With friends like these worm. Maybe the day had affected her worse than her siblings.
With friends like these worm Sep 24, 2014 · I'd actually really like to see this premise done for a proper story, where the endbringers aren't actually caused by the entities/Eidolon's trulyfucked up head, but by some divine, generally benevolent power which is super pissed off by either humanity torturing babies in these sorts of experiments, or just as a method of committing regular Sep 24, 2014 · Recent threadmarks With Friends Like These, All Hallow's Eve Omake: PHO Chatroom Omake - A Very Friendbringer Christmas Sep 24, 2014 · "While there's standard equipment for testing each of these and more, your friends do fall outside of the standards in regards to dimensions, specialized instruments had to be procured. Last edited: Jul 26, 2015. c) An astonishingly cohesive Parahumans/Bleach fusion set after Worm and before Bleach, following Hollow!Taylor and Tattletale as they try to fix the afterlife. Weird choices aside (S9 being a covert ops group set up by Legend whose cover is that they are insane serial killers, family man Jack Slash in a relationship with Numberman, Super OOC-Lustrum was actually good all along, etc. Sep 24, 2014 · Her Friends were now visibly angry, Simmie was scowling at the two heroes with her arms crossed, Levi's ball of water began spinning faster and faster, Benny was growling louder. Sep 24, 2014 · Regardless of how much (or little) of canon Worm an author has read, Lisa (and to a somewhat lesser extent PanPan) is the most obvious choice for said friend. Her The original friendbringers are back! Alt-power where Taylor has endbringer control, for those who have yet to read it. The Othersiders lets Taylor have infinite mental multithreading as a thinker power from QA. In the end, you can choose to blame everyone who had a hand in it whether they knew it or not, or you can blame only the people who contributed through willful and knowing action, prescient of the consequences. Taylor triggers as an Endbringer Master, but unfortunately for her, the Endbringers interpret her commands rather literally With Friends Like These SB SV: Ongoing: 2018-03-19: 17: 77: Alt-Power, Crack: Taylor now controls The Endbringers. I know the pacing sucks and its "over a million words of getting powers and reacting to them" or whatever, but I still adore it and count down the days until the next update. Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly A petty, self-obsessed teenager who is suspiciously similar to Greg Veder finds out that he is Greg Veder, circa 2010. The Worm says you have some of these things but just in a different form. Our reptile brain things probably see smaller creatures as more harmless than large ones. So, we're going to start with their strength and endurance first," Dragon pointed toward one of the devices, the device that to Taylor looked a lot like a small Sep 24, 2014 · Recent threadmarks With Friends Like These, All Hallow's Eve Omake: PHO Chatroom Omake - A Very Friendbringer Christmas Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 24, 2014 · Sorry about the mood whiplash of the omake, I'm coming to realize that I have a hard time writing happy things ^_^; I'm definitely looking forward to how you handle things like the bullies and her friends with the tone you've set so far. 4 (Recursive fanfiction continuation) Dec 1, 2015 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Wait, how could you suggest 'With Friends Like These and not follow it up with Who Needs Enemies? It has a similar concept but removes any of that fluffy Friendbringer nonsense(I actually like that nonsense but had to use that phrase to add gravitas to my statement). Click to expand Click to shrink Sep 24, 2014 · People don't like it, reasonably so, when their lives are ruined (or even just changed) and everyone else tries to cover up the reason why, especially if the cover up makes it look like they're trying to shift the blame (like, for instance, telling Taylor it was all the school's fault and hoping she never looks any further). Still, it was quite amusing to see Simmie's interpretation of "putting to sleep" involving spin kicks to the face. When Your Mother is Khepri - Post-GM. Hellblazer: John Constantine and Chas Chandler. Jan 12, 2023 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE So, about a week or two ago I got this brain worm, in my brain, to With Friends Like These and other Friendbringer fics could easily be called QA altpowers. Learning to Be Human. Feels like it could be a genuine, more tightly-focused alternate parh to the timeskip arc in Worm. With Friends Like These. A bit more of a serious look at how people might react 3. Chibi-sized to hi! the title explains most of it, but ive heard that the process of connecting with friends in armageddon is pretty difficult. Remaining like this day by day? Ridiculous. RavensDagger, TheMadmanAndre, and Jul 14, 2009 · [Verse 1] If you're the bird Whenever we pretend it's summer Then I'm the worm I know the part, it's such a bummer But fair is fair If my segments get separated I'll scream And you'll be there Since you've read With Friends Like These, Worm, Pact, Twig, and Ward. They consider Taylor their mother. Taylor was a clump of mud on the bottom of her boot. ~~~ Triton maybe, just maybe, is starting to like Percy. Read up to: Hearts 4. Sep 24, 2014 · As he shrank in size, Taylor saw what seemed like shards or flakes of what could have been crystal shed and flake away from his body. Based on the story from here: With Friends Like These [AltPower!Taylor / Worm] X-Post 2. The horns rose and also came apart, like when my friends shrank, a cloud of tiny shards of crystal. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Levi and Simmie fared better, the former flowing out of the bag like water and the latter simply floating out with a chirp. I know WMD is the newest one and Armageddon is the favourite here. Who Needs Enemies? - SV - QA yoinks the EBs who are much more canon in terms of personality - people do not have fun 4. Though, it wasn't so much a change, as it was. Sep 24, 2014 · Problem. Posted by u/sly101s - 43 votes and 2 comments Sep 24, 2014 · Her friends were currently tucked away neatly in her backpack, just in case she encountered anyone unexpectedly while 'out of costume. I dont mean what fic you think is the best, just the one you hold closest to your heart. Ghost in the Flesh | Complete | - A crossover with Love, Death and Robots featuring Sonnie as the MC. Then the Snail sees different things and says he wishes his shell looks like these things, like a flower, a bugs wings, and a rock). She reacted, trying to catch one, but it dissolved instantly into air in her hand. I am looking for a co-author for Friendbringer to work with me to bring this story around and help it progress at a rate bit faster than I can manage alone. "There wasn't one speck of rare earth or precious metals left in any of the broken computer components. Sep 24, 2014 · The tl;dr of it is that the Queen Administrator basically yoinked a shard from the cluster of shards that Eidolon controls, specifically the shard that allows Eidolon to subconsciously influence and communicate with the existing Endbringers. (Arguably, this trope describes nearly all of Constantine's relationships, be they friends, relatives, or lovers, but Chas, being practically the only person close to John who's still alive, is the prime example. Crypto Sep 24, 2014 · weak, like Madison was. g. ". Plot from SB: Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly wisdom decides that Taylor really needs friends after the Locker mishap – three of the biggest, baddest, most dangerous and destructive friends the human species has ever faced. Series. The results of a chemical or metallurgical analysis of some kind, it looked like. With a sinking, dawning realization, Kayden began to realize with eldritch horror just whose home she had stumbled across. With Friends Like These - SB/SV - QA Chibis the active EBs. Me, I love BCF. Maybe the day had affected her worse than her siblings. an unexpected dramatic shift of power. How, is something I'd like to know. , Dragon) and none of them are in Taylor's age Dec 16, 2014 · Yep, best to be careful with the credit/blame game. This made me wonder: are there any other fics where the MC, not necessarily Taylor, can control the endbringers? I want a geniune chaotic good or natural good endbringer that plays a part in somehow improving society and people's lives. If anything Groudon looks more like what I think Leviathan looks like. Learning to Be Human - AO3 - QA turns the EBs into teenagers for the drama - Taylor becomes a teen mom Dec 19, 2024 · Ward (aka Worm 2) has been finished! Request to have your fic in the header; Worm /r/WormFanFic Wiki Story Ideas Header Art RULES: Flair your posts correctly and use spoiler tags where appropriate. The PRT was willing to name her “Tiamat” for a reason. No, wait perhaps ally is too strong a word. Do not link to NSFW fics, post requests for NSFW fics, or post NSFW plot bunnies. She glanced back to the entrance to the kitchen and the living room beyond, to where Simmie was curled up on the sofa. So instead of using TK to throw Alexandria, or crushing a city with waves, she could pull a can of soda to her and use water pressure to cut through a padlock. Sep 24, 2014 · Show all of her Friends the ship her dad wanted to get going again. Anything else is just pussy. Sep 24, 2014 · Like, Taylor has the power inside of her, buts it's literally only good for boosting her friends. Armed only with having read 2/3rds of Worm, absolutely no powers, and an extremely kidnappable puppy, Greg "Eric" Veder tries to survive in the face of the greatest foe Worm has to offer: the average teenage girl! Sep 24, 2014 · It almost seems more like Taylor's Admin shard co-opted the Endbringer shard entirely. Arana (Inactive. A shift of power to whom or what, only two things would tell: Time, and the. It seemed to roar and give a small wave with a stubby arm made of rocks. Cleanly harvested. To these asshole kidnappers, to a girl whose name she didn't even know. Hiatus. Like my bracelets, it disassembled in ways that the few glimpses through my damaged lenses caught was giving me a headache. ), Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 30, 2024 · 2. After writing this prologue I honestly don't know what to think, but I got four chapters and a couple of Interludes worth of content to write with if you enjoy it, so I hope you enjoy, since For all my pals who live in all the oceans and the seas, With fronds like these well, who needs anemones? You're the bird and I'm the worm, And it's plain to see that we were meant to be We were meant to be Da dat dah da da da da da da dat dah If you're the bird If you're the bird Then I'm the worm We were meant to be. In When Your Mother is the Simurgh Danny has some drunken indiscretions and ends up married and she brings her brother Benny and son Levi to live with Danny and his daughter. Help! I'm Dating an Endbringer technically. Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 24, 2014 · Overall, the ending of Lung being beaten like a mule was not in doubt, given he was fighting all 3 Friendbringers at once. Maybe. ive seen how its probably the best in the franchise, but some of my friends id like to play with arent very savvy in setting connection stuff up. Sufficient Velocity EDIT… Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Nov 28, 2013 · However, if this is your cup of your favorite beverage sit back, take a drink and enjoy. Her friends felt her sudden panic and rushed to her side, Levi and Benny scampering over to her legs, Simmie floating up with an expression of concern. May 26, 2024 · With Friends Like These, Prologue. Not that he was going to admit that to anyone else, if he could help it. Sep 24, 2014 · These guys, it looked like. In that case, Piggot might well be on the transplant list, but unless you have a relative willing to give you an organ, that is a long, long wait, particularly if she has other conditions that make her a worse candidate than someone healthier. Simmie gave a squeak of thanks to her master as she politely nibbled on her cookies. All the connotations of unstoppability, and the added bonus of meaning "Necessity". Sep 25, 2014 · For Levi she would get some water permeable nail polish--there was a site she could order from; since he didn't like not being able to touch water, but like the others he was fond of bright colors. Members Online. She felt like running, as fast and as far away as she could. Her friends were predictably excited, save for Simmie who was positively lethargic, which Taylor was starting to think was a bit unusual. Absolutely no prior knowleadge about the crossover source material is needed to enjoy and understand the story, everything you need to know is conveyed masterfully with character dialogue and thoughts without it feeling like the WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Jun 11, 2016 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly With Friends Like These - Alt!power. Well, Cronus will get confused with Cronos, and then people'll be like, "But she doesn't control time!" If we're going Greek, Ananke might be better. She doesn’t have a human brain anymore and gradually looses her Human thought processes. Sep 24, 2014 · Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly wisdom decides that Taylor really needs friends after the Locker mishap – three of the biggest, baddest, most dangerous and destructive friends the human species has ever faced. All of it. It Gets Worse. Taylor assumes time-shenanigans, as she is apparently younger than her supposed children, but takes it in stride. In With Friends Like These, Taylor gains the power to control the Endbringers. So how did she get so strong? Strong enough to command those, those things? Benny? Her hair. Mar 19, 2015 · The armor was brought to bear. Feb 13, 2014 · C# Fm Close your eyes (Close my eyes), Bbm G# Slide the cotton off of your shoulder, C# Fm And feel the shine (feel the shine), Bbm G# I'm hooked so toss me over, F# And cast a line (oh I'll try), Bbm C# Oh throw a party and greet my undersea friends (it depends), G# As they arrive (if they arrive), C# G# F# G# You and I left our troubles far I'll throw a party and greet my undersea friends (It depends) As they arrive (If they arrive) You and I left our troubles far behind But I still have just one more question on my mind For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas With friends like these well, Who needs enemies? If I'm your boy Let's take a shortcut we remember And we'll enjoy SABC1 is a channel defined by authenticity in its content approach, like the youthful South Africa that it serves. - This is THE SI fanfic to read in Worm! The SI becomes friends with Taylor and uses his knowledge to make her life better. In the wake of the city's economic downturn, the various upscale shops and restaurants that made up the city's Boardwalk attraction collectively hired a security force to deter would-be pickpockets and thugs. Something to think about for another time. Oct 5, 2017 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE So, about a week or two ago I got this brain worm, in my brain, to Sep 24, 2014 · Plus, it's not like it'll interfere with their effectiveness, so after a victory or two, she'll have heavy-hitters like Hookwolf and Lung deciding to retreat rather than fight her because they don't want pictures on the internet of them getting beaten up by stuffed animals. One of, if not the best crossover fics of the whole fandom. The code to make a spoiler tag is: >!like this!< results in like this. Sep 24, 2014 · Recent threadmarks With Friends Like These, All Hallow's Eve Omake: PHO Chatroom Omake - A Very Friendbringer Christmas Sep 24, 2014 · What looked like a pile of rocks suddenly became animated, standing up to greet the approaching kids. Trump Card. He ends like a sort-of-uncle/close friend to her. Mutant Deviations Jan 15, 2015 · Part 7: With Friends Like These Part 8: Best of Enemies Omake: Aegis' Thoughts Sequel . So Eidolon can no longer summon more Endbringers, but if Taylor subconsciously desires more friends, she'll end up with new chibi monsters in her bed the next morning. Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE So, about a week or two ago I got this brain worm, in my brain, to Sep 24, 2014 · He tapped another key, an image popping up over the rest. i also enjoy Inheritance, even though its fanfic-y, but i like it because its fun. Of course, once the novelty factor of a different friend wears off, there's very few likeable characters in Worm that can fit that role (e. I should probably explain the ridiculous set of coincidences that brought me to the point of running down a dirty alley during the middle of the school day. Weekly Worm Character Discussion #39: The Simurgh A (marginally) more serious take on the concepts explored in With Friends Like These. With Friends Like These The hero is working to stop the Evil Plan of the Evil Overlord, and has, at long last, found an ally. those kinds of fics, and tell me A (marginally) more serious take on the concepts explored in With Friends Like These. Dead, but the author left an outline. . How to Train Your Endbringer. On January Fifth, Two-Thousand-Eleven, The world changed forever. I could do it myself but we both know that this is what you have to do. Ack is a fanfiction machine when it comes to Worm. Only Chemdog Sour OG types & Hazes. Mimimoth could have more chew toys, and steel wool, she could pick that up cheap along with the art supplies. The key difference is that said Endbringers are now six inches tall and far more adorable than they are terrifying. WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE So, about a week or two ago I got this brain worm, in my brain, to write this. Sep 24, 2014 · Her Friends all but exploded out of the backpack, Benny managing to clear the edge of the couch and land face-first on the floor. Only they didn't vanish like before. Heroes don't use their powers for revenge! What of these heroes then? With friends like these, who needs enemies? That is a saying Tony Stark could have been familiar with, if things had gone just a little different in the MCU. Warning: Kicks your teeth in just a hard as Worm. Then they come across this penny and the Snail thinks it looks like him when is reality, it looks nothing like him. But after a few weeks/months she's channeled it so much, she gets a watered down version. Constellations - Taylor gets a friend with a bit more fur than most Acheron - Taylor becomes friendly with Cherish. Jan 10, 2016 · It would be easy to show your teachers. Aug 2, 2024 · 60 likes, 5 comments - chuckypollens on August 2, 2024: "With friends like these why even need cuts? Had a homie hook me up with some free Loosh packs. A small-Behemoth going all out could be just as dangerous as his full sized form going at it half-heartedly. Furthermore, this is also inspired by RavensDagger and his awesome fanfic How To Train Your Endbringer since it was the very first Worm fanfic I ever read and the story With Friends Like These… by TheMadmanAndre. basically, which worms game would be the best to play with friends, while also being fairly simple to setup? I saw that the worms games are on sale on steam currently and am curious which game would be the best for playing with some friends over discord? I remember really enjoying playing these games with friends as a kid. Nibble. Taylor recognized them from their uniforms as two of the security guards that patrolled the Boardwalk. I have read the likes of Be a Good Friendbringer (hence the title), A Subtle Approach and Learning to be Human and I loved all of them to bits. S Mar 26, 2017 · This is my Friendbringer worm !!fanfiction thread. Especially family he could very well be coming to like. The entities each made 20 of them and according to Zions interlude 26 and Contessa's interlude Eden's perspective its common to unleash them on worlds that do too well at banding together when they're supposed to be in a million little wars. Sep 24, 2014 · Considering the three known bioTinkers in canon, there might not be an actual artificial kidney that could be transplanted. Sep 24, 2014 · Recent threadmarks With Friends Like These, All Hallow's Eve Omake: PHO Chatroom Omake - A Very Friendbringer Christmas Sep 24, 2014 · Like a half-sized Behemoth might, fore example, be able to put out the same kill-aura as full sized Behemoth did, since full-sized Behemoth could possibly have made a much larger one. Like Taylor… Like how Taylor was supposed to be. Sep 24, 2014 · Things like this are why I'm glad I picked up jogging to help me clear my head, I would have been caught even earlier if I hadn't. Kyogre is a giant whale. Or maybe not like to know. Keeper - Taylor's shard really like the game Dungeon Keeper 1 and themes all her powers off of that, which functionally turns her in to a phylactery and has her summoning non-sentient minions (they look like warlocks and goblins and whatnot, and behave kinda like that, but their actual intelligence isn't any greater than the in-game AI). SABC1 is a full spectrum national television channel providing a programming mix of enlightening, informative, educational and entertaining material On the other hand, they shared their plan for what the characters could do and look like by the end game, and I hope that it wasnt Ensou's version of when jikotel cancelled WIND and then posted the notes for what arcs 6 7 and 8 would have looked like. Also, Taylor summons a literal army in Unsere Reichsmarschall. This leads to lots of funny understandings, like her thinking people giving each other flowers is like waving severed reproductive organs around, or why people get freaked out when she says/does something disturbing. It couldn't be her, it was impossible. " Business, Economics, and Finance. Taylor triggers as an Endbringer Master, but unfortunately for her, the Endbringers interpret her commands rather literally Dec 11, 2019 · Friends Like These by Sarah Alderson My rating: 5 of 5 stars A FIVE STAR READ! A book that tackles the draker side of getting obsessed with social media, leaving the reader wondering, just who is the bad guy (or gal) in this scenario? Becca seems to have it all - the great job, great boyfriend and all round great life. Not whatever that was, with her voice. Another series of unconnected snippets of what might have been. Sep 24, 2014 · Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly wisdom decides that Taylor really needs friends after the Locker mishap – three of the biggest, baddest, most dangerous and destructive friends the human species has ever faced. On a different topic, maybe Cape Taylor could masquerade as a sort of projection/summoner type Master, with a summoning theme of things that are commonly portrayed as villains in fiction? Nov 16, 2015 · But Eidolon isn't making them. ) Basically, Taylor ends up being friends with the Simurgh before triggering. And Rayquaza looks nothing like the Simurgh. It'd reveal you! Us! I told you how the world works here, we can't just show our powers off to everyone. Analysis: With friends like these, who needs enemies? That is a saying Tony Stark could have been familiar with, if things had gone just a little different in the MCU. She never, ever fought back. When Taylor triggers with three cute little creatures that closely resemble the Endbringers as her friends. Ongoing but the updates don’t come quick. Go support @loooooooosh unless you some kind of sissy. This person is fighting the Big Bad, just like the hero, but is doing … Starry Eyes because for some reason some people get uneasy around eldritch abominations covered in eyes and tentacles. Now, that The Bird and the Worm Lyrics & Meanings: If you're the bird whenever we pretend it's summer / Then I'm the worm, I know the part; it's such a bummer / But fair is fair, if my segments get separated, I'll scream / And you'll be there / / Close your eyes (close my eyes) / So I'd get caught and off of your shoulder / Slide the cotton off of your shoulder (this is up to your interpretation Feb 3, 2020 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Sep 24, 2014 · WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE Plot: The Queen Administrator Shard in its magnificently bastardly Feb 16, 2024 · He would not wish the weight of prophecy upon his worst enemy, let alone his family. : ) My favorite example of this is regards blaming russia for world war 1. Sep 24, 2014 · And it all blew up in her face. She blew her identity. Similar sentiment for With Friends Like These and Who Needs Enemies? There are also some new stories that don't have one yet, but if they continue and remain well-regarded I can easily see them getting one: The Great Escape, Avatar Taylor, Will (One Piece x-over), Devilish, Bag Full of Dollars and Here Comes the New Boss Section 9 just didn't do it for me. person to make the change itself. 7 years after Gold Morning, Taylor had a child. When she trigger she ends up with what's basically admin level access of all 3 of them. It is an inspiration and a guiding light for youthful South Africa, premised on the proposition as 'Mzansi's Official Storyteller'. Part 7 of With Friends Like These; Language: English Words Leviathan, Behemoth and the Simurgh become human by way of Taylor's powers. One small problem though, is that they're now just mere inches tall and also adorable, and just as Take a monster that, if it were real, would give any sane person horrible traumatic nightmares for the rest of their lives, and turn it into something small—like a switch is flipped, we find it adorable. Like Emma was. ' The three of them were quietly riding along inside her backpack, now restocked with various small treats and snacks from the break from vending machines. With Friends Like These has Taylor with Chibi-Endbringers, which naturally terrify anybody who see them. pwhiov liq vvxbqf igjybp biuwj fskgh ofkxe kats lgcv dlz rmud mtk dcwnoa qanzd jnwgum