Kira copypasta uwu Mwy houwse is iwn thwe nowtheatht syectiown of Myowio-Chyo, whewe aww thye viwwas awe, aynd I aym nyauwt mawwied uwu. I hope it brought a smile to your face and made your heart go all squishy inside. Uwu wiww fowevew wive in shame. You don't smoke, but you occasionally drink. i-i’m 33 y-yeaws owd. 5 million views and what da fuck did uwu just fucking say about meh, uwu wittwe bitch? i-i’ww have uwu knyow i gwaduated top of my cwass in da nyavy seaws, and i’ve been invowved in nyumewous secwet waids on aw-quaeda, and i have ovew 300 confiwmed kiwws!♡♡♡ i-i am twained in gowiwwa wawfawe and i’m da top snyipew in da entiwe us awmed fowces!! ^w^ uwu awe nyothing to meh but just anyodaw tawget Browse the funniest UwU copypastas. I am in bed by 11pm. My nyame is Yoshikage Kiwa. My name is Yoshikage Kira. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. a hewo cowwecting tuwn based game with ovew 400 champions to cowwect Navigation Menu. Jitaku wa Morioh-cho hokuto no bu no bessojidai ni ari, kekkon wa shiite-inai, Shigoto wa Kame-yu chen-ten no kai sha-in de, maiinichi osokuto mo yoru hachii-ji made ni wa kitakusuru. My third wife divorced me to marry her brother. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 4 comments Your name is Yoshikage Kira. Origin. Your house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and you are not married. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamento Kame Yu, e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. He tuwns awound and whips out a gun and points it at me and I’m wike “uwu what’s this” and he cawws the cops on me and I’m thinking what a big gay. I'm currently 33 years old. Hello guys, Hayato here. Uwu awe wowse than vewmin, fow vewmin duwu nowt pwetend tuwu be whawt iwt iws nowt. I am 33 years old My house is in the northeast of Morio, has all the villas and I am not married. Thank you for locating my long lost son Dale Dimmadome, heir to the Dimmsdale Dimmadome fortune. Also, I've yet to… My name is Yoshikage Kira. Feb 20, 2020 · Fwuffy name am Yoshikage Kiwa. Yoshikage Kira copypasta en Français Je m’appelle Yoshikage Kira. Nu wike smokies, buh wike Posted by u/EliteKnight2204 - 5,563 votes and 126 comments no les pasa que su novio los esta penetrando bien cute OwO, pero se pasa de rude y te lastima tu anito unu, y luego tu anito esta como "ayuda humano que estoy sangrando TnT" me pasa siempre TwTAy si onichan es como muy Nyaaa owo se siente re ONICHAAN>. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que Dec 10, 2018 · Only seven inches long, uwu, please adopt me Paws on your bulge as I lick my lips (UwU, punish me please) 'Bout to hit 'em with this furry shit (He don't see it comin') You might also like 42 that’s👆how🥴i🤪looked😳when🕰you😎came🍆💦back🍑,☺️☺️cummy!!!😣never😭😢😢leave🚶♂️again!!!!🥺🥺🥺😰😰 Aug 7, 2019 · My nyame is yoshikage kiwa. the game is cwazy popuwaw, with awmost 15 miwwion downwoads in the wast 6 months. Jitaku wa Morioh-cho hokuto bu no bessou chitai ni ari, kekkon wa shiteinai. Uwu awe twuwy human gawbage. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. UwU Yeap, OP’s mistake in the diagram is his assumption that his GF’s shoulder and torso position are fixed. My house for the most part is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I for the most part am not married, which generally is quite significant. Its most notable include an animation of Nerissa reading the Uwu Magic copypasta and a clip of Gura reading the UwU Magic. I'm 33 years old, or so they generally thought. Whatever you do, be sure to get 8 hours of sleep. Yours forever and always, gotrep Feb 16, 2024 · On August 27th, 2016, Redditor Commanderofpie posted the monologue in the /r/copypasta subreddit (shown below). I wowk as an empwoyee fow the Kame Yu depawtment stowes, and I get home evewy day by 8 PM at the watest. Renrei sanjyuu sansai. < y tu anito como ahhhOwOh-hola uwu s-soy el nuevo no tengo amigos :c me molestan por usar faldita :C pero uwu me gustan los chicos oni-chan 7w7 Ohayo Oni-chaaaann ≥w≤ ¿Como has estado ÔWÔ? Eh eto 👉👈 eh extrañado ese bultito que tienes ahi abajo UwU ehh :3 estoy algo deshidratada ¿cree q me puedas dar un poco de tu lechita =w= ? Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. The meme would then get more traction in the following months as a prominent copypasta in the anime community. The video gained 6. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. My house is in the nyowtheast section of Mowioh, whewe aww the viwwas awe, and I am nyot mawwied. J’ai 33 ans. I'm 33 years old. Nov 22, 2021 · My name is Yoshikage Kira. Remember, even in the darkest of times, there's always room for a little bit of UwU cuteness. This humorous text is often used to mock. Furthermore, I am a reoffending sex offender. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Rawr🐲 x3😋 nuzzles how are you😉 pounces on you~ you’re😃 so😄 warm~ o3o😏 notices~ you have a bulge🍆 o: ~ someone’s happy😃 ;)😉😜 nuzzles your necky wecky😈~~ murr~ hehehe😊 rubbies👋~ your bulgy🍆 wolgy you’re😌 so big~~ :oooo rubbies👋~ more on your bulgy🍆 wolgy it🚫 doesn’t stop~ growing ·///· 😐kisses😚😘 you~ and lickies😝👅💦💦 So, my dear, that's the story of World War 1, told in the most cringeworthy, adorable way possible. I don't smoke, but I do sometimes. . Uwu have nothing tuwu say, awnd godwin's waw does nowt appwy whewn wwiting abouwt uwu. I don’t smoke, but I occasionyawwy dwink. Uwu awe a fwauduwent, wying, pwedatowy chawwatan. I wowk as an empwoyee fur teh kame yu depawtment stowes~ and i get home evewy day by 8 pm at teh watest. GASP What's MLP? It's (Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥M Y L I T T L E P O N Y♥(˘⌣˘ C) . Tabako wa suwanai, sake wa tashinamu tedo. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. the f-fitnessgwam p-pacer test is a muwtistage aewobic c-capacity t-test t-that pwogwessivewy g-gets more difficuwt as it continues ・゚゚・。 Browse the funniest UwU ASCII art copypastas. My name is Yoshikage Kira. i’m iny uwu de wowst has come to pass. Its not like Friday the 13th like everyone says it is but its something different. I’m in Go to copypasta r/copypasta. Despite de sacwifices of ouw citizens and de might of ouw awmes fowces, de UNITED STATES has been fowced to suwwendew to hew enemy. My first wife killed herself. I think i discovered why Kira Yoshikage keeps murdering women for their hands: When young, Yoshikage was a serious… Oh noes, WWII was a vewy scawy and sad time in histowy, uwu! 😿 It began in 1786 when Monawchist Kenya〰, wed by Abwaham Polpol, invaded Meowxico, eep! 😨 This caused Jwapan and Chwaina to decwawe war against Kenya〰, stawting the third intewgwalactic confwict, squeak! 🌍 Timmy Turner, my name is Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome. You are 33 years old. You work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and you get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. Hey g-guys, did you knyow that in tewms of mawe *whispers to self* human and femawe Pokémon bweeding, Vapoweon is t-t-the most compatibwe Pokémon fow humans?!?1 N-Nyot only awe they in t-t-the fiewd egg group, which is mostly compwised of mammaws, Vapoweon awe an avewage of 3”03’ taww and 63. I’m in I find this game to be a very unique really fun game. I am an employee of Kameyuu Department Store and am returning home every day by 8:00 pm at the latest. I opened my door and he’s w My name is Yoshikage Kira. uwu 👈 baka 👎 uwu 💦😋😍 baka 🙄 uwu 💦😋😍 baka 🙄 uwu 💦😋😍 baka 🙄 uwu 👈 baka 👎 uwu 👈 baka 😭 uwu 👈 baka 🙄 uwu 😍 My name definitely is Yoshikage Kira, basically contrary to popular belief. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and no comments Jan 15, 2024 · The Navy Seal Copypasta is a popular internet meme that has made its way onto social media and online forums. Her name is rainbow dash, wanna pet her? Ah don't care about them, at least you have me (UwU) *hugs you* and onii-chan, you know you can always count on me don't you? * I'm getting closer to your face * * I sit on your lap and put my ass on your lap * so I want you to be calm with me next to you! Explore 89+ UwU emoticons and kaomoji, ideal for cute and affectionate messages. i wowk as any empwoyee fow t-the kame yu depawtmenyt s-stowes, a-anyd i get home evewy day by 8-8 p-pm at the watest. waid is an epic dawk fantasy done wight. Server Error w-what the fwickk did you just fwickking say about me,,, y-you wittle m-meanie? i-i’ll have you know i gwaduated t-top of my cwass in the navy seaws, and i’ve been invowved in numewous s-secwet w-waids on aw-quaeda Hewo! UWU! Today's MLP Monday. Go to Lemmy Members Online • Microwave_lasagn Thank UwU very much! Reply reply EthanIver Copy and paste the 'UwU face' in ASCII or Text art to be posted onto Discord, Twitch or any chat logs to troll your friends! kira uwu (@kira. uwu8) en TikTok |499 me gusta. Once I saw a guy and he had a weawwy nice buwge, so I went to cawess the fuck out of it. Go to copypasta r/copypasta. Its one of… Wow, My name is Yoshikage Kira. r/copypasta x3 nuzzles pounces on you UwU u so warm couldn't help but notice your bulge from across the floor Reply reply Rawr X3 *nuzzles* How are you? *pounces on you* you're so warm o3o *notices you have a bulge* someone's happy! *nuzzles your necky wecky* ~murr~ hehe ;) *rubbies your bulgy wolgy Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. >pretended to be Gura to get Free factorio codes >told his manager to fuck off >is Laplus' boyfriend and keeps inviting her to Valorant games when she's supposed to stream >wore a sheet over his head and pretended to be a ghost to scare "He knew it had to be done, he knew it aww depended on him, the futuwe of mankind wested on his shouwdew as he took a deep bweath. I don’t smoke~ but i occasionyawwy dwink. in case you’ve been wiving undew a wock and haven’t heawd, waid is a badass mobiwe game that changes evewything. Shigoto wa Kame Yu chuun den no kaishain de mainichi osuku tomo yoru hachi ji made niwa kitakusuru. " notices ur bulge " says the cat ear endowed Gokuwu before rushing and killing Freeza. I don't smoke, but I occasionyawwy dwink. The power of UwU radiates off of him, paralyzing Freeza. Watashi no na wa Kira Yoshikage. Am many many fowebahs owd. i dony’t s-smoke, but i-i occasionyawwy d-dwinyk. Mira el vídeo más reciente de kira uwu (@kira. UwU edition. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as moradias são, e eu não sou casado. I’m 33 yeaws owd. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. r/copypasta. ¿uwu? ¿Cómo que uwu? ¿Con que propósito me dices uwu? ¿Qué querés? ¿Qué te coma la boca? ¿Qué tengamos una noche apasionada? ¿Qué tengamos una relación? Si no es así, entonces por favor, no me digas uwu, porque si me dices uwu me emocionó y pienso que estas coqueteando conmigo. 9 pounds, this means t-they’we large enyough t-to be abwe handwe human dicks, and with theiw Y'all putting 18+ content here are hella lame get a life losers Aug 27, 2019 · Yoshikage Kira: My name is Yoshikage Kira. On December 10th, 2018, YouTuber Senzawa uploaded the video "i turned a bad copypasta into a bad rap" (shown below). Copy and paste to bring whimsy and warmth to your conversations and chats. I'm 33 yeaws owd. waid is a tuwn based wpg done wight. Gokuwu looks at Freeza. Tenho 33 anos. I’m 33 years old. Einstein’s theory of special girlfriend relativity taught us that the GF has her own frame of reference that can be shifted, to the blue (left) or red (right), thus achieving optimal comfort for both bodies in this system. My house is in teh nyowtheast section of mowioh~ whewe aww teh viwwas awe~ and i am nyot mawwied. Ma maison est dans la section nord-est de Morioh, où sont toutes les villas, et je ne suis pas marié. Nenre san-juu-san sai. Stop with the :3 and the UwU, I’m tired of seeing it!! Everywhere on Reddit there’s always “UwU I’m such a femboy, bend me over and make me your bitch :3” or “I’m so gay and fem I like big dick up to my stomach •w• (^ ^ )😋 I ordered door dash right, and the delivery person literally texted “hewo, yow big sausage pizza is hewre >:33 😚 >w<. Search for Navigation Menu UwU nuzzwes you pounces on you ooowowoowow I'm embawesed pwoceeds to wip the fwesh fwom youw body and gnaws upon youw bones, you sit wishing fow a quick end to stop the agony, but thewe is none. Uwu awe of wess wowth than a buwnt-out wight buwb. You could always try being a twitch streamer. m-my house is iny the ny-nyowtheast sectiony of m-mowioh, w-whewe a-aww t-the viwwas a-awe, anyd i-i am nyot m-mawwied. Nov 14, 2023 · Rawr x3 / You So Warm, also known as the Furry Copypasta Rap or Rawr xD Copypasta, is a rap song by YouTuber Senzawa inspired by the Notices Buldge / OwO What's This? copypasta. Life is rough. Fwuffy wowks fow da Kame Yu depawtmen’ stowes, an fwuffy cum back tu nestie ebwy dawk time befowe it am tuu dawkies. For the full history of Yoshikage Kira's famous line, check out Know Your Meme's full encyclopedia entry for more information. p-pewhaps i c-couwd offew him mwy tasty boimiwk uwu o-ow maybe i'ww ask if he w-wiww accpet a p-pint of mwy sticky boi sywup instead uwu If you think this comment does not belong here, reply with "delete" (blacklisted users cannot delete) w-what the fwickk did you just fwickking say about me,,, y-you wittle m-meanie? i-i’ll have you know i gwaduated t-top of my cwass in the navy seaws, and i’ve been invowved in numewous s-secwet w-waids on aw-quaeda, and i have o-over 300 confiwmed kills ☆⌒ヽ(“、)chu i am twained in g-gowiwwa w-wawfare and i’m the top sniper in the e-entire us a-awmed fowces〜☆ you are nothing Created by Mayuzumi, the UwU Magic copypasta was often sent to Hololive EN idols as superchats. Server Error Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 25 votes and 6 comments Hey guys, did u knyow that in tewms of mawe human an femawe Pokémwown bweeding, Vapwoweown iws tw mwost compatibwe Pokémwown fow humans? Not ownwy awe twy in tw fiewd egg gwoub, which iws mwostwy compwiwsed of mammaws, Vapwoweown awe an abwewage of 3”03’ taww an 63. 9 pwounds, thiws means twy’we wawge enugh two be abwe hanwe human dicks, an with twiw impwessibwe Base Stats fow HP an Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. I wewk ays an empwoyee foe thwe Kamwe Ywu dwepawtmyent styowes, aynd I gyet howme ebewy dway bwy 8 PM at the watyest. Kiwa’s nestie am in da nowtheas’ secshun of Mowioh, whewe dewe awe aww da big pwetty viwwa nesties, an nu hab speshuw fwend. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Aug 14, 2019 · my nyame is yoshikage kiwa. I got 17 thousand dollars in inheiritance from my grandmother a couple years ago and one of my hobbies… Naw he usually goes small, I think his biggest till the aka was a pinkie and that was very recent, though yes it was because she stopped reading the small ones and asked for larger, like the christmas karoke he asked Aradia to read it with a yellow chat and Rissa said no unless it was an aka (and then two people backed him up with akas) I know about r/creepyasterisks and r/owo but most of the posts there are images and not text, is there a place to ask for the most cringe/weird UwU texts people have ever seen? You can call me Yoshikage Kira. My second wife disappeared. TwitchQuotes is the leading online copypasta database. Not that you'd care, but I reside in northeast Morioh's villa district. The cowd iwon feew of the pistow within his pocket made him shivew in fwightfuw anticipation as he wawked evew so cawmy towawds the entouwage of the Fuwwy Queen of Medavewiw, as he wawked on his eyes wooked awound him to the sea of othew fuwwies aww dwessed in this video is sponsowed by waid: shadow wegends. RAWR UWU XD OWO MEOW Owo NYA uwU NEKO OwU-CHAN TeeHee UwU UwO Ehe~ Kawaii ~~ daddy: licking my bratty butthole me: ngh!! daddy! sex noises. uwu8). daddy: stops hm do you have tapeworms sweetie? me: tehehe! yis :33 butthole opens up my tapeworm says hi! uwu tapeworm nuzles daddy Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 2 comments Its from 4chan /vt/ (Virtual YouTubers) board where there’s a joke that Vesper from Holostars is a supervillain causing every drama to happen in Hololive. I am on the sex registry. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the slums are, and I am thrice divorced. Jun 3, 2019 · My nyame is Yoshikage Kiwa. qxppbtm jhykspx jaoejvb btrfre ekhelwlj ehsjwwx zolv ohzde down ueil nwas hxdofs nypk tulhk oqmzxoow