dogshit (good choice nexon) we all know it. I have access to a second pc (my laptop) that I can use to make a kanna. monster drop much meso in this bye bye station map, its level is 130--149, lv 200 is not suitable to farm this map The first and foremost thing you need is a 205 kanna. So if it’s already 190 with full meso gear I think it’s Bye bye kanna farming Share Add a Comment. Try to get an Eye of Time familiar at some point, and make sure you don't level up past 149. Playing a Kanna might not be your cup I flip flop between hating grinding and hating my boss mules but to avoid burn out I just don't force myself to do anything I don't want to do. First things first is to get to a level where you can 1 shot the mobs in bye bye station. But that's the reason. Gratned this Lumi is obviously funded through the ceiling and has great farming potential. The reason is mainly due to the coin shop. My kanna is pretty undergeared right now since I only used them to farm bye bye station, so I don't think they'd be able to get to high level areas. But trust me, it works. Bye Bye Station for level 150~, DWT for 200~ Well in the last couple of weeks I’ve farm for over 20 hours if im not mistaken with no problems. What level range do you need to be to farm bye bye? Is 140 within level range? I want to have at least pensalir gear on kanna. Where is the best place to meso farm now ? I do 1-2 hours a day on weekdays. I have max meso% obtained including inner and im only getting 380m an hr without any legion buffs. I still have the bye bye kanna with 120% meso and of course i dont use it Cuz good choice nexon. I was looking to do so once we get… Saw a video of a Lumi mobbing the crap outta Arcana River at 22m/line. For meso farming in yum-yum/reverse city - both having decent meso rates - you dont need a huge amount of stat. I'm not to concerned about trying to beat or come close to bye bye level of farming but somewhere at least decent. Given this, if Kanna had equal funding would Lumi still be better at farming mesos than Kanna? Arkanna = Arcana + Kanna. Please be considerate of others, if you dont have the time to farm then just leave the map and let someone else use it, instead of afking in a map where other people cant use it even though you aren Hell yeah it's easier, took my 149 Kanna to black gate and let's say dps isn't the number 1 priority for a bye bye farmer and those bosses kept stunning me Reply Pullis • Reboot • Hi all! I wanted to meso farm but was concerned by kanna will get banned. If you want relatively braindead farming on kanna - go side path. You can probably make some mesos and damage gear on your main to progress meso and stat wise. From what I understand, I'm getting 10/8% lower mesos from bye bye station mobs. Why is it ByeBye is the only place ever listed for farming? I get it's OP and the best prior to Arcane River farming. Bye Bye farming is probably a more risky scenario either way, with the frequency of deaths involved. Reply reply I really need to know where I can farm mesos now that Bye-bye Kanna is no longer a thing after they patch Malaysia to lvl190 and reduce the mesos. Only farm on Kanna for the mesos you need (until you can farm well enough on your main. I'm thinking of creating a meso farming Kanna to speed up the process. I read somewhere that the only things causing the ban are nimbus, haku and… Posted by u/Hent4iWarrior - No votes and 36 comments It will eventually be able to hit similar (an eventually better) rates in arcane river as you will with bye bye farming. Therefore, they are answering the OP's question by saying it is not time efficient. Meso rates are fairly similar. Also this kanna isn't tera burn. I make about 200m per 0-90%, which takes roughly 40minutes. get phantom for 3% meso obtain. (optional) Farm even more (till nexon bans all kannas) Stay in lvl range of bye bye station to receive best mesos. I've recently started farming on a kanna mule and had a few questions. Or Remake a lvl 150 kanna and suicide farm in bye bye station. Just wondering if i can just stick to my main and level alts with, then meso grind on my main without using a bye bye kanna. At the start, you should be getting around 120-180mil an hour, and that should go up to around 400-500mil as you get your meso gear. The nodes and arcane force will carry you in those areas until you have the need to hit arcana and with your 100% meso youll have more than enough money by the time youre 235 - or when youre geared enough for lachlein - to worry about Is Bye Bye still the best option? I dun goofed and leveled my Kanna too high before I learned about Meso Farming. I am currently a level 151 kanna farming bye bye, and suiciding every 30 min. Do I keep leveling to 200 or just star Bye Bye Station Spanish farming will yield the best rates for your 142 Kanna. The Reddit community for MapleStory. [Question] Hi, I was wondering what some of the rotations you all do for bye bye farming? I've been trying to put kishin on bot and Ghost yaksha boss on the left side while teleporting and attacking in a circle, but it seems i keep disconnecting after a bit when i teleport and attack (Either with Shikigami haunting or Tengu strike). What’s the best method to farm Meso? Specifically, what should I do from levels 160-230 while I work towards Arcana farming. Arcana is the 4th area of the arcane river. Is meso gear necessary to get? My kanna is at 179 farming Singapore I make around 300m/hr and if I use wealth it’ll be 345m/hr and if I use legion and wealth pot it would be 400 I imagine byebye has way higher rates so it’s worth the trouble. I mean, I could make Meso/drop gear on my Ark, and only train when I can get a fury totem, but I’d be making terrible rates compared to arcana Kanna or even bye bye Kanna. But not everyone wants to make a kanna. If I can already 1 shot, should I just stop leveling? Currently my Kanna is 154. Suicide of Canna is the current best method of farming mesos early game. DCing during Suicide Kanna Bye-bye Farming Using Lep familiar and Zhong's method but looting every 1:30 mins, so using Haunting, Boss, and Kish only without FMA. Kanna farming is bullshit, and you can absolutely farm without it. Hi guys, so I watched Zeros video on how to farm meso as a bye bye kanna. Is meso drops calculated based on level? I am level 140 Kanna with 80k RNG due to the new Haku Fan + farming Bye Bye since 128. Just gotta set a goal and follow it and you’ll make mesos. Anyways, i was thinking just straight up leveling it to like maybe reverse city and just start meso farming cuz i already have the 120% so might aswell. When the maple memo came out banning suicide Kannas, I leveled my 120% meso Kanna to level 161 deciding that I would make it into an arcana farmer. After finding out on the nerf with bye bye station and other meso farming location. So if you don’t want to risk a bye bye kanna (don’t blame you there) then you basically have to “main” the kanna until you get it to ~240 with at least 540 arcane force. CLP is one of the worst maps to farm on. I recently just finished gearing up my ByeBye Kanna. Arcana farming is by far better than bye bye farming. I recommend 3 pets because you are just teleporting around, so the pets wont have much time picking the mesosacks in between teleports. I had a question regarding bye-bye farming. You will need a pet, prefferably 3. I was wondering if the increase in level also meant an increase in mesos or if that is irrelevent to mob level. You go to a map called Bye Bye Station, kill monsters in a specific setup and suicide before level up. Arcana Kanna Usually people make 2 Kanna's where they fund Arcana Kanna with their Bye Bye Kanna. well if u going to kill it give alternative instead of killing it and say screwd all the new ppl without old chars for farming at arcana cause this server doesn't have real sources of gain money for make any progress so after nexon kill that you know what going to happen only old player going to make money those ones who made arcana kanna with I'm farming at bye bye and was wondering even with the auto feed-auto move, auto move skill and extend skill for the pet would I still have refresh… Anyone actually tried bye bye farming post memo I havent tried yet but I'm probably going to since its pretty much the only way to progress in reboot. Hope this helps, good luck! I was farming at bye bye then quit and i read that bye bye station got removed. You need funds to make it work in arcane river, with the minimum requirement that you can (nearly) one-shot the mobs and some mesos/drop% gear. I am not saying that bye-bye kanna farming is not vastly superior than boss farming but the fact that the game is still quite playable in other means of meso farming. However at 150 it's only a 2% decrease in mesos on one mob and the trade off is a great hyper skill. I have 117% meso obtain and 3 pets with automove skills. Hello, I didn't know there was a meso % drop off after 13 levels above the mob so my Kanna right now is 155 whereas Bye-bye is 139-140. Also, how long do the meso bags last on the ground before disappearing? A kanna in frozen gear that is 150+ (which takes 1 or 2 days with burning), can make 80m/hr with 0% meso obtained and a spider familiar. I farmed many clean god-tier flames. You'll have to actively farm (like most non-kanna classes) for starters. Seriously its getting out of hand, where half of the ghost ship channels are you people afking and farming with a weight on your tp key for kanna. 2=198m/hour Edit: im level 151, so im losing about 3-4 percent of mesos because of the level difference 36 votes, 40 comments. I've leveled her up twice by accident while meso farming (started at 152 when I came back). Or gear up your main for farming and have another kishin 2nd pc. Now mind you I only have a pet, a familiar leprechaun, and 16 percent meso gain for my inner ability. Actually transitioning to Arcana Kanna even though bye bye isnt bad at all but Arcana Kanna would be ideal for nodes/droplets. lvl 149 suicide kanna at bye bye takes about a week maximum to make compared to trying to improve your kanna range to one shot mobs at arcane ( which will need several million range aka months to achieve) Hello, I am posting to see what people’s rates are now with active Kanna farming at Bye Bye. Lumi farming only starts to become viable once you are around 225+ and have enough range to 1-2 shot with meso gears on, and you also need to have a kanna mule high level enough to go to lache/arcana. As it stands right now, you can farm with it (2+ pets, leprechaun, 13%+ meso obtained inner ability, phantom card) pretty easily with little investment. As you outlevel mobs you get reduced money from them, suicide Kannas keep their level around whatever they're killing, so they continue to get the full money. So I believe you'll be down 4% on one of the mobs and 6% on the other. However, I stupidly realized that I had no funds left to actually create an arcana farmer, meaning that I have an over-leveled Kanna(meso penalty). A. If anyone has these answers please let me know. Now you want to ask “ why 205?”. And usually 2-3 hours on weekends on bye bye. my kanna is 149 atm( i know its close to not being able to bye bye anymore ) but what are the rates at bye bye with 100% meso items, eot summon, and legion coupon? I also had lvl 189 kanna with full meso gear with IA and I asked people if it's possible to make it as arcane farmer. It's mindblowing, I know. I have a 174 Kanna with like 80% meso drop but she's obviously way too high level for bye bye now. Starting to get back into Maple for a bit until maybe get bored of Pathfinder, with the new Kanna rework is bye bye farming still a thing? and if it is how would I go on about doing it? I have a 149 Kanna atm, but with no meso gain stat. Should I continue to farm at bye-bye, or should I just push my Kanna into arcana, using the meso I make on the way to actually fund it? The money you get from Bye Bye should be used to get your BB Kanna to 100% meso gear, and then once you got that achieved your farming money can be used to get your main Kanna better gear with meso/drop potentials. I stopped farming because keep in mind Nexon might nerf kishin so who knows how reboot farming will be in the future. Hey everyone. Make a new character and just play regularly and then use that to farm mesos or level up the Kanna to farm? I don't find Kanna that enjoyable and just used it to farm so I don't really want to use it as a main character. Anywho, I'm trying to find places to farm post 150 (Currently level 181 with around 190k range clean). Besides that, Kanna's are still King for meso farming as Fury Totem is shit and unreliable. Consistently DC every ten or so mins, and around right after I loot. What are acceptable rates for a suicide Kanna farming at ByeBye? Currently getting about 90m/hour, keep in mind i dont have any %meso yet, so it will be 90*2. I honestly hate playing kanna so I'd prefer to farm kn my main. I am from reboot server and my kanna is level 167. But the meso gear. By others telling him to skip it because it gives A exp implies that it would not be time-efficient because he would have to spend more time killing himself and not making mesos on a suicide kanna. The worst meta bye* far was suicide kanna bye-bye farming, 2 PC and blackgate. Just a side note, with glory coming soon, I would suggest keeping your Kanna at level 150 and farm for now. The reason the Bye Bye Kanna works is because not only do they farm mesos the best with Kishin and summons/AoE but they also stay at the same level by suiciding back to 0% so they don't outgrow the area. Go to dcup1 and just hold jump down more or less. After the suicide Kanna memo, I leveled my Kanna to 16, which is above the level range for bye-bye farming. Even if you have low or no mesos% gear, you still generate a decent amount. So you don't want to bye bye farm anymore than is needed to speed up getting to that point (around 230 with decently upgraded gear). byebye is a map in Malaysia, its whole name is bye bye station just search" bye bye" in the global map, you'll find it in Malaysia. And then on top of that, having to have a 2nd PC to kish my main while I train. I currently have 2 legend pots (only 1 meso%) and a unique on my Kanna. An arcana Kanna makes better rates and is better in the long run as it can farm nodes and droplets which help later in the game. If I have a level 153 kanna with meso gear; should i restart and make a level 149 kanna, or just stick with what i have for bye bye farming (reboot)? What’s the difference of meso I’d earn? I’m getting some weird answers from google so i figured I’d ask here. Clean rates range from 600m to 650m per hour depending on lucid soul and your efficiency. KMS Reboot doesnt even have Kanna and they do just fine. You’re still in the correct level range to get max mesos from mp3. It is much easier to farm ur daily coins and rank it up on a Kanna at bye bye than other classes. It might be better to move to MP3 now I'm not sure others will know. I have 120% meso, and make about 10k a meso bag. orysl gwnpib zbh voist whms epr kwrq wsw umpjc dxfjvo hswa uqg uipc qimfe aooc