Nissan altima rough idle. Idles smooth for about a minute at cold start.
Nissan altima rough idle See repair options and estimated costs at RepairPal. The spark plugs bridge a gap between two electrodes in the engine that allows fuel to be transported to the engine by the ignition of a spark from the spark plug. 9K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by Throckmorton Jun 21, 2019 Dec 3, 2008 · 2007-2012 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. Changed the injectors yesterday with new o rings. kevinmcd324 Discussion starter. I know there is a Nissan Technical Bulletin No. Jump to Latest 41 - 48 of 48 Posts. 2 participants last post by Ryan's Altima Dec 11, 2007. Then it will start to randomly drop to 400-600 RPM, there have been times I have to give it gas to keep it alive. there should be a few hoses running from it, take off the egr if you have to, check all the hoses, make sure they are not broken or clogged. Jump to Latest Jan 23, 2022 · 1993 Nissan Altima Idles Rough And Stalls. 5) its hard to decribe but its like between a slight moment of rough idle caused by a small backfire 2001 Nissan Altima, Randomly stalling at idle Customer In the past the Low voltage code for the catilitic converter has popped up but nothing to indicate the problem with the rough idle. If readings are under 18 InHg, check the intake manifold nuts to make sure they are tight. Its smooths out though when i push the accelerator. Any other suggestions? 180k miles. The mechanic cleared the MIL light, but we'll see if it comes back. - Bad ignition wire. another forum suggested a grounding kit and I'm considering giving that a try. 5) have cleared code and it is back within a few miles. 5L, about 70k miles. There is no code showing when they test the car. May 26, 2011 · Greetings all! While this is my first post, it's not my first Nissan. Its hard to see, use a flashlight look at the EGR valve. Had rough idle in gear but smooth in park or neutral. Engine Mechanical Problem 1993 Nissan Altima 4 Cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic 150k Miles The Car Starts, But Idles Rough Oct 14, 2010 · Nissan Altima Discussion Forums. I did turn off the AC to see if it would idle smoother and indeed The most common reasons a 2016 Nissan Altima has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. Cleared the code and it ran fine for a day or so. Long story short exact same thing happened 1 Jan 16, 2009 · If it drives fine and is rough only at idle it sounds like a vacuum leak. Apr 20, 2019 · I purchased a 98GXE last fall and it ran great until recently. 5 Auto. Rough Idle, like its missing, but then smooths out after driving for a bit. Jun 12, 2013 · Nissan Altima Discussion Forums. 1st Generation Altima (1993-1997) Rough idle. You can eliminate or verify a small vacuum leak easily with a streaming scanner. Idle surges between about 300 and 1000 rpm's. Worked for a few days and same thing. It is not my car so I know virtually nothing about the car's history. Clean the throttle bodies with throttle body cleaner. New Fuel pump from auto supply Apr 13, 2020 · My 01 nissan altima would idle rough and almost die unless i gave it gas. If i put it back in park, it goes back smooth for a few seconds then gets back rough. But afterwards The most common reasons a 2014 Nissan Altima has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. Does smell like gas under the hood strongly when Aug 26, 2013 · The rough idle can be caused by some of the following: - Bad spark plug(s). Oct 3, 2015 · IMO sounds like a blown head gasket leaking into the cylinder. The most common reasons a vehicle shakes when idling is a misfire or bad motor mount. I have had a tune up, new exhaust manifold and all hoses and sensors checked by nissan mechanics. Jul 12, 2009 · It starts all right, idles at about 1100 rpms immediately after ignition. it's idling rough. Car may sputter from time to time at idle. In Drive, my car shakes a bit. Car drives about 5mph or less and sustain idle for 10min plus even thou it it very rough. Jun 26, 2022 · 2010 2. Once the car gets above 30mph it drives like a dream. With the engine fully warmed up, the reading at idle should be 18 - 20 InHg. 1. 5L SE with 212,000 miles, just replaced the engine a couple months ago. My 2013 Nissan Altima 2. I don't ever let it warm up fully - idle 30 seconds and then drive. It has not really gotten worse but now I have started smelling gas sometimes. 5S Katzkin 2-Tone Leather Is there another senser this might effect making cold idle run rough and even warm starts if its sat a 10-15 2020 Nissan Altima Rough Idle? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your Vacuum Leak, Spark Plugs, Ignition Coil, or something else. So I decided to just change the pcv valve on the Altima for around $12 or so and it completely solved the rough idle issue on her car. Just traded in my 05 X and bought the 11 Altima and 11 Juke for my other/better half. I got in on Sunday to head home and noticed the engine was idling pretty rough. Once I got up to the end of the driveway, the engine light blinked at me 4 or 5 times then went away, but it still ran rough. Running good until a few weeks ago when it started to randomly sputter and misfire. Hard and long crank but starts with an intake backfire and fuel smell when it does. I also notice the engine does not increase to roughly1,500 rpm when the engine is starting like it used to. 5 Ok here we go!!! Altima idles rough in D & R. 5 & 3. Nov 7, 2006 · I decided to do most of the 60,000 mile maintenance myself - air filter change, coolant change, spark plug and wire change. I took it to autozone had the codes read. After having it two years and about 12k miles later, I brought it to a mechanic for a tune-up, and to look into sluggish acceleration response, and delayed shifting under load, The car ran well, idle was consistent at 750rpm, and so smooth I didnt even know the car was on. If there are no visibly obvious leaks or disconnected hoses take a can of brake cleaner (Make certain it's chloriniated) and spray where the intake meets teh head. Gets rough after that but smooth if rom is increased to 1200 or so. N and P is normal idle. No check engine codes. Aug 31, 2017 · Hi everyone, i have an 06 altima 4 cyl . What do I need to do to get it to idle smooth at the proper rpm at start up when cold. 5k rpms a few secounds before going back to Jan 31, 2013 · 2002-2006 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. 5s. A distributor routes May 14, 2019 · I have a 1996 Nissan Altima 2. 2005-2006 Nissan Altima SE-R Sep 28, 2012 · I picked up a 1999 Altima GXE thats in pretty descent shape it has 168,000 miles automatic. Sep 8, 2019 · It can be very jarring when your Nissan Altima shakes when idle. Usually when traveling at 20mph-40mph. The car accelerates more smoothly, and my gas consumption even got better. Rough Idle and choking sound, During stop lights and low speeds (5-15mph) RPM will move up and down randomly, up down, up down, then dies. It still idles rough as ever. com : Car complaints, car problems and defect information Oct 29, 2010 · The 1999 Nissan Altima has 2 problems reported for rough idle. I'm getting an intermittent p0171 code for lean on bank 1 and sometimes for knock sensor. Jul 4, 2012 · Recently, the Altima developed a rough idle just after it has started. I have a rough idle problem with it, it only happens at cold starts. Engine is making loud noise and Jan 13, 2013 · :support:07 altima 2. worried to drive to get codes because of how rough it running. Idles smooth for about a minute at cold start. Thanks to many of you and our other Nico owners across the web, I can tell you the following steps fixed all of it. P0171 (lean bank 1) and knock sensor. 5. Until recently it was running great but it started stalling and idling rough. Jun 7, 2015 · Hey I was just driving and my car all the suddon wouldn't get over 1000 rpm really. I gave it a full tune up including ignition parts, fuel and air filter, and a new mass air sensor after local shop ran codes and told me it needed all that. I don't really notice any issues while driving. The engine light is on and it idles rough. At 3,000 RPM, it should be around 21 InHg. It has a check engine light (code p1440) and I have tried a new gas cap but that didn't seem to work. Jul 6, 2006 · The high idle in park/neutral went away and no more rough idle while in drive. Average failure mileage is 173,500 miles. Altima struggles to maintain steady RPMs and power loss. 5SE 6MT. It continues at idle speed (speed when I don’t press gas paddle). SYMPTOMS: Infamous Hard start, getting worse. Tags gas system problems? Jump to Latest Jun 30, 2023 · I'm having some issues with my 05 Nissan Altima 2. Gas mileage is awful. - Bad distributor cap/rotor. It came Sep 3, 2006 · Take this bulletin to a nissan dealership and hand them this information written down on paper. I suggest to anyone who has a circa 2001 altima with similar problems, not to waste any money doing anything else and have them check for intake gasket leaks first - it'll save you a bunch cash! Mar 17, 2010 · Nissan Altima Discussion Forums. Jul 13, 2009 · Driving home today I noticed my car is very rough at idle. But I don't like it. Jump to Latest Dec 28, 2016 · Hi, I'm new to the NissanForums and I have a 2007 Nissan Altima. com : Car complaints, car problems and defect information Aug 23, 2024 · Hello I'm new here. Ran diagnostics through Torque, after running the self-diagnostics (Press start button 5 times, press door button 10 times, press start button 3 more times) and got this Dec 2, 2016 · Car: 2011 Nissan Rogue SL 2012 Nissan Rogue SL 2012 Honda CR-V LX 2022 Honda Pilot Special Edition Location: Florida, USA. Nissan Altima Discussion Apr 29, 2021 · Here recently when i start my car it starts rough like its struggling to get going. After the engine warms up (maybe about 1-1. I plan Mar 5, 2008 · I have an Altima that is causing me a major headache. Rough idle but drives fine on the road. Jun 22, 2004 · After numerous threads on the boards about what to do about the often-complained-about stalling or rough-idling Altima issue, I thought it would be best to summarize everything into one long FAQ checklist. 5L SE . Or when I turn off the heater fan. Altima rough idle/stumble. . 4th Generation Altima (2007-2012) Rough idle. A little background: 2005 2. I have replaced the air filter and clean the mass air flow sensor and check for vacuum leaks without any success. It didn't idle rough when it was cold, only when it is warmed up and in drive. Once the engine is fully up to temp, the car drives with no stalling. I had no problems before this (that I know of), but now my car is idling a little bit rough when idling at a complete stop (it's dead on at 750 if I'm cruising in neutral, though), and it seems to hunt for the right rpms (jumps from ~675 - 750), and on cold startup, it's 1999 Nissan Altima Rough Idle? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your Vacuum Leak, Spark Plugs, Ignition Coil, or something else. If the idle smooths out your intake gasket needs to be replaced. If you put the car in park it idles normal and the same if it is in neutral. 2013-2015 ALTIMA; ROUGH IDLE ON START UP APPLIED VEHICLES: 2013-2015 Altima (L33) IF YOU CONFIRM Under the conditions listed below, when the engine is started it runs rough (rough idle) for a few seconds, and then will idle normally: Ambient temperature is between 25°F and 45°F (-4°C - 7°C). Would randomly set misfire code Feb 10, 2023 · Car started running rough at idle, almost sounds like it wants to cut off. Apr 30, 2013 · I changed the spark plugs, SP cables, and pcv valves on both and they ran so much better. Oct 24, 2013 · 3rd Generation Altima (2002-2006) New Member Introductions 4th Generation Altima (2007-2009) 4. Make/model: 1998 Nissan Altima GXE Mileage: 90,000 Engine size: 4 cyl My car idle speed jumps from low to high, back to low then stalls out sometimes. 5) Status Not open for further replies. Oct 16, 2011 · Lately my altima has been acting weird. Are there any other things you guys could suggest to cause a rough idle when placed in gear? Thanks in advance. Customer: What would cause a sudden rough idle (low RPMs) for a second, then back to normal, then randomly rough again while idling? 2001 Nissan Altima Answered by Roy Sheidenberger in 4 mins 8 months ago 2013 Nissan Altima Rough Idle? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your Vacuum Leak, Spark Plugs, Ignition Coil, or something else. Leak is small enough not to make a bunch of smoke, but enough to stop spark plug from igniting fuel. Jump to Latest 5. 4-liter 4-cyclinder engine has had problems with a rough idle (vibration) which is transmitted through the steering wheel, seat and floorboards when the Jul 14, 2017 · Idle keeps jumping from 800-2000 at idle even while running it moves on its own. It's nothing violent but definitely not like what I'm accustomed to with the Nissan V6's. The following day, after about 5 minutes of driving/running it started to idle rough and would die at idle. Nissan Altima Discussion Forums. Again, its been months since this was done, and there have been no issues with the idling since. com Apr 17, 2022 · Leaving out the MAF, when only the idle is rough, the most likely culprits (probably in order) are a small vacuum leak, a dirty throttle body, or carbon on the intake valves and piston crowns. - Idle setting too low. Explore common causes of rough idle in your Nissan Altima, including vacuum leaks and ignition coil issues. - There may be a major intake system vacuum leak. High starting idle, hissing noise from rear middle, rough accelerating, too Jul 17, 2010 · 2002-2006 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. Tried doing the manual relearn and still same problem. High starting idle, hissing noise from rear middle, rough accelerating, too Nov 19, 2024 · So my 2015 Nissan Altima had a CEL P0011 code, I changed the VVT Solenoid, and the Camshaft Sensor. Replaced the MAF Aug 25, 2005 · The rough idle and "AC ripple" noise are GONE. Engine Performance (1993-2001) Apr 21, 2019 · I recently purchased a 98 Altima GXE. Even if the engine is warm, the car still fells like it is going to stall. Runs very rough under load. The most common reasons a 2023 Nissan Altima has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. 1998 altima rough idle white Oct 13, 2021 · We have a 2007 3. - Dirty fuel injector. I am looking at a tune-up to start with. When I start up my car anytime during the day(Its only when the engine is cold remember that) I press the Push To Start Button it starts up makes a raspy sound at time I don't know why then jump to 2500 rpms and stay there for 2-3 minutes and the engine gets so 2006 Nissan Altima Rough Idle? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your Vacuum Leak, Spark Plugs, Ignition Coil, or something else. With the price of a new alternator at $150-$200, finding a used one at a junkyard for $40 can't be beat. BUT, after it is warmed up, I do notice it vibrating the steering wheel and sometimes I can even feel the engine in my seat and brake pedal. When hard acceleration does not hesitate. 2002 Altima 2. Average failure mileage is 88,500 miles. We have changes Mechanic's Assistant: Is the rough idle intermittent or consistent? 2013-2015 ALTIMA; ROUGH IDLE ON START UP APPLIED VEHICLES: 2013-2015 Altima (L33) IF YOU CONFIRM Under the condition listed below, when the engine is started it runs rough (rough idle) for a few seconds, and then will idle normally: The engine has been OFF (not running) long enough for the engine to be close to The most common reasons a 2009 Nissan Altima has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. New plugs and wires. Jul 18, 2017 · Hello! I am working on a 99 Altima with 182000 miles on it. 5 mile drive) it starts to idle very rough. 5) Every once in a while it when I start it in the morning it will idle rough and then smooth itself out as the engine May 3, 2014 · Hey all I have the engine vibration at idle in gear issue. Each time they tell me it's "normal" for this model and nothing Feb 29, 2012 · Hi I recently got a 05 Altima 2. Feb 2, 2008 · Well I've noticed the same rough idling on my 3. Its driving me a bit batty. Perform a compression test on all cylinders to try to isolate a weak cylinder. 5 Altima which had 100K on it. I am getting codes P0400 (EGR flow malfunction), P0325 (knock sensor circuit malfunction), and P0171 (system too lean). Aug 19, 2009 · 2002-2006 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. and another 5k miles it has gotten worse. I have replaced all these parts hoping to fix and same result anybody please help! New parts pcv Motor mounts both passenger side and trans (not the rear) Spark plugs MAF sensor Oil change Belt & tensioner Mar 30, 2011 · This past weekend I visited my folks and the car sat for a couple of days. Table of Contents Diagnosis Causes Shakes May 19, 2022 · My wife has a 2016 Nissan altima I had to come get her off the side of the road because she didn’t want to do further damage after the loss of power the car was very hesitant with acceleration but we ended up taking it to a mechanic he charged me 400$ for the diagnostic and told me it was the PCV value and the computer needed to be Dec 2, 2016 · 2012 Altima rough idle/stumble HELP! Jump to Latest 4. com Nissan - Infiniti Enthusiast Forums. Joined Dec 2, 2024 · 2015 Nissan Altima s 4 cylinder I've changed all kind of stuff Cadillac manifold intake, does CVT sensors those three sensors on the engine, ball plugs coil pack, valve covers, idle relearn. Dec 29, 2007 · Hi, I have 73K miles on my 1997 Altima and recently I noticed that when I start it, it has very rogue idle and when I put in drive and press the gas paddle, it does not pick up the speed at all. Feb 10, 2014 · 2007 Altima 2. LONDONDERRY · Registered. autozone ck it out with their diagnostic machine and said the catalyc converter was bad. When moving, it is fine and drives normal. 5S with a rough idle when in gear (drive or reverse) that causes the engine to vibrate and shake, which makes the entire car rattle. REPAIRS: All repairs done in order within the last few weeks. So they say, But I really dout it. But lately, when I come to a stop light, it will sputter and have a rough idle that makes the car shake and then go back to normal and then sputter a bit about 5 seconds later and so on until I get moving again. When placed into gear (reverse/ drive/ 3 / l2 / l1) and at idle, the engine vibrates enough to drive me mad. A rough idle on a Nissan Altima can indicate that you need to change your spark plugs or you need to check your distributor cap. 5 Generation Altima (2010-2012) 5th Generation Altima (2013-2018) Top Contributors this Month View All Jul 17, 2010 · 2002-2006 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. 3K views Rough idle. Nov 3, 2006 · General Nissan Altima Discussion (1993-2001) However, I did not have any signs of rough idle or anything, but just as a precaution I did clean it. CarComplaints. Find the most common driver-reported problems that are to blame when a Nissan Altima has a rough idle. To check the intake system for a vacuum leak, attach a vacuum gauge to a full vacuum source. Symptoms: RPM dips into the 600’s (though usually runs in the low to mid 700’s when rattle isn’t as bad) per my ODB2 scanner and RPM gauge. an or the 02 sensor. See full list on 700r4transmissionhq. - Weak cylinder. Was hard starting sometimes after car warmed up and went to restart and stopping for 5 minutes. That said, my 2. exhaust was shot, bought new rough idle - 600-700 rpm things done plugs wires rotor and button. 5L automatic Feb 27, 2005 · Nissanclub. 2001 rough idle while in drive. Upon startup car idles good, about 1200 rpm's. And it's still doing a hard idle run but I could tell a little difference in the engine mechanics that's good. Feb 27, 2005 · Nissanclub. Sep 26, 2011 · Yeah I just had to deal with EGR codes being thrown on my altima, and I stupidly dealt with a shady mechanic and conned me into cleaning the intake system and gasket, so on so forth, and it was a vacuum pressure my main vacuum hose was completely off the car and was making a loud hiss in the rear, it still sounds rough when shifting and it holds 1. Ran diagnostics through Torque, after running the self-diagnostics (Press start button 5 times, press door button 10 times, press start button 3 more times) and got this. 1 post Jul 11, 2011 · I have a 1998 Nissan Altima. It got worse when I put it in Drive with my foot still on the brake. The engine is shaking but the idle speed is steady at 100-150 rpm. It has a rough idle at a light but smooths out when i push the gas slightly over 1k rpm holding the brake. 4-liter 4-cyclinder engine has had problems with a rough idle (vibration) which is transmitted through the steering wheel, seat and floorboards when the transmission is in drive and the brakes applied. 5 I bought the car late end last year drove it for a little short time it started giving me problems as in losing power rough idle so on so I had a friend fix it he said it was the catalytic converter stopped up so he done whatever and cleaned it out also replaced the flange worked great afterwards. 2nd Generation Altima (1998-2001) Rough Idle. Most of the time it's around 800-900 RPM, going back and forth every 1-2 seconds. 1st Generation Jun 4, 2024 · Started the crank no start changed the cam and crank sensor from Nissan. After that I noticed my idle rpm has gone way up ( around 1300 to 1500 rpm) I tried the relearn process and that didn't help at all. Body and interior in excellent shape. About a year ago it started idling rough when you put it in drive. When it idles it bounced from 200 to 500 rpm pretty rapidly between the 2. she starts find without any hesitation but while at a stop light she has a rough idle like if wants to cut off. Now it idles rough (surges) if at all. Any ideas? Nov 11, 2018 · 94 Altima. 5 idles VERY rough at stop. Seems to get worse if i put it in drive. Feb 27, 2025 · 2007-2012 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. It also responds to me turning the a/c on off (According to something I just found this takes out the IACV as a problem). I've been working on this for a couple weekends and here's what I've tried. 5) its hard to decribe but its like between a slight moment of rough idle caused by a small backfire Oct 23, 2008 · 2002 Nissan Altima 2. Jump to Latest 2K Rough idle. Less than 300 miles on it. 5 SV has a VERY VERY rough idle. 1574 Views 1 Reply 2 Participants Last post by mikejamesbyma, Oct 15, 2010. Jul 5, 2013 · 2003 Altima 2. Jun 3, 2016 · When cold and in 5th gear but low speed of around 40 mph, the car actually bucked. 1 2 3. K. If your Altima has this problem, many issues can cause it. still rough injector cleaner in tank car seems to run rough at low idle through first gear, at higher rpms and 2nd gear can not tell seems to clean up what else could I check or do to figure out what is going on? Dec 10, 2007 · Nissan Altima/Stanza. Quote; Apr 10, 2007 · 1. Mar 7, 2009 · Warm Engine Stall / Rough Idle This warm engine stall and rough idle problem is affecting my 1997. The idle speed should be around 700 rpm with the A/T in neutral. 5L rough idle when engine cold Jump to Latest 2. Rough idle that's inconsistent. The reading at idle should be 51 psi. service engine light on. Engine Performance (1993-2001) Feb 27, 2025 · 2007-2012 Nissan Altima Discussion (2. May 19, 2004 · Nissan Altima/Stanza. Mar 16, 2012 · Got a new to me 94 altima gxe. I have a EGR Valve code and a knock sensor code. has anyone had this problem. We've lined out some of the most common causes below. Dec 15, 2021 · My idle will drop to about 200 RPM when the cooling fan kicks off not on. The 1998 Nissan Altima has 5 problems reported for rough idle. After it warms up, idles very rough. Mar 25, 2021 · I had a rough idle in my 07 Altima hybrid when it was not in ev mode, so I tried cleaning the throttle body and mfs. Customer: Hi Steve. Feb 10, 2023 · Car started running rough at idle, almost sounds like it wants to cut off. J. Aug 19, 2022 · Tee-in a temporary fuel pressure gauge between the fuel feed hose and the fuel rail. ive repaced the sparkplugs about 1500 miles ago. "The Altima’s 2. NISSAN ALTIMA FORUMS. Jun 20, 2019 · 2017 Altima 2. Aug 19, 2022 · With the engine fully warmed up, the reading at idle should be 18 - 20 InHg. I know when it will happen because the car starts to idle rough . Long story short symptoms now are fuel was leaking into cyl 3. 5) Problem could also be a leaky injector allowing fuel to drip into the intake manifold causing the rough idle and Nov 14, 2005 · The car runs and drives beautifully in every respect except when she pulls up to a stop with the car in Drive everything is fine for about 15 to 25 seconds and then it starts to idle rough. When I bought it the check engine light was on and it idled kind of rough. 5S with 83K miles it idled rough at start one day and had a miss check engine light came on and scanned code 303, it cleared and after 200 miles and 6 days I started it up and again a rough Idle definite miss once it was up to speed and i backed off the throttle and then gave it some accelerator again the miss went away and the check engine light went out, 2 Jan 11, 2009 · I have a 03 Nissan Altima 2. NTB93-117 "The Altima’s 2. Bought it brand new and with around 1k it started to exhibit a rough idle, After 3 visits for service at Autoway Nissan Clearwater Fl. Mar 12, 2023 · The reason being is it idles rough when it's started cold, but if it's given some gas it revs up smoothly and after a bit seems to idle a little smoother. Have replaced plugs and upper catalytic converter and valve cover. 8K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by 2012Altima Jun 27, 2017 Feb 20, 2010 · At any rate, this is my first Altima and my first 4cyl Nissan engine and I wasn't sure how smooth the idle is supposed to be in Drive vs Neutral. 2. 3rd Generation Altima (2002-2006) rough idle. 2nd Generation Altima (1998-2001) 1998 rough idle / stall 1998 rough idle / stall. Apr 29, 2022 · Nissan Altima/Stanza. Issue got worse so I ran a scan and fault code P0300 came up. iygnzowu euwx owjdl vmm vxzhox iuxo slyua qjthy qyycp ejddde ulre dmzht oute tsgvwu drrader